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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. I would like to point out that you do NOT have to use a gm mount with the rt mount. You can use a bump stop along with the stock mount. Less money using bump stops you can get at any auto parts store. This will also keep the diffy at the stock alignment. I just wanted to point out there are other alternatives when you go with a rt mount.
  2. Keep in mind, roostmonkey only makes them when he has a call for them, then he will make more than enough to satisfy demand at the time and then some. He can't afford to keep a large stock on hand. I can attest to the quality of his work and it works perfectly when I used a generic bump stop. I didn't have to spend the money on a gm mount or the bolts to mount it. It keeps the driveline in perfect alignment with stock drivetrain just like stock. There are other ways to contact roostmonkey. Not everybody uses the forwarded reply in their posts. You should pm or email directly. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=1089962#post1089962 If I were to make a rt mount, I would make it 1/2" shorter to easily clear the fuel and brake lines in the tranny tunnel. Then I would have to cut the bump stop just a bit shorter.
  3. oregon is pretty nice too. redwood nat'l forest north entrance visitors center, don't miss that. tillamook oregon, must see the air museum in a huge blimp hangar. astoria- beautiful seaside town.
  4. watch out for the birds in Bodega bay above san fran. They can be nasty little buggers.
  5. make sure they didn't mix it up with a 240sx part.
  6. he might have OD'd on the ralston road cafe special.
  7. I had the same set up on my '73. Since it didn't work I just got rid of it. I didn't pay much attention to the tensioner or bracket. But you can probably match the bearing and replace it yourself. If your a/c still works just match the bearing. If you want a cleaner looking install then go with a new a/c compressor. It's not just the compreesor that would need changed, new hoses among other things to consider.
  8. Yes, you can match the bearing, any bearing supply store should be able to help. you can probably press the bearing on and off yourself by being creative with a bench vice, sockets, or nut and botl with a couple of large washers. Or just bring the parts to a garage and have them do it. The stock 280zx bearings are pretty easy, not sure what that set up is like.
  9. Darrel


    Now you're going to have to fish instead of driving to the grocery store!
  10. That's just a little dusting. I shoveled the snow off the driveway this morning and it was still snowing. Even without the sun it was warm enough to keep the driveway clear. So yes, the roads should dry out good enough to get to denver. Yeah, no need for chains.
  11. Frankie's not afraid of a little snow. It'll blow through and the hiways will be dry by tomorrow afternoon.
  12. any generic auto parts store can help with the tune up parts. The main thing you would want to do is go through all the fuel lines, fuel tank, oil, radiator, brakes, carbs, etc before even thinking of getting it started first thing
  13. Great info guys. John, Wouldn't using stock 280z springs on a 240z lower the ride height along with the benefit of having a stronger spring rate?
  14. How old are the seals for the front and back glass? If they are hard then it would be a better idea to cut them out and use new seals. Cutting the old gaskets shouldn't break the glass.
  15. stay away from oiless compressors. They are only marginally good for airing up tires.
  16. From what I have read, the RT mount was designed to move the front of the diffy down when doing a v8 swap. When they started selling, people found out that you can use the stock mount and a different top mount that cost less than a gm mount. I used a frame bump stop and the stock mount. The bump stop acts just like the stock strap, except that it doesn't stretch like the strap. You just need to cut or grind the bump stop to fit. You can leave a little room between the bump stop and the diff, or make the fit snug. Either way you do it the diff is sandwhiched between 2 mounts. Check the other links below this thread, I am sure there is another thread going into a little more detail.
  17. snow, smow. weather in denver and colorado is over rated. You guys from out of state only see the news whenever a snow storm hits and think it's like this all winter. It is not! Earlier this week the temp was 84F. It isn't unheard of to get temps in the 70's in winter. We have our cold spells and one or two snow storms, but the cold temps we have is a dry cold. ;-) If you continue on your trip this week, a few early z's will make a trip to our new track for open lapping on the 30th for an afternoon session. You have my number in case you're in the area.
  18. This is a sticky on hybridz. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=125046
  19. One end is threaded on both check valves. The rsolution isn't very good on the OEM part.
  20. You're going to like the later 5 spd. Since it's a close ratio the shift from 2nd to 3rd is a lot better than the earlier 4 and 5 speeds no matter the gearing of the rear end.
  21. But then it could also have been caused by a drop bear. Been to Australia lately?
  22. K cars-- had a couple at the rental lot that had the back glass shattered while closing the door. Driving home from the ski slopes in a '80 510, the drivers door glass shattered. This was probably about 6pm and no other cars around going 60 along I-70.
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