Everything posted by hls30.com
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
It is already an option on the Next years 350Z along with a TV/DVD player-(with wireless HBO, Cinemax, BET, Style, Stars, Spike, SciFi-and more), Aroma Therapy, electricly adjustable steering wheel, Back Massage, Lighted sunroof, heated air conditioning controls, chilled cup-holders, micro brewery(it only dispenses when parked), built in driver, and built in date! There is more, but You will just have to go by the dealer and get the Marketing kit! Will
getting a title with a bill of sale
2ManyZs that is strange, I sold a 1983 280ZX 2+2 last year to a man in Virginia using a bill of sale, and I know for a fact he got a Virginia title for the car! I'll try to get ahold of him, find out what he did, and let you know. Will
Inner fender mount, direct to caliper, SS braided lines?
Das what I'm talking 'bout! Thanks for the pictures-Now I understand, and agree! I look folward to reading the article! Will
getting a title with a bill of sale
TexasZ, you make me proud to have been born in Texas-College Station! Every Bill of Sale I have ever written-and there have been many-have the words "One Dollar and other valuable consideration" on the purchase price line! Will
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
See what you think...compare your avitar to this picture. I think there is more than a passing similarity! HaHa, It is a rebadged Audi-only better:love:
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
I respect the 350Z as an effective assemblege of current technology, and a great value relative to what is out there, but my first reaction to seeing one was-who stuck the Z badges on that Audi? I am serious, I posed that question to a friend the first time I saw one! It does follow the Z tradition in marketing, but that is the only connection I can find. Is a great car, just not a great car for me! Will BTW, if a 240z was perfect, we wouldn't be changing things, would we?
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
I have two new automobiles, a Volvo S80 and Dodge Ram Quadcab-they were bought for hauling the to be born and the to be ressurrected (No Easter pun intended) -they didn't "speak" to me either-the Volvo was the safest car I could find, and the Dodge was the best value in a truck that could hold a soon to be added to family. They are nice vehicles like a 350Z, but I have no real passion for either of them. If someone hits one of them in a parkinglot, oh well, Insurance will cover it. If someone hits my 240Z in a parking lot there could be, and probably will be a fight! Yes, I know, "someone with priorities so far out of whack does not deserve such a fine automobile", I just don't let it bother me... Will
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
Mike, I am 41, and I drove a 350Z Track model, a Z06 Corvette, a BMW Z4, and a Viper. These were the cars my buddy wanted to check out. All of the cars were faster than my 240-big shocker, all of them out handled it hands down-another big suprise! As nice as the cars were, and they were, not one had any sort of staying power in my mind, they were tansients in my thoughts-nothing stood out as a "Wow! I have got to get me one of these!" They reminded me of a beautiful woman with a passion for sex and nothing else-a fantastic way to spend a few weeks, but no chance I would keep her for a lifetime. Maybe that does make me an old man... I do think performance to dollar the 350Z is the best deal, and that is what I told my buddy. That is also its only link to a 240Z as far as I could tell. Will
Inner fender mount, direct to caliper, SS braided lines?
SMZ1 Post pictures! I am getting ready to put a '72 in the air and turn it over to take care of everything. I would like to see your brake setup to consider it for my car. Might try some heat on those flare nuts-it helped me before! Will
Panel removal
2manyZs is right on, I cut out more than I thought need to be in order to have access to repair what couldn't be seen-turns out it was a good thing! Tough repair, but done once and done right! Will
OEM Windshield
The Eastwood kit works very well-keep the pad wet, get comfortable, and go slow! Will
Golden Nuts?
For reapairing or replacing the "goldish" finish on Z hardware, use this kit: http://www.caswellplating.com/kits/zinc.htm , and the yellow chromate at the bottom of the page. You will not be able to tell the properly done pieces from NOS. Will BTW this site is a candy store!
Carpet Dye????
