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About SpeedRoo

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  • Member ID: 33269

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  • Joined: 09/15/2018

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  • Age: 64


SpeedRoo last won the day on November 29 2022

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    First car I ever drove at 100mph was a 240Z many years ago when I was 14. Coming back to the 240Z world with my engineer son and rebuilding a 1973 240Z. Car is 918 Orange and will be built to resemble a 432R on the outside.

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  1. If you have access to an ice blaster, that's where I start with a rare set of carburettors. Very gentle on the original castings and doesn't remove any metal in the process. For less valuable carbs using the ultrasonic cleaner is the easiest way to go. The trick is the right combination of chemicals to gently remove dirt/oil/corrosion. For the metal parts I strip them with EvapoRust before plating. Here's some 50 year old Dellortos I did for my 240Z restomod. I did a special set of factory development Weber 50IDF carbs for one of my V8 Vantages 20 years ago using ice blasting. They still look pretty good.
  2. If you are willing to drive up to Snohomish you'll find almost 100 sitting around in a warehouse. Do you want one that is close in spec to what you are removing from your car or will any engine do. Place is called ZSpecialities, 360 668 2979. He advertises on CraigsList quite often.
  3. Appreciate it, I had searched for 240 delivery documents but these didn't come up.
  4. Thank you, a simple answer that explains exactly what I was inquiring about. I searched for 240Z delivery documents but couldn't find anything, can you post a link to where they are please?
  5. I always love your responses as you cant resist anyone questioning you. "Typical" response...yes. I never mentioned anything about "build sheet" at all, just asked if this was with the car when delivered and what the entries on the sheet mentioned. Doesn't take much to set you off, try answering the question as you are so versed in Japanese. It's sad when someone who claims to be so knowledgeable sees a challenge to their character at every opportunity. I hope Kats can translate the sheet and what the entries mean. Here's another on for Kats to translate, came from 04684, the Green 1970 240Z on BaT. Also is it a delivery note?
  6. Great find Mike, was this with the car when delivered? Nice bit of history, I wonder what the translation is of the different sections. Also what do the numbers along the right on the third line mean?
  7. To be clear Richard, I do not have any 1971 plug wire sets.
  8. Just checked my stash. Have NOS sets dated coded 1972 and a 1973 set, white lettering. Also a set of unstamped ones I'm doing up for my car in yellow lettering for 1970. Don't have time to do the reproductions, busy developing next gen drones!
  9. 11.3cm L x 3.1cm H x 3.4cm W 3mm thick metal. Use these anti vibration mounts which can be cut down to a square shape. https://www.amazon.com/EASYEAH-Mechanical-Silent-Blocks-Compressors-M10x28-40x30mm/dp/B0D5JKBT44 I use a m10 thread PEM stud cut down to fix the damper to the bracket. https://www.pemnet.com/products/product-finder/hfh-m10-15zc/
  10. Happy to help, should be easy to make fabricate one up. Let me know if you need dimensions, I can measure up one of mine.
  11. Sadly the vulcanized rubber damper separates over time. I have a few old ones I resurrected by bolting in a rubber damper like the one below. It replaces the square rubber one between the metal plates.
  12. I believe Spyder-Man owns a number of car dealerships including a Nissan one. As a dealer they may not have to register the car until they sell it on. Both the cars 911R has listed are in Portland, Oregon currently or were recently.
  13. I think you just scratched the surface with what's wrong. Obvious ones like blue calipers, plastic grease reservoir missing off the steering rack with an open hole left, later hood etc.
  14. Ad still seems to be up https://bend.craigslist.org/cto/d/bend-1971-datsun-240z-manual/7754666674.html but now he's added another scam ad, 4 I've seen so far. Try this one on CL https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/d/redmond-1971-nissan-datsun-240z/7760766334.html and here on BaT in 2022. https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1971-datsun-240z-219/
  15. I did just that, told him I was local and wanted to see the car. Guess what, no response whatsoever. It's a common scam on CL that catches many gullible buyers out.
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