Everything posted by hls30.com
Wow, another winner! Question 3 is toast. Question 4 is toast as well, but I have to dissagree with your order on the last answer. Everything you had to fix on your Z was due to improper care by the previous owner-rust included! It was his/her car, it was his/her responsiblity-even if the PO was knowledge/time/money challenged! My car is on the slow boat to near perfection, and I accept all responsibility for its current condition as the current owner! To quote Sam Kineson(?) from the movie Back To School, "Good answer, I like the way you think!" What, Nobody for extra credit?
Machine Shop Question
I live in Savannah, Ga. and I have used Motor Supply Machine Shop, ask for Tom Strouss. He is quite good. 912 232 4186
Congratulations! We have a winner on the first part of question #2! John Candy Did drive a Zcar in that Movie! It was not a Ferrari GTO,but, it played one on TV! It was a Mcburnie rebody! You get the gong on the answer to question 4, but I like your answer just like the red rocker!
Proof of Homer Simpson in city govenrment!
This is an actual sign in Sanata Clause, Georgia, It was actually on Reindeer Street-It has now been taken down-not by me! Go Figure!
Who won the first ever Daytona 500? My initial answer is "who cares, he wazn't in a Z!" But I think it waz The team Ray Harroun & Cyrus Patschke in car #32 in 1911-oops that was Indianapolis A Mr. Lee Petty
More Trivia...easier this time 1)What kind of car did Jim Carey drive in Bruce Almighty before he recieved his powers? Extra credit, what would the first 6 (hint) letters of its VIN # be? 2)What kind of car did John Candy drive in Delirious? More extra Credit, what would the first 5 letters of its VIN# be? 3)When did the pressed indentions in the Spokes of a 240Z steeringwheel first get cut out? 4)More often than not, what was the worst enemy of your 240Z?
The answers are: What is painted on the underside of the roof, but above the headliner in a S30? Why it was painted there? A "T" is painted on the inside of the roof to denote which side of the car the steering wheeel will be on (which firewall was to be installed.) What the factory measured coeficient of aeordynamic drag for an S30 is? Cd (Drag)for a stock (No front license plate, airdam, headlight covers or Gnose) S30 is 0.467 What was the factory model designation for the S30 in the Japanese Domestic market? S30, it didn't change anywhere in the world.
Big Naughty
Interchange guide/book
Some people(I do too!) call a 1968 Datsun 2000 a ROADSTER. Mine just happens to have a removeable hardtop on it at the moment! Next, I suppose you will tell me that any convertible with its top up is not a roadster either! Shees, there IS one-er, two in every group... I would (post a Monty Python sound byte) in your general direction, but MP3s are not valid attatchments here! I remember a Site that had something to the effect of "Would you shop for performance parts at the junkyard?" in its metatags that had a list of easily exchanged parts for our cars, but I haven't tripped over it lately-that goofy Google-do what I mean, not what I say...
Everything Dims!!!
Check the wires coming off the alternator as well, if a PO didn't secure the battery, took a turn and dumped it into the engine it could have shorted against the hood and partially burnt your alternator wiring. If you don't find anything there, use a vom to measure the voltage difference between the engine and the car body, if the difference is not 0, make up a good ground wire to go from the engine to the body-you could have a weak ground.
Everything Dims!!!
What kind of aftermarket equipment is in the car? Sterio, Amp, DVD?
You don't look dumb, you have just proved you are smart enought to want to learn! I didn't know this until I had owned my 240Z over a year! You know them by their common names: the 240Z, the 260Z and the 280Z. S30 is the factory model designation for the 1st generation body of the Z car(1969-1978)! Look at VIN #s from all countries, the S30 is the only part that does not change anywhere. A vin with HLS30 starting it is a 2 seat, L series engine powered, Left hand drive(steeringwheel)'69-'78 Z car. A VIN starting GHLS30 is a four seat(2+2), L series engine powered, Left hand drive(steeringwheel) '69-'78 Z car.. The G or the lack of it tells whether the car is a 2 seater or a four seater. If the G is there it had 4 seats. The H tells that the car came with an L series engine for example: Japanese 240s had a 2 Liter 4 valve per cyl engine,and right hand steering- they were PRS30 cars, not HLS30 cars, but both were S30. The S30 is the factory model designation for the body.
web help
Dumb is not asking the questiion! Check the FAQs! I just submitter a naughty avatar, and that is where I found out how to do it!
