Everything posted by hls30.com
This could be fun.
We have some variations of yours. If brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose. you are so ugly you scare the flies away. and some of ours-but not too many There will never be a picture of you, the camera wouldn't survive. I'm not saying you are ugle, your face is. When god made you, your "ugly" broke the mold. I've seen a prettier face at the bottom of a toilet in a bar at closing time . You're so ugly we have to tie a bone around you neck to get the dog to play with you. Beauty may be only skin deep, but you are ugly all the way through. Will
Removing old brake hoses
Craftsman tools are fine-except the flarenut wrenches-went through several to get one that did not flex, when it gave up, I chased down the Matco truck, and bought the one I have had for 10 years with never a flex. Will
Should i buy this 240z?
I'm not talking about a wrench, I'm talking about Mig, Tig, or Oxyacetyline! If you can't weld, make sure the wallet is deep, wide, and full of money before you buy the car. Floors are about $350 Rails are about $225. Time here is about $75/hr, and you are going to need about 20 hours to remove and replace the floors and rails and keep the factory appearance-there goes at least $2,000 before paint, bodywork, and mechanicals-assuming that is all of the rust that needs replacing(probably not-check my gallery)! Now you are starting with a $2650 car-you could probably find a better starting point for that kind of money! Yes the clogged lines are easy to take car of.
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Yes sir! Each individual representation is editable and held as a mathmatical equasion so that it may be enlarged or reduced in proper proportion, have assigned colors(pantone if required), and completely modifiable with stock circuit board components. Will
Removing old brake hoses
Buy a good wrench, chase down the tool truck, this is not a job for harborfreight, Craftsman, or Home Depot tools. plan to spend some money on this flarenut wrench! Will
Should i buy this 240z?
If you can do all of the work yourself, probably a good deal, if not, get ready to drop cash like you ar eating only exlax! Detailed and clear pictures would help us to help you. Header wrap can hold in moisture on a car that is not driven frequently, and make the header rust away in short order. Try bleeding the clutch, again a common thing on a car that is not driven frequently. The pickup in the tank, or the lines may be clogged. One is an easy fix, the other usually is not. The pump is probably OK or the engine would not run out of the can. Will
My Intro
Welcome, Enjoy the group, pitch in when you can, and above all have fun! Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Yes, I was typing too fast in a no sleep zone, replace scalar where ever I used it with vector-oops, would a diaper fumes defence hold up in court-I mean that "is" nonsense has already been used... Will
Help Identifying Parts
The carbon cannister appeared on all of the cars with efi to control Gasoline vapors, they are routed to be absorbed by the activated carbon in the canister rather than be vented directly into the atmosphere. EPA part with no cost to performance other than 2lbs of weight. I did not find one of the #2 picture, though it does bear a resmblance to a carbureated 22R toyota part. Will
History Channel Show on Z's
Thanks for the info, a few minutes spent trying could be lost, or very fruitful! Will
History Channel Show on Z's
I am going to piece together the interviews and history and dispose of the twinkie twins, and their evil plot to wanke-up classic zcars. I wonder if ther would sell the raw unedited interviews and history-certianly more along the line of what I would want. I'll have to contact the production company. Will
History Channel Show on Z's
maybe that is what the other video they sell does-except maybe the Rons' car bit. Will
This could be fun.
"three sheets to the wind" is on both sides of the pond! Here are some more from over here! He's "poluted" "His personality has been lubricated" His mouth is too small for the bottle, and too big not to have been in it. He's "Trashed" He is "pickled" He's "Sloshed" He's "drunk as a skunk" He's "walking with benny" He is "closing in on Ralph with his Buick." He is "peeling paint and cleaning parts" He's got "the Proof in his breath" He's been "tipping the sause" He's "poisoned" he "had one too many" He's "having a brewsky bath" "looks like he'll be tasting that twice" he's "breathing fire" he's "boozed up" He's spent too much time with Jim, Johnny, and Jack (Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels) He's "gone Irish"-Saint Patricks day don't you know. He's had a wee taste of the bubley" He'd burn like a wipe. He'll be worshiping the porcelin convenience later. He'll be kneeled at the porcelin God in a bit. What about a couple more of yours: He's"gut full of wizz" He's "full as a goog" He's a "stubbie, potted in a pint." I'm not sure I got this one right. Will PS. That "old" comment is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, even if it is good oil! I'm only 40!
History Channel Show on Z's
The History Channel also has a video on the 240Z for sale, anybody seen it-not this show from what I understand-they also sell the Full Throttle episode as well: "Automobiles: Nissan Z DVD 1 Volume Set 50 Minutes PRODUCT DETAIL: In the late 1960s, Americans regarded the Japanese auto industry as something of a joke - the manufacturer of tiny, strange looking vehicles that had limited appeal to any but the most frugal consumer. That all changed with the introduction of the 240 Z in 1970. Radical, sleek, fast and sexy, the Z proved the Japanese industry could build something other than an economy car. A true sports car, the Z kept all the good traits that the Japanese cars of the day were known for and added speed and style. It was a winning combination, and it paved the way for the boom in Japanese car sales to come. From the daring decision to target the American market to the brilliant design and the long series of Zs that followed, this is the ultimate look at one of the most significant autos of all time. Item Number: AAE-72035 " Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
I agree with you Carl. When I re-wrap, clean and solder my harness, I will measure the wires, and make up a jig to hold it while wrapping, maybe that could be a bassi to start. Will
Hot Rods
Arnold of course, but I think he ment you! Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Hey, the Club hats came from Bangladesh, why not the Harnesses! Maybe a "how to" guide-much like a military spec list would be the first step. That way all of the quotes could be made from it. Will
Help Identifying Parts
picture 1 is of parts of underhood parts of the cruize control system. Picture 2 I have not a clue-but I will look-stripping a 280zx Turbo over the next week/10 days. Picture 3 and 4 are of the carbon canister fron the evaporative control system. Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
The schematic is already a raster graphic in as scanned form, ther are a multitude of programs that readily convert a raster graphis to a scalar graphic that is ediable in virtually any platform, Aegis, Dfx, etc... I think Designcad has a converter built in, all it would take is running the conversion program, and assigning the colorcodes within the graphic. In other words, a good chunk of time! Will
Hot Rods
That is a weird (must be from the Dutch) situation, The drive train is all new, so you would think it would have to meet current emmissions standards, Replicas must meet the standards for the year of the engine/drivetrain. Maybe the standardization varys from state to state, and that is part of why Boyd is where he is. Will
5.0L Miatas?
They are called Mustang Convertibles Will
Ol Yeller Overhead Shot
Great Picture Composition! Tomohawk asked for od angles in pictures a while back in a music thread, this one is perfect. Thanks for posting. Will
Honor Roll
With out pointing a finger, Lets not forget to honor the sacrifice of these citizens by voting today. Whether their orders were right or wrong they believed in our system enough to follow it to the ultimate calling. Regardless of whether you agree with the orders leading to their sacrifice or not, they were supporting our imperfect system as being better than the others in the world. No matter how you vote, you honor their committment and sacrifice by voting, Will
REALLY Important, Time-sensitive!!!
I voted to have at least the idea that I can affect the world my son will grow up in! Now when the wife gets ready, I will take her to the polls. She gave birth on Friday, and will be voting under her own power today-it is that important! Will
car condom
1)Harbor Freight Portable garage-I have used it for 3 seasons inthe rain, wind and heat, I don't know enough about snow load, but some extra braces, or changing the pitch shouldn't be too hard to do. 2)Wrap it in the thickest weed shield the Home centers have. Thick, dark, if the seams are at the bottom, waterproof! Will