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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Come to think of it, any marine supply or boat supply place will have them and so will most 2 cycle repair shops. All simple carbureators use them... Will
  2. Carl, I had to shrink it to upload it, My Kodak Digital camera has higher color depth than the software used by this site expects. the original is 1792X1200 pixels a little over 6 megabytes, and 24"x 17" if shown in actual pixels at 67(standard Monitor resolution)ppi. Will
  3. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The file you are trying to upload is too large-the 1182 pixel guideline is correct only below a certian color depth, make the pictue smaller, and it shoud work. Will
  4. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Sunroofs are terrific for other cars-To put one in a Z is punishable by sacrifice of the car to the rust god. Which just to remind everyone, is a slow and painfull death. Will
  5. Here is one of my favorites. I have a slide show of my own pictures of sunrises, sunsets, and my Zcars in various stages of undress-a pair of sisters, but No twins yet! This is not one of the best pictures, but It was the first one I came to. Will BTW Carl, according to my proctologist, that infrared picture doesn't look anything like my anus!
  6. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    It was my poor attempt to add levity by drawing a parallel between protecting our posted photographs, and protecting our pennies. I appologize for not being more clear. That wasn't aimed at anybody except those who deface pennies! It was only a reference to another law that is not enforceable. There is a law to protect pennies, but nobody is watching! There is a machine that squishes them in public and they are sold as rolled pennies-even though it is illegal-it happens. I didn't mean to poot upwind... Will
  7. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Zkiid is right on! Check out my gallery, there are some shots of before and after peeling the floor from the rocker. Will
  8. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Most banjo fittings use copper gaskets 1/16" thick or so. Home Depot and Lowes cary them here in Savannah, but I have had to "punch" my own using sharpened pipes before. Heat the copper until it changes color(annealing), then punch it. Don't use a penny-it is illegal to deface government issue coinage-I bet you used someone elses pictures wrong too! (Unless it is dated before 1942, pennys are not solid coper anyway) After you have annealed a suitable sheet of copper, it can actually be punched with a leather punch easily, or cut by hand. Will
  9. Shortening the shock could accomplish the same thing, but it would also void its warranty. Also i plan on using Illuminas, and I would not want to complicate matters by having to address shortening the adjustment setup. There is no warranty on a30 odd year old strut housing... WIll
  10. I would remove all the rust with Metal Ready, Ospho, or some other variant of phosforic acid. Then undercoat. Will
  11. The city won't allow ay modifications to the roadway without more red tape and inspections than there is rust on #27! The real problem is an Oak tree root. But here in Savannah, the City ownes all Oak trees. Only the city or its licensed representative may alter, prune, or remove an oaktree. The root is pushing up the street end of the last slab of my driveway-which is also a piece of sidewalk that the city also ownes... There is more, but it is too much like "road is wet durring rain"! Actually what I am after is to have the ride height be at the middle of the shock travel.. When you lower a car what you have done is also to reduce the allowable downward travel of the shock by the amount of lowering. I have all of the tools to do this, but not the experience to know what the deflection of the springs will be. Will
  12. What does every automobile other than a Z say in a TV interview? I'm not a real car, but I play one on TV. Will That is right before some one captures the video and posts it on a website despite the copyright notices...