I have tried several types of spray on carpet dye, and none of them have proven reliable for a daily driver, they all look great to start, but start loosing ground after a month, after six months the vacuum cleaner will pull off the dried dye. I just don't think an impermiable fiber can be dyed. The dye acts more like paint, and because of the flexing of the fibers, ultimately give up adhesion. If you can take the carpet out and soak it in a vat of RIT dye, you might have a better chance. Will
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
Come on now guys, The 350Z does have 4 wheels, an engine, and Nissan Z badges! Of all of the "sportscars" I test drove recently, not one was memorable. They were all fast, they all handled well, but the were built for any fool to drive fast-they had absolutely no charactor. They were too smooth. They were bland(color does not count) and generic, and had absolutely no individuality. They were built for people who don't really know how to drive. Not one of them commanded respect from a driver-they were engineered to convince any driver into thinking he or she was Nascar capable, while filling up the senses with everything except the exhilleration of driving. Every car I drove was faster than my Z, but not one of them was even close to as exhilerating to drive. Tomohawk, I like the way you think-except for the bit about A/C! Only because I actually have one will I make this statement, the 350Z is the evolution of a 280ZX-NOT a 240Z. Will
Aww come on, the best year for a Z is what ever year you have-unless you have more than one! Will
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
I was asked a couple of days ago if I could drive anything, what would it be. My immediate answer was a 240Z suits me. I have Several new cars-and while they are nice, or suitable for specific tasks, none of them brings a smile to my face on the thought of taking a drive other than the Z. I went and test drove several new sports cars-including the 350 with a freind who was looking, and he asked me which one I liked best, and I told him. Then he asked me which one I would buy, and my answer was none of them. He wasn't quite sure how to respond, so I explained it this way: "You know that old bomber jacket you have(he has an old well worn leather jacket that he wears every chance he gets)." "Why don't you get a new one, you can afford it, that one is worn to the point of almost being shabby, and the leather is dirty-it is starting to look bad". He was obviously a little put out-I knew he would be. He said: "This is the most comfortable thing I can immagine, I love the feeling I get when I wear it-I thought you liked this jacket." I said, "take that feeling and put it in a car-only make the car beautiful and everybody knows it." He looked at me and said, "your 240Z!" I said, "yep, and I do like that jacket!" He had the jacket cleaned and treated the next day, it looked almost new several days later when he showed up wanting "to put gas in my Z." He brought the Z back with 3/4 a tank and a knowing smile! Will
Me thinks the lad is after a 240SX-he has not yet learned of the beauty of a 240Z. Bryan, look at the cars here: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=998&thumb=1&si=BLITZKRAIG See what came before a 240SX, and see if you don't get onboard! A 240Z came with only two options-Passion for those that get within a line of sight, and infatuation for those that actually took a test drive! Be careful, it takes only seconds to get hooked, and a life time to be glad you are! Will
Anyone want to buy a set of Flat-tops
If you don't get any takers, tell me what you want for them and shipping, I just bought a boat! Seriously-let me know what you want to box and ship. Will
getting a title with a bill of sale
Changing out a VIN can mean Jail time-not something I am willing to risk! I don't mind working a loophole as long as it is legal-moving the car(paperwork) between states is. I emailed the Ga. DMV, here is their reply: "Dear Sir: A title will not be issued for a 1963-1985 year model vehicle if the vehicle has been registered in someone else's name(s) other than the owner(s) shown on the Georgia title record. Therefore, if the previous owner do not obtained a title, you are unable to obtain title also. Thank you, DMVS" A Bonded title company said "caint be done without registering the car outside of Georgia, a Laywer will charge you $100, and spend an hour to find that out-but leave off everything after 'it caint be done'." Now, I know legally I can "sell" the car to someone in another state, one which will issue a title based on a bill of sale from Georgia, pay for registration in that state, and buy the car back to transfer the car(with a title) back into Georgia, and apply for and obtain a Georgia Title based on the title brought with the car from the other state. I was just wondering if any of you had been down this road. There is nothing illegal about that set of transactions-they are just somewhat complicated and time intensive. Brandon, when I get to the bottom of this, I will pass along the info-don't part out that car just yet-unless it has something I need :stupid: ! Will
getting a title with a bill of sale
Most States print that a title is required for registering a car from a diferent state, but when it comes to standing in line at the DMV, a clear and leagal bill of sale will get the job done. In some states, a new legal title will be issued after a verification that the car was not listed as stolen. Will
getting a title with a bill of sale
Mike, I know the State of Ga does not require a Title for a car this old. I just want to have a clear title before I put all of this time and effort into this car. If it is stolen, or claimed to be owned by someone else, having a legitimate state-registered certificate of title will make it easier to prove and defend my ownership, as well as limit the envolvement of the other people in the chain of bill of sale transfers. Will
extra horse power from fancy sparkplugs
Get a proper set of NGKs and know you have the right plugs at the right gap for your car! Spend the money on some good wires, or a can of silicone to help out the old ones! It is amazing what can be lost throught the cracks-even the ones you can't see! Will
getting a title with a bill of sale
Here is a loaded question! Has anybody got any experience getting a title from a bill of sale? Here in Georgia if a car has been registered with a bill of sale, the next owner in Georia cannot get a Gerogia title. The '72 I have bought has a bill of sale. I want a title. It appears that I must transfer the car (paperwork) to a state that will issue a Title, and then transfer it back. I have heard that Hemmings Motor News has ads from Alabamians that routinely do this sort of thing-I am not sure if this is used as a means of "Washing" a salvage title away or not. This '72 has never been hit, the numbers match, and other than Tripple Webbers, wheels, and paint, is all original hardware. Thanks , Will
Some investments are better than others
Did you know that: If you had purchased $1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. With Enron, you would have $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00. With WorldCom, you would have less than $5.00 left. But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of Beer one year ago, drank all the beer in one sitting, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling price, you would have $214.00, and a hell of a hangover! Based on the above, current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle. It's called the 401-Keg Plan. Ok, you didn't make any money-like you would care after drinking that much beer... Will
Just Before Dark