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Everything posted by Av8ferg

  1. No, started feeling bad about 3 hrs ago. Having chills but temp seems normal. GI is biggest problem. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Gents, not good news on the home front here. Today I started having some concerning symptoms. GI issues and a mild fever and chills. Hoping it subsides. Wife also got an email that they’re probably going to let her go. Hospital is losing money since there are no elective surgeries now and revenue dropped 65% in the last two weeks. They can’t afford to keep some salary employees. This sucks! I was supposed to go back to work on Monday but just called in sick. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hey, if you need a couple N95 masks to get you over the hump let me know. I bought some mid-Jan when they’re were everywhere at normal prices. My wife an I discussed donating our extras masks to our local hospital when. I work for an airline....I get it. You can’t really be away from people . Let me know and I’ll ask my wife. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The Navy just relieved my buddy who is the Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt because he sounded the alarm when he had over 300 sailers positive for COVID-19. This pisses me off. I know no more capable guy to lead a Nuclear Aircraft Cartier. The Navy is always more worried about its image than it’s people. This is one of the reasons I retired. The more senior you get the more you have to kiss the ring. People are too afraid to speak truth to power because it would hurt their career. He did the right thing and they crapped on him. https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0OdhtrMT?pd=04Goq6lT&s=i4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. How about “Time Plate” If not I vote for Easy Time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. As predicted places are seeing increases in civil unrest and crime around the world. People that live day to day and shop daily for food are being pushed to the brink. We are on a razors edge if we don’t get our hands wrapped around this. How long can we hold our breath? https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/03/30/coronavirus-italy-update-bbc https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/inside-us-militarys-plans-stop-civil-disturbances-amid-coronavirus-pandemic-something-they-1493485%3famp=1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Did I just wake up in 1986? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Speechless! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Okay, I just drove by a gas station in TN and fuel was $1.49 a gallon. WTF! This is pandemic is flipping everything upside down. I just read an article that global oil storage capacity will be full by June. There is no where to store it and production will be cut severely. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ha! You can’t hang that raw meat out for me and then want to end the discussion. My wife does these parting shots as she walks out the door so I can’t respond to her. I could write a 5 page essay countering your musket argument but we are on the wrong forum for that. BTW, We don’t need nukes to take Canada just a few Texans. Hey, we can be comrades and disagree....much love from here! I flew with the CF-18 squadron on a Canada set in 2002. Great dudes! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. While I think this is an interesting debate, with passionate opinions on either side, there are forums dedicated to the topic already. I’m never an advocate of squelching the free exchange of ideas. People can choose what to read or contribute to on any forum. The people on this forum seem mature, well-informed and don’t fly off the handle with absurd comments or emotions when people disagree. Zed Head and I disagree on much of this topic but that in itself by no means lowers my respect for him. I don’t harbor any negative opinions about him. Challenging ideas is good for everyone. I don’t don’t dislike someone that loves Buick’s when I think they are garbage. We can differ and still respect each other; something out society’s severely lacking. With that said, I come to this forum for Z car talk. I’d be happy to table the discussion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. This is not good. If supply chains for food and essentials breaks down it get serious fast. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/supplies-are-starting-to-get-really-tight-nationwide-as-food-distribution-systems-break-down
  13. Okay, on the list. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Sorry posted that prior to you starting the new thread. Back to covid here I guess. Let me put my guns away first. ✌️
  15. Real life is 3.7 million home break-ins a year. That’s the government stats, it sure is real to those 3.7 million families. https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/ascii/vdhb.txt
