Everything posted by hls30.com
A $100 bite in the A$$!
Actually Bill, he listed as being from your neck of the woods, Greenbrier, AR. I would aask if that was close to you, and if you could find it, but since you found Kansas City, MI. twice, I guess I already know the answer ! Will
A $100 bite in the A$$!
Let's tag the thieves here, and give the other members a better chance of not getting taken! Will
Steering rack bumper thingy??
In really examining this issue, I have found that while there was a change in manufacturing, there was not enough of issue to have an official recall for retrofitting. That does not mean I want to have a problem that was known about, adn there is a factory fix for. I will be locating and installing one of these doo-hickeys! Will
Steering rack bumper thingy??
Carl, I am realy in a quandry about the rack on my '72, no hints(scratches, marred or worn paint-even on the crossmember) that there ever was such a doo hickey installed! The question becomes: Do I replace the rack to get one? Will
My Z story
You mean you have found Kansas City Michigan twice? Will
A $100 bite in the A$$!
Just a heads up to those of you who may suffer from the same momentary lapse in sanity that I did! About three weeks ago I found this ad on ebay, http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7926975256 I thought-haha, here is a chance to get a 411 rearend cheep! I contacted the seller, and after three or four emails, he agreed to sell it to me for $100 including shipping. He told me that it was still on the car, and it would be about a week to 10 days before he would have the time to remove it. That sounded OK, he had 5 feedbacks @ 100% with noting unusual, so I sent $100 via Paypal, and copies of our emails in the accompanying message. 10 days later, I emailed him for a progress report first thing in the morning. Later that afternoon, when I did not get a reply, I revisited the ad to find he was no longer a registered member of ebay. I immediately filled out a paypal problem report, and emailed him again. No responses from him, but today I got a "Dear John" Letter from Paypal letting me know the seller was a thief, The money was gone, and I was SOL! Don't forget the lesson I ignored, if you can't prove a new seller is who and where he says he is, do not send him anything you don't want to lose! That thief got my $100, don't let him get yours. Will
My Z story
Congratulations Bill, I am glad to hear Barney didn't get his bullit and pull you over! The MSA show in late April. You have some serious work to do(so do I) to get ready! I bet ChrisA would like to see your progress, and I know the rest of us would, so get buisy posting as you go! Will
Steering rack bumper thingy??
Thanks Carl and Ed, My rack does not have such a doohickey on it-wonder if I should hunt one down? Course, who's to say my rack wasn't replaced at some point in the last 30 years or so-I will have to get buisy with the club cd, and see if any differences can be noticed between the early ('70-'73) and late '74-'78) racks. Will
A/F ratio meter on multi-carb setup...?
1 meter, 3 senders, 3 indicators, a sptt switch, -no more dashboard realestate shortage, and acurate info on each carb. A simple electronic switch could be made with adjustable time interval could be made to replace the switch. Will
Steering rack bumper thingy??
Ed, can you post a picture? I don't remeber my car having any thing of that sort. Will
So-So 1970 Diecasts at Big Lots
Vicky, which one is the Zweetest? I have a question for you and Scott-Pm to follow. Will
Color Choice
I am thinking of painting my '72 the same color as my Dodge truck (Patriot Blue) because it shows off the chrome so damn well! Fortunately, I have a while before that choice will have to be made. Will
So-So 1970 Diecasts at Big Lots
Victor, Who has the best Diecasts. I want a good one. Will
This could be fun.
Vicky, "Good answer, I like the way you think!" Will
This could be fun.
Ok, I'm wrong! Will
This could be fun.
