Very Old Thread, but proof I use search button:
- IF anyone is looking at this to figure out why their rear shoes are always tight: I recently picked up a 240z and have gone through the entire brake system. Shoes looked good, so kept them on there (for now...) pending overall plan for the zcar.
- Then my rear brakes would get really tight especially on one side. The other side would get a little tight as well.
- Looked at the shoes and pads and get this - the mfr's are putting the leading side pad on upside down! And I see in the picture above that it too is not right
- The pad on the screw side of the brake adjuster should go to the bottom so when you use the parking brake, there is pad material there.
- So far, two mfr's have sent me incorrect shoes. I have a third vendor trying to get me the right ones today. May update when I find a vendor with the right ones that don't cost an arm