Everything posted by MM569457
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
I got it off. I did make a big dumb, I now have to replace the steel fuel line. The positive is I now know what flared wrenches are. Now going to buy 25 feet of steel line and 10mm fittings.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Alright it’s been a minute since my last post. With Covid, military deployment overseas, and the car being 30 minutes away from the house made it difficult to work on the car. that being said, I’m currently rebuilding the drum brakes. Purchased a new kit from the Z-store and will be doing the rebuild this week. Settled on Konig Rewind 16x7s, but I guess they are back ordered for months…. BOOO! at any rate I need to get the car moved. Once the drum brakes are complete I can put it on a trailer and move to my house. It’s pretty dangerous with the driveway being on an incline. I will need the drum brakes working to put it on the trailer safely.
Wheel sizing
I’m trying to figure out if I need to get a 4x114.3mm to 4x100 conversion/spacer. A lot of online stores says it doesn’t fit the 280z
Wheel sizing
4x100 is the stud pattern
Wheel sizing
Greeting! I am looking to put new wheels on my 280z. It is currently at my fathers house on blocks. I need to get it moved ASAP due to foundation issues, but the brakes are 50% complete and the drivetrain is pulled out. I am looking at getting Enkei92 classics placed on. From what I gather, it is +25mm offset, would it be safe to assume I’d need to get 4x100 spacers? I’ve seen conflicting information on these wheels for fitment. I want to make sure they wheels will fit. thanks!
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
ended up buying a used tank from a parts car that was still running in Fort Worth. I cleaned it up. And was able to install it today. Just need 3 more hose clamps and the fuel system is done.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
I was able to reinstall both half-shafts today. Pretty easy work. The gas tank may need to be replaced, the radiator shop I dropped it off at said the varnish is too gunked up. They will try one final time to clean out the tank. May need to find a new gas tank.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Ok I’ve been gone for a few months. Spring time means time to start working on the Z again. good progress, I had the R200 rear end installed. Gas tank has been dropped off for cleaning.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
I’ll keep these comments in mind when I reinstall the sending unit.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
4.5 psi for a carbureted engine. I was told fuel dampers aren’t needed for after market pumps.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
That’s what I suspect.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
After market sway bar from what dad told me. Mounting brackets probably couldn’t support the weight.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Control arms are out. Removing the rear diff crossmember the suspension sway bar gave way. Gave me bit of a fright. More repair work.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Debating. I want to have this car running again by spring, but fighting the differential is taking time. Me thinks I may keep the differential in, and proceed to brakes, wheels, and engine/trans install and make the differential job for next summer.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Trying to remove the half shafts from the rear differential, did not expect this to be much of a chore. Decided to liberally spray all the bolts with WD40 and try again tomorow. Sending unit has been sitting in CLR for a few days, about to scrub it down again.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Yea punch bowl is my mother’s. She has since passed away and I actually grabbed it from the rubbish outside. That is after a 3 gallon bucket filled up.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Then I’ll give it a try
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Started today dropping the gas tank. I decided the garage needed to be accessible first so I did some spring cleaning. I jacked the car up and worked on removing the bolt straps keeping the gas tank in place. I’ve read people being able to do this task in 15 minutes, overall it took me 4 hours due to stubborn bolts, hoses, and clamps. I had to take a few breaks due to the varnish gas giving me headaches. Some of you guys may give advice on the gas tank. Obviously I’m getting a new sending unit due to the corrosion. This tank looks worse than others I’ve seen online in forums. the punch bowl was adhoc, my gas can was too tall to fit under the car.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Today I prepped the engine bay for painting. Sprayed simple green across the walls of the bay to scrub off dirt and grime. There were tons of grease towards the bottom. After a couple hours I actually saw portions of the original late 70s orange paint. I remember back in the 80s when the car was orange with the large crash bumpers before all the mods. I used rustolem black gloss. Most of it was completed today, but I have to finish the firewall another day. I did remove the transmission from under the car as well.... and spelled 20+ year old tranny fluid all over myself and the floor.
resurrecting a 1977 280Z
Yea it was a nightmare taking it off a 240z I owned.