Wow, so many replies! Thanks for all that advice, I'm gonna love this place. Now to answer your posts:
But before that! I'm not currently looking to get a car, I just want to familiarize myself, as I want to get a truck beforehand. But thanks for the offers!
First checkmark: The best year is the best deal I find without rust. This is why these cars are amazing: there are no trouble years, the worst problem you can have is rust! Epitome of reliability.
Second checkmark: No big problems with the L-series or the transmissions. Is four gears enough, if you haven't swapped for the 5-speed? Also, how many miles can you go on the engine and the tranny before needing a rebuild?
Third checkmark: Yay, 2+2s exist! I prefer them because it allows more space, possibly short passengers... And I'm a tall guy, I may not even fit! The longer wheelbase allows me to toy with the seat mounts and move them back if necessary.
Fourth question mark: I looked around a bit for the 5 lug kits, they seems pretty common. Should not be a problem.
Other worth mentioning:
Electrical issues, check. I'm starting to think I'd rather have a 280z, because of that, the tranny, and also they didn't make any 2+2 240z... While I can fix the electrical issues and put in a 5-speed, there's no way I'm making a 2-seater into a 2+2. @heyitsrama Thanks for all the tips. What do you mean by upgraded interior for the 260z? @ksechler Rip that California Datsun transmission. I'll heed that advice, thank you. And stunning car. @cbuczesk @w3wilkes Dave Irwin? Who/what is that? A quick search pointed me to a ski racer... lol @Mike Woa! The founder! Thank you!
Ebay scams, check. I don't really like them anyway. @Hardway An easy swap from automatic to manual? Didn't know that was possible. Don't you usually need a donor for that, because it's a different steering column?
Bottom line: Rust is the enemy! If you see any, there probably is a lot more. Other than that, most trouble I'll have will be simple/easy fixes. Damn I love this car, and I don't have it yet!