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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I would say, it depends on if we are driving or riding , but that would just curl your toes-depending on whether you are driving or riding ! Will
  2. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Remember Carl, it is better to look good than to feel good! I still have that Aussie(or was it NZ) motorbike and sheep burned into my retnas... Will
  3. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hold on, the club has a new project in the works... I my hard drive will just quit crapping out and dumping my work! Will
  4. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I have used Marvel Mystery oil for years. Will
  5. Yes they are! Will
  6. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    WOW! Don't leave those out in the rain! Will
  7. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    One word, Pretty! Will
  8. NO, No, No! Don't cut anything except PVC. Make a mockup with pieces from Home Depot, $10 worth of PVC is a whole lot easier and faster to fit(or replace) than a cast iron piece will be to cut and weld back together! Before you cut anythig but PVC or cardboard, get me involved in the answer, and get me some measurements! I will have a spare core turbo shortly-the one in '83 blows oil. I will be rebuilding the "authentic" one in the next several weeks with the parts in one of the pictures. As I build up the '72 240Z, I will start with the 1983 turbo engine in a stock(if not authentic) configuration. I will "super tune" it to the highest performance I can get to document what can be done on a budget. After the stock configuration is mapped out, then I will start bolting on upgrades one at the time and repeat the tuning process to map out the capabilities of each upgrade both individually and in a group. I will be getting the down tube and a good rule tomorrow, and post some pictures and measurements. We will get your situation handled. Will
  9. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    My 240Z came from the "factory" (dream factory, that is) with four wheel steering! NOT! Unfortunately, both sets are the same length! the second pair came from the '76. I just spent a few minutes to clean the second set up for storage. I also cleaned up several sets of the front and rear suspension hardware. Here are some pictures of the pieces that are not authentic, but may be interchangeable-though not called substitutes by Nissan. The differences in the racks(between '76 and '72) are the '72 has two places for grease fittings-while the later rack has none. The rack bushings are wider in the '76 than in the earlier one, the '76 appears to be made up of more parts than the earlier one. The differences in the front crossmember are the later version is made of two laminations of steel throughout, three at the jacking pad. While the earlier one is a single ply everywhere except the jacking pad, and immediately at the welded on appendages. These differences are noted just from eyeballing, but I will make measured comparisons in the next week.
  10. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Between yesterday and this evening, I have all most all of the suspension ready for a final wipedown and paint Every piece except the (struts/bearing carriers-which have been completly stripped for brake upgrade/bearing replacement) has been glass beaded, and treated with MetalReady. Will
  11. I have a complete '76 engine I will sell you for less! If you have a non egr intake, we could trade complete intakes... Will
  12. I could not put my hands on a good rule, and I did not have a Down pipe handy(I will have both tomorrow), but here are some pictures to compare with. two of them are of an original(and Authentic) used 1983 280XZ Turbocharger and an upgraded 1983 (no longer Authentic) 280ZX Turbocharger. The upgrade is a T03/T04 with a polish job, and the watercooled core as yours has. The last picture is a stock 280ZX turbo CHRA, and replacement hardware(for the authentic turbo pictured earlier). It looks like the wastegate portion will bolt up to your housing. A used turboi would clear up your situation, but I still think the down tube you have could be made to work. Will
  13. I have one. The car will be parted out inthe next two weeks. Auto tranny. Will
  14. Worst case, you may need to change the exhaust housing, but I would think you could make the 300zx down pipe work-take some good measurements. The 4th picture from the bottom is where you want to start. I have a rebuilt "authentic" 280ZX turbocharger, and this afternoon I will take and post some pictures and measurements for you to compare yours. Don't get your panties in a wad, it will all work out! Being stumped leads to innovation, and innovation will set your car apart! Will
  15. Boost Controlled Decelleration Device. When you get your foot out of the gas, it stabilizes the idle-necessary because of the abrupt change in vacuum-if I understand it correctly. Will
  16. Because it was your neighbor, he can apply pressure to the insurance company too-If they are unresponsive. He is their customer-he has some pull because he paid them. Will
  17. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Where are you, pay shipping, and I will send you a used set(for patterns). Will
  18. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    oops-double post! :stupid: Will
  19. They are sold individually, You did the right thing specifying, other wise they would have called or written you back to find out. Will!
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Hit the local u-pullit, and cut up a set of worn out seats! Will
  21. Not everything will fit a 260Z, but what won't will be ebayable to help pay for the things you want that aren't on the turbo ZX! Will
  22. Gnoze is right on the money! Late one October I was rearended in the blue '76 2+2 in my gallery. The accident was properly documented and reported. The adjuster came by work a couple of weeks later(the car was still driveable) and offered me a check for $400 on the spot. I laughed in his face! He came back with the we'll just "total it" then song and dance. I opened the car door and took out $435.00 worth of reciepts that were dated 10 days before the accident that paid for the rubber surrounding the bumper, and a $300 bill for a new exhaust system put on less than a month before, and told him I had about $1,800 in reciepts for work done in the last 6 months. I reminded him that I was hit by his customer. I had proper coverage on my car, and that I would be more than happy to invite his customer and his company to court. He calmed down, and told me he would be back in touch. It was now the end of November, and the adjuster showed up and told me that $550 was the best he could do, and that I could get used parts to replace the damaged pieces. I politely said, "No, You can find the parts, or have them found and installed, but I reserve the right to inspect and approve them. He grumbled and went about his day. Jump to the week before Christamas. The adjuster calls me and says. "We need to close our books, you need to settle this claim." I replied: "The only one holding it open is you. When you are ready for this to be done, you will have your company pay to replace all of the parts, paint the car(DN305 is notorious for fading), and put it back in the condition it was in before your customer hit it. Waiting only means there will be more for you to pay for as the damage starts to rust, and your books will stay open." The next day he brought me a check for $1,934. I deposited the check and the ordeall was over. I chose not to call often to reinforce the fact that I was not going to accept less than what it would take. With the proximity to the end of the year, I knew that te company would press him to close "old business". If it had happened earlier in the year, I would have ridden him like the seat of a hot Z, and kept my foot in it-them. Get your ducks in a row, find our what the insurance company does not want you to know(your rights), push them for what you want, and hold out until it happens. Do not sign anything until the check is big enough to take care of the entire problem. Will
  23. engine, tranny, drive shaft, differential(R200, 3.7ish in the turbo), brakes, cv shafts, wiring harness, ecm, interior parst if in good shape, oil cooler, exterior lights & trim. Everything except the body shell-unless it is in good shape! Will
  24. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Good point, These little stamped steel wrenches look like an invitation to bend steel! I will take tem out to Harbor Freight when I go, and see what they have. Will
  25. It sounds like the change is meant to stop dealerships from importing scores of cars, not the enthusiast from bringing over a couple. Hey Gavin, why not just imort the mechanicals you want instead of a whole car you don't. Will

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