  16. So you need just the plug or he lamp too? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Capt Brett Crozier is a close friend of mine. Super great and capable guy. We served in Japan together ( he’s a Navy F-18 driver) and on the USS Mt Whitney during Libya. I know him very very well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I don’t live in an unsafe place. My kids and wife live in a safe city, doubt it’s less safe than yours. This point of the conversation was people wanting to own guns during this pandemic. I get that people might be worried that the police might not be able to help if we had a looting event. It won’t happen where I live most likely or where you live but not everyone has the option of moving especially now. Hopefully it doesn’t happen anywheres. It’s a viable alternative to people that own a store, or have property to protect. Nothing wrong with a shotgun to get someone to go to a different house or store. Having a stockpile of guns is something entirely different. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I live in one of the safest places in the US. Never heard of a homicide in my city. This doesn’t mean I should lay back and take no precautions. My handgun sits in a safe harming no one, it’s an inanimate object. I also have term life insurance I never plan on using but I have it because cost of not It having it is too high. Sure hoarding guns is stupid. I have only what I need. You forgot I work in one of the most dangerous cities in America. #2 in the below article. I drive between the airport and my apartment between 11pm and 3am. I’ve seen cops patrolling on foot with shotguns. It’s a dangerous city! I can’t can’t afford to be killed by some drug addict. I’m in neighborhood near St. Judes hospital. We had a lady robbed killed in her garage unloading groceries two years ago, .5 miles from my apartment. We are all shaped by our life experiences. I will share a very personal story. I lived in Queens,NY when I was 11, it was 1981. I was kidnapped walking home from school. I was dragged into a car by my neck by a man. I was trapped in his car in the front seat. He went to take a turn on to a highway and released me momentarily at which point I jumped out of the passenger door at 40 mph and was severely injured. That event impacted my life forever. I’ve watched a friend die on a roof top in Iraq hit by a sniper. My roommate never came home from a mission, shot down over the Tigris River and drown. I lost by best friend im 2012 in Afghanistan. We had a company pilot shot on I-240 in Memphis 2 years ago. These things change who you are. The price of being unprepared are too high. Life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. The combat stories are different but violent death close to you changes who you are forever. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox13memphis.com/top-stories/woman-identified-in-murder-on-mud-island-/643810449/%3foutputType=amp https://www.airlinepilotforums.com/fedex/107927-i-240-airways-shooting.html We had one of our planes hijacked in 1995. Pilots were struck in head by a hammer inflight. They finally subdued the hijacker. These is real life events. So maybe I’m just screw up, by my past experiences. Most never face these things, and that’s the way it should be. https://m.escapehere.com/destination/25-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us-in-2019/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. No difference in buying guns vs TP? You can’t protect your property and family with TP? The only similarity that both items have is scarcity and people what things they think they may not be able to buy. Home invasions are real. My wife’s brother’s family needed counseling for the kids after their invasion. He wasn’t a gun believer before but is a trained owner now. When a man puts a knife on your 8 year old daughter’s throat and says he will kill her if you don’t comply it’s a life changing moment. I personally believe a man’s ultimate responsibility it to provide and protect his family at any cost. We alway hope the police will be there but it not always the case. My Glock 19 is in a biometric safe on my nightstand with only my and my wife’s fingerprints. It’s loaded in condition 1 with a light mounted. Two years ago, I was confronted in Memphis outside an AutoZone buying a fan belt for my Z. The man wanted money before he would step away from the driver’s door. I asked him kindly to leave and he made a threatening gesture and said “I ain’t playing white boy”. This is when I took 5 steps back and displayed my Glock 26 in a concealed appendix holster. He immediately ran away. The point is you can’t always depend on the police. One of my Marines had a man enter his car at a Wendy’s drive thru in Alabama with a knife. My SSgt had a gun. He put 5 bullets in the man and killed him. He was released with no charges. Look what Korean’s did in La in the Rodney King riots. Where where the police? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Okay, so I land back in TN at 11pm tonight. My flight home isn’t until the next afternoon so I’ll be off in the AM to dig around one of my favorite yards in the boonies. This is the one with a 240, three 280’s and God know how many 300’s. It a pandemic safe haven because I’ve only ever seen one other person there. It’s a fun place to dig around. I have several parts requests from members. To include a passenger side rear wheel well plate to steering wheel column plastic. I personally need a lower alternator mount for my engine rebuild and few other odds and ends. There is also an L28/N47 Maxima in this yard. I’m going to check out all the 300 diffs also to see if there is a forgotten LSD there. Please send your parts requests and I’ll do the best I can. Unfortunately, no major items because I just called the yard to make sure they’re open and he said it been raining all day. It’s going to be a muddy mess.
