House mover needed to pick up and move kenz240z garage with it's contents to me, with a stop over around the corner to pick up a 4 post lift and bridgeport from ncol. Then bring them down to broomfield. ;-) Kenz240z, Pop's Z, ncol and I got together saturday to change oil and crack open a few transmissions. One 4 speed was junk and Ken will be able to use it as a core for the 5 spd. The late 5 spd is great on the inside, but the tail housing has a bad bushing which scored the driveshaft yoke. I'm not sure if a speedy sleeve will work on the driveshaft with a new bushing or not. The early 5 spd looks ok except for when a previous owner dropped the tail and broke the end of the tail shaft. A new tail shaft for the early 5 spd will make that one usable. As we found out the 4 spd tail shaft won't work. Ken, thanks again for the use of the lift. Glen(ncol) it was good to finally meet you. Mike, thanks for letting me drive your car, it let me know what I was missing with a 2.4 ingine in a 240.