Everything posted by UM240
72 Brake booster
May you can take this one https://www.ebay.de/itm/281847926362?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-134425-41852-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=281847926362&targetid=1713533834564&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9043543&poi=&campaignid=17731953013&mkgroupid=142643597030&rlsatarget=aud-1161033851497:pla-1713533834564&abcId=9301016&merchantid=110057955&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzdOlBhCNARIsAPMwjbz5DIjewKNOMLic70yCewWkHf8HCfvLVeIG8U1UzDfwC778aUrl4lQaAjoeEALw_wcB
Radio Options
that is fantastic. My next project is to build new keys for the retrosound with the help of 3-D Print
Brake Booster 6” kit
☺️Oh yes, you are right... thats my blame ... it is the one from my original booster and not correctly fitted. That's the problem with old part
Brake Booster 6” kit
Brake Booster 6” kit
Here are a few pictures to compare the (not original) booster 6" out of my 240Z and the russion made booster
Need to buy Brake Booster Reaction Disk (Disc)
Brake Booster 6” kit
my is 6inches, i will send a few pictures when i am back from Danmark,
Brake Booster 6” kit
Seat Covers for 02/1971, where to find
Yes, thats nomaly my Source and i wrote them, if they will have them back in Stock ... but i got no answer. So i just have to place an order?
Seat Covers for 02/1971, where to find
- Modern paint for 240 paint codes
240z values - 4 speed vs 5 speed
Hallo, the normal Diff for the 4speed in the us was the 3.364 , so with the Euro 5Speed you have the 3,9 and with the last gear ratio of 0,852 it is the same overall ratio 3,3228 and no noisereduktion on our Autobahn
240z values - 4 speed vs 5 speed
Hallo from Luebeck, that is an very interesting information for me, .... the first gear gets a bit looooong ... i am thinking about this since two years, the FS5C71A has first gear 2,957 the FS5C71B has 2.906 just a little bit longer, so with your information i will surre use the diff from an automatik car with 3.545 insted of 3.364. Thank you
240z values - 4 speed vs 5 speed
fs5c71a was in euro 240z til the end off 1971, so i own an us 240z from 2/1971 i will swap to this gearbox. I already bought an fs5c71a with the spacial driveshaft because we like it in germany to drive on the AUTOBAHN 😁,
what is the stock MasterVac fore 1969 to 1972 240Z
Hi, i am just wondering, what was the stock master vac fore 240Z from 1969 p to 1972? If you look at the z-stores in the us , they often write 7" .... in my car from 2/ 1971, i have a 6" and if you look at the Nissan spare parts list they write 6" You can not find any parts fore the 6" master vac in the US, so i surged in europe an fond a 6inch master vac an the parts that can be used with minor modifications. Why???
differential insulator early one
Super, , thats what i am looking for, perfect🙂
differential insulator early one
is there somebody/company able to make the rubber new?
Another 1972 240Z Vintage Z Program Car up for Auction on BaT
Sold ...... crasy?
240Z Vintage Rubber Floor Mats AMCO
So nice, Gott them already, thank you very mutch. They are in Florida and will be shipt to Germany next month.
Poly Bushings for Transverse Link and Spindle Pin
Poly suspension install
Rust Advice 78 280z
Sorry for my english,.... yes i did ... but not on this car. With Sandblasting i got the best results, but it is only an good idea when you strip the car totaly down. Any kind of rotating tool is a muck and the rust ist still there. I am working ower 35 years with the old metall of cars and bikes and believe me, i tried a lot of different tools to remove the "Rost".
Rust Advice 78 280z
the scootershop is in Germany ...... ?, my results with rostdelete are better than every other possebility to rmove the rost without dird everywhere in the car ... look at my foors
Rust Advice 78 280z
Hello, yes would call it so , here is a link to the german webside https://www.rostdelete.de/ and a video i beleeve you can find the same in the US