  22. He’s the most intelligent person I’m hearing on their pandemic. He’s a real leader and I like his non-partisan view.
  23. Pilgrim, I both agree and disagree with your post. The first comment I have is that you are expecting logic from the general population. We have a profoundly illogical population that has been indoctrinated by everything from failed public schools, social media, Hollywood and the music entertainment business. Most people are truly ignorant. Our role models are people like Eminem, Snoop Dog or The Kardashians. Look a the majority of movies produced these day, they’re for ignorant people. A minority percent are mentally enlightening or intellectually stimulating. It’s all blow stuff up, special effects and stupid jokes with a plot my Labrador could follow and it’s a reflection of society. People are incredibly ignorant. From people not buying Corona Beer to the guy who drank fish tank cleaner because it has a type chloroquine in it and hydroxychlorquine is one of the drugs being used in the COViD cases. You are expecting people to have the same thought processes as you do, it’s not going to happen. Like anything you buy, it you buy during the rush you pay more. Most quality guns can be sold very easily for about what you paid for them. Buy a stainless Colt or Springfield 1911 and it will always be worth about what you paid for it. Buy crappy stuff, it’s worth crap. I sold my Sig last week for more than I paid for it. I sold a Keltec KSG for a $100 profit two years ago. You need to be a smart buying and selling. Not much different than buying a Z. Finally, People want to protect themselves from a home invasion. Remember logic and truth are not the same, something can be logical but not true. Philosophy 101 from college. It may be logical to own a gun to protect your family but the truth is, it’s statistically more dangerous to own in the untrained hands then the chances of a home invasion. It’s the world we live in, I can’t control the masses, just what I do. I own guns because it’s a hobby I enjoy, I do tactical shooting, and very comfortable with guns, we have a zombie range near me and it’s really fun to run it. When you carry a weapon for 7 months all day and night in a place like Iraq, they become part of you. I never went anywhere without it, ever. Sleep, Eat, crap, fly, smoke cigars while armed all the time, never more that 3 feet away. Most people aren’t that comfortable with guns and thus more dangerous that just not owning it.
  24. But can you leave the sheep in the barn alone? Sorry had to go there. I agree, America is a vast place, it’s not Compton where most of us live except Captain Obvious. Philly is the place of brotherly love until there is no TP!
  25. So the Federal background check has to happen for each weapon each time a purchase is made. The weapons serial number is placed on the form and act as a tracking mechanism if the weapon is found at a crime. My father had a 9mm stolen from his San Antonio hotel room in 1995. In 2014 he received a call from a police department in NC stating the handgun was used during a home invasion. They tracked the gun back to original owner (him) when the Background check was accomplished. They ending up sending my Dad his gun back and I own it now. So here is the connection to Covid-19. Guns and ammo have intrinsic value. They’re value really doesn’t go down. I sold a pistol last week. He paid me $540 cash for a weapon I bought in 2007 and shot many times. I made money on the sale. They retain value and are easily sold for $$ or other resources. Try that with a blender or almost other consumer products. 2 - people watch too many movie and think they’ll be Rambo but seriously people see them as a way to protect their family if Law And Order brakes down. My father used to tell as a young boy, “99.999% of the time you will never need a gun, but the .001% of the time you do, you really need it and it will could be the difference between life and death”. Not sure if there is any truth to that but he was a 2 tour Vietnam Marine and looked at the world different than most and had a clear case of PTSD. Guns are insurance in an insure world. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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