Hello Madkaw, read ur post/reply! I'm new to this posting/reply stuff so bare with me! After reading your post I'm not clear if ur describing current problems with ur z or just replying in general to this topic! I've had many of these zcars, (240-280's) and being new to the Classic zcars forms, too which I read em and see zcar owners needing help so I'd like to help! There's not a part on a zcar I haven't had in my hands, apart/reassembled or replaced so I'd like to help anyone having zcar issues! In the fuel delivery system (on these zcars) from tank to engine and back via "ReturnLine"! If your not aware, "Gas" has a limited time before breaking back down to it's initial state "TAR"! Thus, when anyone encountering a car that sat for long time (2-5years or more) the first thing he "must do" is drain/check tank, check pickup tube & screen: "ALWAYS BEFORE EVER TURNING THE ENGINE OVER"!!!! Secondly, "Regardless" if ur inspection of the gas tank, pickup tube/screen/sending unit looks good, your next move is to disconnect the returnLine coming off/from the Fuel Pressure Regulator then the Fuel delivery line to the gas filter to check if clogged or gas flow being hindered (slow flow)! If OK, great; but both lines ("Plus the TankVent Line Going To The Emission Canister") should be blown out by air hose/pressure)! NOTE: The Fuel Line has to be disconnected at three location's due to having 3 separate lines! (1)Line at Tank to fuel pump, (2) Line from pump to Filter, (3) Filter to FuelPressureRegulator! The Fuel return line and Emissions VentLine can just be blow out! Next is the Fuel pump, which is also bulletproof! The pump, if it's turning/making sound then it's working! But since it's cooled only by gas flowing through it simply attach a fuel line from a gas container that has clean gas "90" octane mixed with "Marvell's Mystery Oil", (great stuff that clean's/lubricates entire fuel system, injectors, intake valves,etc)! Also add it to the new oil, which you must change also regardless how oil in engine may look and feel! Oil is gas and Gas is oil, they both break down over time! Once you have fuel line attached to the Fuel pump your ready to test it/allow it to clean itself of all the old gas and or gunk into another catch container so you can see it! Once all above is done just inspect all rubber lines, clamps, rubber seal at gas tank sending unit and replace anything bad if needed! I advise to change all the rubber gas lines, old clamps, and tank rubber o-ring seal with new ones since ur there and due to Old age of the rubber lines, seal! Then reassemble everything, add 5gal's "90" octane mixed with MARVELL'S MYSTERY OIL! Since the Fuel pump is only activated when cranking the engine I simply run a Hot Wire from battery to pump + wire and just let the pump do it's job, pumping fuel up to Filtef, thru the FPR and back to Fuel tank via returnLine! To see if fuel is flowing simply redirect the fuel return line into a container (AWAY FROM ENGINE COMPARTMENT TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL FIRE")! Fuel will, ("must be seen") coming from fuel ReturnLine into container! Yes, the next test is the fuel injectors! Simply try to start engine ("Only if you've already freed up the engine!i.e. oiled cylinders then turned engine by hand!)! It will start, if not, make sure you have spark at plugs! All plugs! If there's spark then you have to remove fuel rail to examine injector's spraying fuel when cranking engine and or you can also activate the fuel pump, let it run, and with another hot wire simply remove wires off injector's and hot wire them one by one, "BUT BEWARE" you can only tap the hot wire to the injectors for a "mico second"!!!! Just tap the injectors to see if their spraying or clogged! The too have a very fine screen inside them! If they're spraying Cool, If not check ECM Fuse Relay for power, and fuse in box under dash on passenger side wall!