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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. ok, I just cut it to length and all is good, doors fit fine, now to do the passenger side.
  2. What do you think this thread is all about?
  3. stock 240z cross section. I did put on the kia ws on the drivers opening. I didn't cut it to fit yet, The door closes well but when opening trying to open it is a little tough. That could be because I left it long at the hinge side and might be binding. All in all it's a very good replacement even with used weatherstripping.
  4. Demanding aren't you? I went out to the salvage yard today. I found 5 pieces of weather strip. The rear doors have the same profile but are roughly 18" shorter than the front doors. In a pinch they could do with pieces left over from a longer set. The bend is not a formed part of the weatherstrip. It was bent at the time of installation. It does have the metal ribs inside the weatherstrip. I am sure the bend could be a part of a straight section given the right manipulation. As with all used weatherstrip there may be areas that are ripped torn or mangled. Start on end of the bad portion and cut. I have not installed this yet, but I plan on mitering the ends where the pieces come together. That portion will also be on the vertical area where the hinges are with the mitered end from the top will be angled down on the outside which should channel any water to the outside of the jamb.
  5. Well it really is a nice flat surface. It was the cement truck we had to watch when he was doing the temporary apex curbing.
  6. We had the zoning done and use permit by january of '08, then it was left to get the money raised. When we did, we broke ground Aug 15th of '08 and it was paved in about 2 months. The paving was done in one continuous pour running 3 strips around. We do have one more lift to go with polymerized material but we have to wait for more money from our paving fund. There are 3 propose "country club" tracks in the area. As of yet they are still trying to raise money. Genoa Motorsports park Ring of the Rockies (Klause Wagner?) Pikes Peak International Raceway is proposing a road course outside the oval/roval.
  7. I just posted updates on the progress of our new track. It really is an impressive feat to get 12 individual clubs together with club members to design, build, donate their time money and experience to get this done. It took $3.8 million to buy the land and build a 36' wide 2.55 mile road course with partial paddock, and that was at the time the gas prices were sky high. The land 460 acres of which only 220 are being use for now was $395K, about a million cheaper than anything closer to Denver. We are a 60 minute drive from the center of Denver and 17 miles to the nearest towns. It's all interstate and us highway to get there from denver. We were able to get free jersey barriers from the defunct denver grand prix, we just had to pay to move them. $80k. Very, very heavy and a lot of barriers. The tires were free as well, but again we had to pay for shipping for a tire plant in OK. $30K. The bad thing about the tires was that there was at least 100 different sizes. Try getting that many sizes together and have a decent looking tire wall. There was probably about 200 volunteers max to bolt together and place the tire barriers, most of those were one timers just so they can say they "helped" , it too bad because one of those groups bolted them together wrong and we had to do it all over again. I'm glad they didn't come out another day. Read the history link on the HPR web site that gives you an idea of how we got it done and the history of our old track, second creek raceway that was near DIA. You may think the land is flat east of denver, we have great elevation changes and the track uses them to make an exciting road circuit. This is where the money came from to build it. $700K as seed money form when the clubs ran our old track for 8 yrs after we bought the lease. $250K from the 5 member clubs($50k ea. 4 single clubs and a 5th one with 8 individual clubs) $2 million in private placement loans from individual club members loaning $50k each. We can't forget the designer and developer and all the others that did pro bono work to get the zoning change we needed and the permitting done to allow us to use it for motorsports. That could have been up to $600k to get all that done. Now the most impressive, we had roughly 1200 people donate any where from $25 to over $10K for a total of $850K. Can you tell that I am still excited at what our amateur clubs made happen? It's even more exciting to actually drive on it.
  8. oop, I just reread my first post. It should be an 11mm wrench for the solo bleed. It's probably a good idea to keep glass away from where I'll working. I still need to get a longer hose. The one I'm using is a little short. Weather and sign ups(at least 10) permitting we have had open lapping days on most weekends. We alternate days for cars and bikes. It will be sunny and close to 50 this saturday. The track manager saw coyote tracks this morning and huge jackrabbit that we call Bob. I'm sure we'll get at least one big snow storm before winter and spring are over. And I hope this year wasn't like last year. When the track opened it was nothing but snow the first two weekends and both of the z club track days we had rain. Scroll down till you see the snow.