  13. The roads here in Savannah(Ok, my driveway) bottomed out the front suspension on my '73 (lowered 1.5 with nissan comp springs) too often, and that was being careful! The city won't do anythig about the potthole at the union of my driveway and the street, and when I have filed it in, they have fined me for cleanup! I filled a long shallow pothole with gravel, I do not have access to the hot peletized asphault they do. I will also sort it out on Roebling Road on occasion! I may just have to take a sledge to the area and get them to make some serious repairs. Will
  14. I received my order from MSA yesterday, and everything was good except... I ordered a set(2I and 2O) of front wheel bearings, and they only listed one bearing seal. How goofy! I was only charged for one, but I asked for 2, and after his carefull attention to making sure I ordered everything I would need... Will
  15. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    We have a new member with a beautiful Z from her neck of the woods, maybe his whiskers have picked up something... Will
  16. Has anyone sectioned their front struts too give more front suspension travel? I am thinking of making this modification, and using the Rabbit or MR2 struts, but I haven't found any thing on springs used. I have considered coil overs, but i want the car to look stock(I will remove the perches with a lathe and a steadyrest, figure out the proper ride height, and weld them back on.) I searched out forums and didn't find anything and through Google found only two or three blurbs. The modification makes sence, and absolutely reclaims suspension travel. Will
  17. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Pretty Z! Welcome! Will
  18. That one, without a stick! Will
  19. Alan, In an open forum, you make your own identity. Unless Mike is going to start using some form of identity authentication, and move to a validated and verified membership, there will be no accountability because there is no explicit identification. You don't like what is happening(I don't either). You and I send off a blistering email telling the jerk what he did was wrong. Do you really think he read past the first three words. That email had two consequences, each of us may have felt better after writing, and the jerk hit the delete buton as soon as he read something he didn't want to. Mike throws him out. He sets up a new free email account, and logs back in as "IMnew", continues doing his thing with your pictiures only now under a different name. Does this sound familiar? I am sure you remeber the thread... People will avoid the end with teeth and claws, but this animal effectively has none. There is only one real consequence, and it is readily circumventable! I would rather Mike spent his time making the site what he wants it to be, interactive, informational, and easy to use rather than running around spending his time griping at people who are going to do what they are going to do anyway. Your expectation is unrealistic given the inherent nature of this club, its taxed resources, and the cost of investigation and litigation of an infraction. With no real consequence, behavior will not change! The only real consequence of doing what bothers us to the abuser is having to read three words and pressing the delete button. Would that stop you from doing anything? Will Will
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Johnathan, The master vac is also availablefrom www.Rockauto.com, Advance Autoparts, Napa, Autozne, NOPI, and Kutcheys all are on an exchange basis. I don't think anyone stocks it, so order it several days before you need it to be sure it is here and correct before your work day. If you need a hand, sing out-I don't know how I missed this thread until now. Right now touching a Z that actually runs on the street would be good motivation for me to get my '72 OTRA (On The Road Again) I pm'd you my number. If the Z is headed off the street, sing out, we'll keep yours on while mine is on holiday. I am replacing my master vac as well, and while our master vacs (brake power booster) are not the same, the unbolting and re-bolting should be pretty close. I have factory manuals-and all of the other books-if that would help. Will
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    The same thing you would do to a 240Z, the engine compartments are very similar. Will
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bash dents, not people or their ideas. Will
  23. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I am re"designing" my interior, and I think I (with the priveledge of designer license) will move the hand brake to the drivers side of the tunnel! Or at least give more than a passing look at what is the object of such passionate responses. Will
  24. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    I just bought a '77 2+2, pretty complete. I will be moving it next week, I'll check the boot when I do, and get back to you. which side do you need, to the airbox, or to the intake manifold? Will
  25. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    The first thing You need to do is figure out what you want the car to do. If you want a 10second quarter, you are exploring the wrong way to get there. If you just want to add some oomph to your car, you might be in the right parking lot. The next thing to do is transplant a stock L28et into your car and get it running right. If you are unfamiliar with engine swapping the worst thing you can do is slap a bunch of stuff that should work together into a car that wasn't originally setup for it. When you modify the engine (3.1L setup) you change the fuel demands, the optimal intake(turbo), optimal exhaust requirements, and the cooling requirements. The stock 280ZXT pieces will allow the engine to run, but not like it is capable of running. Every upgrade exposes other required upgrades to maximize performance. I am doing a very similar swap into my '72, a stock L28ET and internals with upgraded engine management(programmable-learning ECM with detailed datalogging, larger injectors, higher volume fuel pump, larger throttle body, swapping a MAP sensor for the airflow meter, larger exhaust, electronic wastegate, larger radiator, electric fan, electronic variable timing, and much more. I would never try this with out getting the engine running is stock configuration in place first. Plan the modifications after the car is running. It is too easy to get lost and dissillusioned with so many variables to choose from. Change one thing and tweek the system, then change the next thing. Will

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