Rick, It could be that I have a young and vocal mouth to feed, butt to diaper, and take for a walk! I am up every 2 to three hour, and when he is content with his bottle I can torture him with tunes, hold him in one arm, and type with the other! Couldn't cary a tune in a bag(I prove this to my son every couple of hours) couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun couldn't catch fish at the market couldn't find a break in a glass factory couldn't get a date if you paid for it. couldn't find water in the rain couldn'y get laid in a whore house couldn't find and apple in a orchard couldn't find an address if you were inside couldn't tell North if you were on the South Pole couldn't give directions to get to your left hand couldn't make ice in the freezer you couldn't boil water on the stove couldn't get married in the Fillipines couldn't find fun in Vegas You wouldne't know what to do with Miss November, and couldn't follow a map to figure it out You are the reason Winnebagos come with instruction manuals You will win one day, but it will be a Darwin award. You are just like bad core mat. You must be a carreer politican you are everybit as stupid as you look. The army has a name for you, clusterf-ck when the tough get going, you stay at home a "cary on" is luggage, not you. You couldn't beat an egg If there were a movie about you, it would be called "Pure Luck" and you would be played by Martin Short! Will
This could be fun.
Vicky, you are a mess! Will
Random Questions
That's what I have heard, Right now the smell of urine and baby perfume is enough! I don't even want to think about what will happen when real digestion starts-he is passing so much gas, the paint on the walls does not have a chance! Thread Content: Why do the manufactureres of all of these baby products think we want to smell that fragrance they shower everything with? Congratulations, and Happy Birthday! Will
What makes a great plug wire?
I have emailed Magnecore for cost, and hunted up a local dealer for NGK, MSD, and Taylor. I also emailed all four manufactureres about what makes theirs better than the other 3. The results should be interesting, if there are actually replies. I think Magnecore had posted the best info and argument, and hopefully, we will see who has the best product. Will
Random Questions
I can't hold a young one in the crook of me arm and use the tig welder , but I can use the camera ! Be glad I don't pack one up in a zip lock and send it out for the full effect ! Will
Random Questions
I... we... Hell no! But I will send you a dirty diaper award for asking! Now if I can just manage to snap a picture of a particularly offensive diaper before I throw it out...One more thing for the todays to do list! Will
Random Questions
Gavin, are you lonely tonight? Will
This could be fun.
In no order, but as they come to mind: Barber-facial fuzzball trimmer, hair collector, Dentist-bare bone blacksmith, the chair, Gas station attendant-Petroleum Transport Specialist Flobottomist-vampire policeman-cop, Barney Fife, gum shoe wannabe, flatfoot, tin tiger, buble gum machine driver security guard-rentacop, bozo with a badge, bluelight reject, why bother Fireman-walking smoke detector, heat challenged, too stupid to get out of the fire(affectionately)! City official-doofus without a cluefus, barney without a bullet, Doctor-hypocritic oaf, golfball gaffer, healthy extortionist. Plumber- lead spread, fitting fumbler, potty man, Electrician-wire wanker, conduit chaser, zap blumber, Male prostitute-pipe layer, AL Frankin, traveling d***, wandering wiener, portable prick, Ratner Femal Prostitute-7/11, tv doll, pin cussion, walking socket, life support system for a p-ssy, b-girl, paid nympho, street walker, fishnet friday, harlot, layandpay tramp-homeless person, cart lady, vagabond, carpet bagger, wwff, street buddy, a properly paid lawyer Used car salesman-lawyer in training, slicky, spreader, sh-t salesman lawyer-ex used car salesman in a better suit, deliberately vague and wavering, a courtroom actor, a legal lier, Mr. half truth, legal prostitute, legal extortionist Middle of nowhwhere-lower Egypt, the boonies, bumf-ck iowa, back of the closet, out in the sticks, beyond the bars, down yonder, round the back, past the fense, down the tubes, Come on you lot, I know there are more, Carl ,TomoHawk, 240ZX, I know you guys have some to add! Will
Random Questions
How do those of us who can see know when to stop wiping :nervous: ? I always use the "if its still burning, I aint through wiping" approach, after Mexican, I would be too afraid to look :eek: :surprised :knockedou ! Will
Random Questions
I forgot the most important one, Who is the "They" in "That's what they say." Will