4 spd vs 5 spd shifters 280z not 280zx.
You can use the 4 spd lever(longer bottom end/pivot) in a 5 spd. But you will see two marks below the pivot point caused by the lever hitting the cutout in the shift rod.
bottom portion of 5 spd(left), 4 spd(right), you can see the marks let by the shift rod cup. If you were to grind that area down on both sides of the lever, it will completely go into gear. The 5 spd is 1/4 to 5/16" shorter than the 4 spd. Most have no problem going completely into gear, but the marks make me think it is stopping the trans going completely into gears.
The zx lever with the plastic bushing. You can swap the bushing over one direction is has the 5 spd location of the pivot, flip it the other direction it is in the 4 spd location.
$55 is way too much for a shifter lever. Just find a 4 spd and grind where the marks are and call it good.
In lumens pics above, the two levers on the left came from a truck transmission. They all look to be for 4 spds(long bottom pivot)