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Everything posted by calvinhg

  1. He said 4 lug though Not that important I guess [emoji849] (edit) Sent from my OP 3T using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  2. Lol. Just finished saving all possible searches on CL. I sure hope this was worth 2 hours
  3. That's just what I needed. Thanks! And damn that looked like a good deal.
  4. Wow. That's some dedication. Not sure I really want to do that much... Though I might need to if I wanna find anything nice now [emoji848] Sent from my OP 3T using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  5. Damn! Looking forward to seeing those installed Sent from my OP 3T using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  6. So far I've been only looking at local Craigslist to stay updated on Z prices, with new post alerts sent to my email. But I wonder, is there a better place to find a Z? I am aware of the For Sale and the Internet Finds forums. Problem is that's over the whole US, sometimes Canada, and not only S30s. It doesn't necessarily have to contain only road-ready Zs, as I don't mind learning. I'd love to hear where y'all found your Z. Also, I'd rather it were based in Texas, or someplace close by... Am I asking for too much? PS: I'm not actively looking for one, I just wanna know if I should be watching other markets
  7. Just read the whole topic... Good luck to you, though I am more of a novice than you are Gave me hope that I can actually find a semi rusted Z and still fix it myself. Looking forward to what's gonna happen ?
  8. I'm not sure, maybe luck... You gotta pretty much no holes, and really low initial humidity. Though I may be totally wrong, it just sounds really dodgy lol.
  9. You sure are right about that Damn crazy Americans always stealing others' stuff
  10. "has a little rust" Remember there is always 100% more rust than you can see! But hey maybe it's worth it cuz of the low vin?
  11. Haha, around 0:20 he says the cockpit has a very open feeling. Not trying to be rash but didn't you just say it was very small? I wonder if my 6.2 body would also feel it as open Though tbh I don't know much so I may be completely wrong
  12. Thanks for all the info. I'll cross the AC bridge when I get there ?
  13. I stand corrected. The pics I saw on the listing didn't look nearly as good as those two.
  14. DAMN, that is a lot of money. And it don't even look that good, in my opinion. Glad the Zs aren't that expensive
  15. Haha, the battle is raging on whether the 240z or the 280z is better So the electrical system is not that much of a problem in the 240z, and I'll fit fine in a 2-seater (I'm 6'2" but I had back trouble, so most of my height is in my legs). But the 280z has better AC. Yes, I want AC, this is Texas . Though a retro fit might be enough? Just wondering, is the fuel injection electronic on the 280z? I'm that kinda guy who wants a car that will survive an EMP. An electronic fuel pump won't, that's for sure... And thanks for the answer about Dave Irwin, I'll def check that out. I guess it goes back to the rust issue, if I find a good deal with little rust, gotta jump on it whether it's a 240z or a 280z
  16. Porsche fan here too! I came across a pic of a 240z and though huh that's a nice Porsche and then found out it was a Datsun... Been loving them ever since, as they are simpler and cheaper. Very nice bronco btw.
  17. Huh. Guess I'll have to try to fit in one before deciding if I really want a 2+2. And good to know it's easy to swap in a manual, that broadens my search quite a bit, once I do start searching! Love your avatar btw
  18. Wow, so many replies! Thanks for all that advice, I'm gonna love this place. Now to answer your posts: But before that! I'm not currently looking to get a car, I just want to familiarize myself, as I want to get a truck beforehand. But thanks for the offers! First checkmark: The best year is the best deal I find without rust. This is why these cars are amazing: there are no trouble years, the worst problem you can have is rust! Epitome of reliability. Second checkmark: No big problems with the L-series or the transmissions. Is four gears enough, if you haven't swapped for the 5-speed? Also, how many miles can you go on the engine and the tranny before needing a rebuild? Third checkmark: Yay, 2+2s exist! I prefer them because it allows more space, possibly short passengers... And I'm a tall guy, I may not even fit! The longer wheelbase allows me to toy with the seat mounts and move them back if necessary. Fourth question mark: I looked around a bit for the 5 lug kits, they seems pretty common. Should not be a problem. Other worth mentioning: Electrical issues, check. I'm starting to think I'd rather have a 280z, because of that, the tranny, and also they didn't make any 2+2 240z... While I can fix the electrical issues and put in a 5-speed, there's no way I'm making a 2-seater into a 2+2. @heyitsrama Thanks for all the tips. What do you mean by upgraded interior for the 260z? @ksechler Rip that California Datsun transmission. I'll heed that advice, thank you. And stunning car. @cbuczesk @w3wilkes Dave Irwin? Who/what is that? A quick search pointed me to a ski racer... lol @Mike Woa! The founder! Thank you! Ebay scams, check. I don't really like them anyway. @Hardway An easy swap from automatic to manual? Didn't know that was possible. Don't you usually need a donor for that, because it's a different steering column? Bottom line: Rust is the enemy! If you see any, there probably is a lot more. Other than that, most trouble I'll have will be simple/easy fixes. Damn I love this car, and I don't have it yet!
  19. Hello! I just joined the forum, as I'm looking to get a First Gen Z-car. I'm relatively new to this car, and would like to learn as much as I can so I know what I'm doing once I buy one. I have a few question: First, what (in your opinion) is the best year to get? To me, older is better, so I'd rather have a 240z than a 280z, but I know they are getting hard to find... Also, I don't like emission regulations (it's just another part that will fail). Second, how reliable are they? I know rust is a big problem. But do the L24, L26 or L28 have any major problems? What about the transmission? I want a manual, hopefully a 5-speed, though I'm not sure they were offered in the 240z. Third, were the 2+2 260z and 280z sold in the US? I've never seen any. It sure would be nice to have, but I bet they aren't that cheap (if they even exist over here). Fourth, I've seen a few Zs that have 5 lugs instead of 4. Has anyone done that, how expensive was it, and do you recommend it? Lastly, is there anything else you think should be noted about the First Gen Zs? I hope you can enlighten me, and thank you very much for your time. Cheers from Texas! PS: Feel free to show your own Z! I'd love to read what y'all have done, how much work you put into it, basic mods you can do...
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