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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. 4 spd vs 5 spd shifters 280z not 280zx. You can use the 4 spd lever(longer bottom end/pivot) in a 5 spd. But you will see two marks below the pivot point caused by the lever hitting the cutout in the shift rod. bottom portion of 5 spd(left), 4 spd(right), you can see the marks let by the shift rod cup. If you were to grind that area down on both sides of the lever, it will completely go into gear. The 5 spd is 1/4 to 5/16" shorter than the 4 spd. Most have no problem going completely into gear, but the marks make me think it is stopping the trans going completely into gears. The zx lever with the plastic bushing. You can swap the bushing over one direction is has the 5 spd location of the pivot, flip it the other direction it is in the 4 spd location. $55 is way too much for a shifter lever. Just find a 4 spd and grind where the marks are and call it good. In lumens pics above, the two levers on the left came from a truck transmission. They all look to be for 4 spds(long bottom pivot)
  2. you could try one of those wires that's used to clean out evaporative (swamp)cooler water lines. Not sure of the diameter.
  3. http://www.new-datsun-parts.com/datsun-240Z-parts-exterior2.html
  4. Here's another version. I guess it would depend on the location of the clamp.
  5. Probably won't find any for the master anywhere. Go to auto zone, bigA, oreilly's etc for the wheel cylinders. They will have to order them.
  6. never use datsunpartsllc or whatever his name of the month is for mechanicals. buyer beware.
  7. outside of ebay, he can't even leave you negative feedback. You're just out the $500. Let it go and move on. There is nothing he can do. But we would like to see the ebay ad.
  8. it's a roll pin, you will need a very small punch to drive it out.
  9. When replacing the master, did you use the old rod or the new one?
  10. I'm going to have to check out your '72 sometime.
  11. swap the positive post closer to engine, in stock form the positive post was under the fender.
  12. thanks, only asking because one side is NLA. Both inner are the same on my '97 altima, was wondering why they couldn't be used the same way with z car inners as long as the outer tie rod went with the same inner.
  13. What is the main difference between the left and right inner tie rod? Measurements the same only the thread is different RH vs LH? Outer tie rods the same except for RH vs LH threads as well? Are they regular thread going onto the rack?
  14. Yes, it is spot welded. I have a couple of friends with the same failure. Not sure if they have done anything to it yet. Another spot weld would be ideal. until then maybe some tek screws as a temp fix.
  15. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/su-carb-central/52268-good-news-floats-hitachis-have-been-sourced.html From Bruce's thread in May.
  16. what is the real vin number stamped on the driver side firewall?
  17. the nipple where the hose connects to is fine. It was the long brass/bronze that pulled out of the plastic piece. Looking through the parts fische, it looks like there is an oring. It is more or less still there. With what little pressure there is on the area, i don't think it will come out again or leak.
  18. About ready to install the gas tank. Straps painted and "new" insulators for the straps.(undercoated ratchet strap material.) Now I have to deal with a broken bolt that hold on the balance tube and the #6 exhaust stud.
  19. Got it all cleaned up and used my vise to seat the tube in the whatchamacallit. Made sure it was seated in as far as the other nozzle. Judging by the force used it is an interference fit and very tight. If it used any type of sealant, I didn't see any. Getting ready to put the gas tank back in. But now have to deal with a broken bolt that holds on the balance tube and #6 exhaust stud.
  20. While working on a set of gummed up carbs, one of the tubes came out of the feed nozzle. Yes, really gummed up. Is it an interference fit or does it need some kind of adhesive or cement to keep the nozzle in the feed nozzle? The first carb went well and ready to put back on the car.
  21. Get it ready for June 28th. ZCCC track day.
  22. Don't drain the trans fluid until you get the fill plug out first.
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