  9. Replacing the tank would be cheaper than getting a used compressor. It can also be repaired by a certified welder. In your climate, drain daily. The air pressure will clear out the water if cracked open a hair. Replace the drain valve with a ball valve. They also make an automatic drain, but if you don't use it continually it's overkill. Tony D is a compressor tech if you search on zcar you will find some of his recommendations.
  10. This is what I use. http://www.mpsracing.com/products/Earls/Solo-Bleed.asp and http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c301/dlh2460/solobleeder.jpg I have the jar sitting on a bench to keep it elevated and keep an eye on the fluid coming out and use a 2' pry bar to pump the pedal. The only thing that would be nice is to have the bottle of brake fluid sit on top of the reservoir like a water bottle to keep it topped off. Harbor frieght does have the brake bleeder kit with hand pump and "water bottle" The earl's solo bleed are great. The spring keeps pressure so the fluid doesn't escape, but let's it out when pressing the pedal. There are also the russell speed bleeders using a spring and ball bearing, but I prefer earl's. http://www.russellperformance.com/mc/speed/domestic.shtml Here's the harbor freight bleeder kit. You can see the bottle to refill the reservoir. You use it with compressed air. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=92924&xcamp=google&utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=cpc&zmam=33951326&zmas=12&zmac=112&zmap=92924
  11. Not only a moisture collection system, but a dryer.
  12. It's great when you can find an unmolested 240z that runs and drives. And how do you it's a complete rust bucket? How are the floorpans? The only serious rust I see is the passenger side fender. Not enough pics to judge the rest of the car. Which car would you get if the one that runs and has all interior parts but is a complete rust bucket? I would get both and transfer all the usable parts over to this shell. I would not cut this one up just to patch a running rust bucket. Even if I was in CA and looking for a 240z, the first thing I would look at would be the condition of the body. I don't care what the mechanicals are like. I'm not looking to restore something back to stock. I want a car I can enjoy with the parts to make it better. This looks to have original paint, some surface rust. Just get a car with serious rust issues and use that as interior and mechanical donor.
  13. The guys in the rust belt would kill for a shell like that.
  14. I saw that on craigs list. Thanks for posting more pics. If it's as solid as it looks, $500 would be a good price.
  15. We'll have to get the whole zroad group together.
  16. I had a great track day yesterday. But I was missing one thing and it became apparent during the hard braking areas of the track. I couldn't stop so i decided to bleed the brakes in the paddock. I got everything out, miracle whip jar, the glass kind, 1mm wrench for the solo bleeders from russel(great solo bleeders btw). Then I looked for my brake fluid, DOH!!. I left it sitting in my shed. Nobody had any dot3 in the paddock which i expected. So I drove 40 rt to the nearest napa store. Got back, bled the brakes and everything was right with the world. I even stalked and passed a ferrari. Granted he was just poking along, but I passed him none the less. I know you're going to say why I didn't get it on camera. I wold have except my rechargable batteries aren't so rechargable when it real cold out. I really need to get it hard wired into the car.
  17. John must have had problems with the classifieds. That car is a great car. He also has a couple of roadsters, one undergoing a restoration and another 2k with a sr20dt or whatever the turbo 4 cylinders are. It was fast with just the original 2.0, but with the new motor it's insanely fast. The paint shines up good. He could pick them out real quick, but you would have to studying the paint to pick most of the blemishes. He's very thorough when selling items on ebay. If he had only put a reserve instead of the BIN, it could have gone a lot higher.
  18. first thing to do before paint is to get the rest of the glass out. Especially if the windshield and hatch gaskets are original. What was the original color?
  19. I've been trying ya picky bastard!! Yeah, clean 240's in your price range are hard to find now a days. But we did find one just out of your set price. It does have some nice goodies on it that you might upgrade a total stock 240z with. I'll be away from the computer all day tomorrow while i have fun at the track. :-D www.highplainsraceway.com
  20. I don't see why people want to use anything other than dot 3 on a street driven car. Now if you were to take it to the track a few times a month then yes. I still use dot3 and take my car to the track at least twice a year. You just want to make sure you have clean fluid before track events. But then i don't follow that rule either. I'll have to try and take my to the limit tomorrow at the track.
  21. ok, bear with me here. Watch nat'l lampoons christmas vacation when Clark was trying to get the lights to light up. Could the battery tender be hooked up to the garage lights? Yeah, I know I don't have enough to do today.
  22. ok Max, pics or it didn't happen.
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