Everything posted by hls30.com
it's a little obsessive...
I just stripped my '72, and the pans and wheel wells were the same color as the car(Orange) under the undercoat. The suspension parts were all satin black, and the cast parts were unfinished. As such, it sounds like you are on the right track-depending on the year. There are several members with beautiful cars near in Atlanta-check with the Georgia (Atlanta) Z Car Club. Will
awful time with Victoria British
I recently placed a good size order with VB, MSA, and Zedd Findings, The order from VB came in last week, 100% correct, and today I received a card from them thanking me for my business. It was signed(not printed) by seven people. I pla ed the order on line. I received a confirmation that everything was in stock almost immediately, and the next day before noon I had tracking info. The two boxes contained a bit of advice, and a return authorization form with a shipping label. The advice was to thoroughly check the order within 30 days to verify the contents and the quality. I unpacked the box, examining each part carefully, and verifying it against both the invoice and the email confirmation. Everything was just so. It took 4 business days to get the order, and everything was either OEM, or acceptable aftermarket. MSA did not have a few small parts in stock, and I asked them to hold the order untill they came in. They gave me a discount based upon my membership with IZZC, but the total did not seem to reflect it-I have not received any confirmation from them, but I did ask them to hold the order, and it was placed over the telephone-when I receive the order I will post an update Zedd Findings had to wait on my check, I don't think it is there yet. Once he received my last one, my order was here in just a couple of days. Of shopping the three Charley Osborne gave the best experience, We emailed back and forth for several days-I am not in a rush for these parts-and talked about the Canadian Open, the car, my title situation, and Chloe. The MSA guy was the most add-on oriented, he suggested companion items that were things I might have forgotten. He was not forcefull, and it came across that he wanted me to be sure that I got all of the pieces to put her back together right. These were good experiences, so far, but even so, I miss "the Chloe experience." I must say the personally signed "Thank You" card from the people at VB was a pleasant supprise in a bunch of bills, and the only thing I did not put back in the mailbox! Will
72 automatic shifter plate
where to find a 60 mm throttle body spacer
Check with JSK Innovations, Juan is on ebay, and most of the Z forums Will
seats for 240z
Pull it over, position to fit, crimp the hog rings, and put the hardware back on! Will
Orange 73' 240Z
Where in Georgia are you, I am in Savannah, and am always looking for 240Zs. Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses
Carl, Thanks for the list, I had a few of the entries, but not all! Maybe that elusive auto tranny shifter plate will turn up form one of them-I have a line on one, but I need two. Will
Help w/ Turbo timing Question?
There is more to it tha that. The distributers are different for one thing, The ecm is analog in the NA cars, and Digital in the turbos. Your thinking is correct, but the games are different between the two different sets of engine management systems. I have a '82 turbo running on well on 77 electronics, and it is running stock 77 timing-I have it running a little rich to keep the detonation monster away. That is why most people swap the whole deal, ecm, wiring, and all. Will
Does putting a small block chevy in a Z drop it's value?
I would not call a 77 not collectable, I would call it not as collectable- more people will pay more money for an earlier Z given both are in the same condition. Will
Bad idea to mount battery in back???
I'm using a battery designed for a Volvo S80 because it is vented to a hose nipple, much cheeper than an Optima, and I can run that hose out under the car, and not have to worry about such things. I believe the Optima is sealed, but I would double check just to be certian. Will
Bad idea to mount battery in back???
Right on V240-just check the data plate on your drivers side door pillar! It is there in plain english! On the optimas-no vent needed. On the Apex-i, If you want to waste that much money send it to me! Otherwise find a local welding supply shop and buy wire and terminals from them, it will be cheeper, better qualtiy, and much more flexable than any of the ricer stuf Apex-i markets (expensive/pretty/made for those who don't know better!) You need a wire to go from the Negative terminal of the battery to the chassis, a wire from the negative battery to the engine, and a wire from the engine to the chassis. The whole nine yards will cost you less than $20-counting gas! If you move the battery, the wire to the chassis should be about 18" long to go to the seatbelt reciever retaining bolt, about 6' long to go to the starter mounting bolt, and about 18" to go from the engine block to a convenient bolt on the chassis under the hood. Use a piece of rope or twine to actually lay out the path of the wires for correct measurements. Tell the guy behind the counter what you are going to use the wire for, and he will get you the right stuff! Will
seats for 240z
...and a can of spray silicone lubricant! Will
Bad idea to mount battery in back???
I am putting the battery in the pass. side tool box (Fabbing a box and using a battery made for a Volvo S80-vents through a hose). Those of you with long term Z ownership have probably noticed that if you aren't religious about rotating your tires the pass. side rear wears the fastest. The reason for the accellerated wear is that tire has the least weight on it(unless you carry a passenger), and tends to spin first. Putting the battery(30-40 lbs+ the box) right in front of the rear wheel will add to its traction. Will
Frame rail repair?????
Sorry about that, I should have posted the link as well. Charley Osborne is the owner, good Guy! Tell him we sent you! Will
Speedo Help?
What do you know about where your car came from? Will
MSA Upgrade
And trouble shoot!!! Will
240Z Windshield WASHER Switch Servicing.
Carl, I will see if I can round up one Monday evening(My wife has been off all week, and I have been comandeered for baby shower preparation since I didn't take her to the Emerald Coast for the week.) My wife goes back to work on Monday,and I just might be able to at least touch some old car parts then! If it weren't for the delivery from VB, and running out to check the wiper arms, I would have had a parts-less week! If I can put my hands on one, I will set up the video camera, and shoot some mpeg for a technical article. I'll PM you shortly. Will
240 TV show
I sure hope that some qualified mechanic checks out their "work* before they turn the key! I don't mind the Darwinian trial takeing them out-but someone else might get hurt-of course, it could be the reporter who wrote the article, and didin't check the facts. WIll
240Z Windshield WASHER Switch Servicing.
Carl, I have taken the thin apart, not nearly as difficult and getting it back together, but fortunately it didn't work before I took it apart either... I would try using contact cleaner in te switch before taking it apart. I actually did get mine working and properly reinstalled-it actually isn't that difficult.-souunds like a good technical article though! Will
Frame rail repair?????
1) Zedd Findings Frame rail kit approximately $350 with shipping Excellent Replacements for damaged rails-both sides. 2) Rust treatment, POR15, ZeroRust, Corroless, etc Follow the directions on which ever treatment you use to the letter. 3) Treat the entire floor and the newly installed rails, inside and out. Make sure you are careful in the prep-work. 4) Never worry about your floors/framerails again! Will
Might Be Getting s 240
Make sure the keys make it into your hands! Take hold and don't let go! Will
240Z automatic shifter plate, 86767-E7800
One more pass just to make sure everybody got a chance to "unload" their old parts!
Might Be Getting s 240
If you get one, it won't be long after it is done you will have to have two-just ask 26thZ! You'll need two, so both of you can drive! Welcome to the Z community! Will
Not Armourall ???????
Original dashes and those that have been re-done by Dash Restoration feel somewhat pliable. They have some "give" to the surface-they are built up with scolpted foam! They crack as they dry out and become hard as they shrinkfrom drying out. Will
Poll: Should we prevent gallery downloads?
I don't know about the rest of you, but it just doesn't feel even close to the same with protection! If I am going to do it, I want all the feeling I can get! I don't see our form of protection as being effective-maybe we should try the patch!! Will ...Sorry, I just couldn't contain myself...maybe that's why we are expecting!