Web site Legal Junk
These guys have only as much power as you give them, if you are not using their intellectual(I do use that term loosely) property, then they're trying to control your freedom. They have the right to grumble, b_tch, and moan, and you have the right to ignore them and post a website on any subject you like. For their site to be "official", there must have been a motion for a vote at a scheduled meeting At the meeting the members of the club voted, and the motion was carried. With out that, you have some guys tring to intimidate you into backing down. If they were so certian their site was better, they would not be trying to get you to back down. They would let a lack of traffic frustrate you into giving up. I don't see how the two site would be confusing if the info is the same and the web addresses are completely different. If they manage to justify booting you out of the club, post the complete particulars on your site, Metatag the crap out of it, and form your own club, make it what you want it to be, not what theirs is-I am sure theirs is not perfect. Build it and they will come... How many Z forums are there? How many Members does this one have? If they all offerred the same thing(and bandwidth was not an issue), there would be only one! Cleveland is a big town, I am sure it would support more than one club. Splash them with your wake and let them see your taillights!
S30 Trivia! What is painted on the underside of the roof, but above the headliner in a S30? Why it was painted there? What the factory measured coeficient of aeordynamic drag for an S30 is? What was the factory model designation for the S30 in the Japanese Domestic market?
Interchange guide/book
For some things you can use almost any online salvage yard look up, IE; www.car-parts.com all of the yards subscribe to the same interchange database (The Hollander Interchange) it is correct for most major assemblies-not little pieces, interior, trim, or wiring. It will not tell you that a L24 can be repolaced by a L28ET, but it will give you strictly bolt (those requiring absolutely no modification) on interchange info from similar cars of close model years I had a link to a boneyard udgrade list, but it is now dead,
Headliner fall out
I had the same problem in my ZX, and I took out the headliner panel. sanded all of the old foam off, coated the chipboard material with POR15 to make it waterproof, and osed 3M weldwood contact cement to glue carpet to it-and reinstalled teh panel. It has been almost 2 years, and the carpet has not fallen-Coastal South Georgia, 95+% humidity and temperature variations from 24 to 101 degrees F! I used the same carpet that I used on the floor-It actually looks good! I will put a picture in my gallery
stainless or aluminum bumper covers?
The added weight of a cover would probably be less than 3 lbs, 304 Stainless steel wieghs a bit more than the steel that the bumper is currently made out of and the chrome, copper and nickel it is plated with, so adding a thin cover might well be lighter than replacing the entire bumper. With a cover, the actual bumper could be lightened anyway, actually reducing weight with out changing the visual appeal of the car. I will explore both a cover and a bumper as I get more info.
Turbo Swap Parts List
I am doing a similar swap. I never found what I would consider to be a complete list (maybe other members have); but, take the engine, all of the engine management(ecm, harness, afm, cruise control(if you want it) You do not need the dash harness unless you are moving the guages as well. You don't have to take the plumbing, but I would, the radiator, all of its pieces, the oil cooler, all of that was engineered to work with that engine, and can be made to fit in an S30(240, 260,280). If I am too vague still, pm me. I am not too far from you. Don't forget the rear brakes! Will
WANTED fender mirrors for the 240Z
I have seen (and done) it myself, but why? Most tires (and other petrolium products) actually burn (when on fire) with billowing blue/black smoke? Since the rubber is left on the road, maybe the binders are released and they are white in vapor state The rubber smell is part of that process. I emailed Goodyear customer service with the question-if they take it seriously, we should have an answer this week.
stainless or aluminum bumper covers?
Does anybody have any interest in a a set of polished Stainless steel or aluminum bumper and over-rider covers? They would be a close fit to the entire face of the bumper (and each over-rider as a seporate piece) and loop around at the top with no seams. I am thinking about setting up the tooling to make them-not sure what they would cost-but certianly not the $900 for the OEM pieces at either end, They would never rust-out or corrode/peel, and could bring that mirror polished pride back to a Z with a bad bumper. Thoughts?
headlight covers
Don't know about local to you, here in the States, MotorSport Auto, Victoria British, and a habitual though now abscent ad on ebay!
Power Windows on an 83 280zx
The problem is not a fuse it is a circuit breaker! It is a small cadmium plated box with two wires coming out approx 1" x1.5" and it is bolted(or at least supposed to be) to the upper side of the passenger footwell. It is a universal part and about $3 to $8 depending on the retailer. If you still have trouble PM me and I will shoot a picture from a parts car and send it to you. Will
wind sheild
He is correct, the front glass is interchangeable 69-78 the other glass is not as unversal to the S30
stereo solutions
Check out the install I made for my ZX, takes up less floor space than the rear panel setup, accomodates proper baffle volume and you dont have to worry about lifting your cargo over it. $24 including carpet and woofer covers(painted to match the inrerior) http://www.hls30.com/hls30_011.htm I will be putting one very similar to it in my 240 as the restoration progresses