Everything posted by hls30.com
What I Hope The Next ZCON has:
I have thought about a swap meet for individuals-but I have to find someone to completely oversee it,and to make sure everyone cleans up after themselves. We have a vendor packet for business-and vendors renting space in the carshow can sell clean used and new parts-but must clean up after themselves.
ZCON 2011 Teaser
It is tropical and warm-but we didn't wait until August for the Convention-August is when it gets HOT around here! Standard Tourist outfit: Shorts, Short Sleeve Shirt, sandals, boat shoes if you want your toes covered. Light colors will keep you much cooler in the sun! We are working on some "beat the heat" things and Polarized sunglasses as being a part of the goodie bags-samples due in the first of next week! Check us out on Facebook: ZconSavannah Ga
ZCON 2011 Teaser
A little more for you... Convention poster Photo of Riverstreet to the left, Talmadge bridge in the middle, the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center and the Westin Savannah Harbor Spa and Golf Resort to the right-you can't see the track, but is is to the left and behind the Westin. Floor plan of the Westin: Large green area-Store and Registration, large Blue area closing banquet. Photo of The Convention Center and the Westin. Floor Plan of the Convention Center we have Hall A and B for the Judged Car Show, and the brown/orange area for the Special Interest vehicles a view of River Street from the bridge end of the River Walk. A map to show where everything is in relation to each other! A) Convention Head Quarters F) ZCCA Judged Car Show G) Peoples Choice-if the field is too damp(the field is normally 20 degrees cooler than the parking lot)! C) The Track! E) The Route the Free Ferry follows every 20 minutes or so to and from Party Central (River Street). Will PS registration is still in the testing phase, as such the website is up but still under construction-but the link to Register at the Westin is open and Working!
What I Hope The Next ZCON has:
I believe you will see improvement there-I saw the lines, and actually gave up the time I had planned to prep my car for the show to help with that very issue. We have a two pronged cure for it, and I think either one could handle that issue. Road Atlanta is almost 300 miles from the Convention Headquarters hotel-I think you are under the mistaken idea that The Georgia Z Club of Atlanta, Ga. is Hosting this years convention-They are not. The Coastal Z Club of Savannah, Ga is hosting this years Convention-and we would love to have you come for a run on the course we are using for the track events-It was designed for Nascar/Indy Lights use, and with the Bucaneer Region of the SCCA setting up and overseeing the track events, you are sure to have some serious and challenging fun!
What I Hope The Next ZCON has:
I will say I have always respected the efforts of those who have gone before us, and now-in the throws of it-I respect them even more... I have volunteered at three of the last four(I didn't make it to Texas because of unexpected surgery) and will actually volunteer more at future conventions because of this experience. I have a couple of clubs who have contacted me to find out what it takes to host-and I gave them front row seats to the process-so once next years is locked in, hopefully there will be a list of clubs waiting for their opportunity to show off their neighborhood, and have 400 or so of their closest Z friends over for a visit! I guess with all of the car shows in the Oregon/Washington area, Motorsport Auto putting on their mutual admiration bash, and a website selling members cars, and the too busy repainting/repackaging Hotwheels trade, no one feels the need bad enough to do the deed!
What I Hope The Next ZCON has:
This is where you get to tell me from the perspective of an S30 owner what ZCON needs/has been lacking. I know that the last several years there have been way too few things in the auctions and store for S30s-Last year there were only two items that were S30 specific-what a crock! That was only because they were all (in terms of S30 items)that were donated-I will approach our sponsors that carry them specifically for S30 goodies-S30 owners need more more interesting stuff in the convention store! One of my pet projects is to create a safe display of early literature in the convention store and at the car show-I have a reasonable collection, and have had the conversation with several other members (whose' collections make mine look anemic) about doing this for several years. What would would you do to even the field?
24th Annual Z Car Club Association International Convention
The members of The Coastal Z Club Convention Team, and the Z Car Club Association invite you to attend the 24th Annual ZCCA International Convention held July 18-23 2011 on Z Island! Together, we have setup a tremendous adventure for our guests. Z Treasure can be found, Treasure can be won, and Treasure can be bought! We have five days of Z immersion planned, from Competition events to a driving tour of one of Americas original Thirteen Colonies, we have it all for you and your Z! Track events set up to take care of your need for Zpeed, A true Resort Experience at the Westin Savannah Harbor Spa and Golf Resort for less than half the going rate! If you ever wanted to have a true 5 star resort get away experience at a hookup price-this is it! $129/night Single Occupancy! The ZCCA Judged car show will be inside the Zavannah International Trade and Convention Center, with track events on Grand Prize America Avenue-all located on Z Island! We have Ghost tours to raise the hairs on the back of your neck,-don't think I'm serious..try it and you'll see! We have History tours for your need to explore, from Colonial plantations to Civil war fortresses, to The Gulfstream 650 factory, Savannah has it! Southern Comfort food from Savannahs world renound restaurants, Including Savannahs' own Food Network Star and 350z Convertible owner-Paula Deen, and the Pirates House-the setting for the first chapter of Robert Lois Stevensons Treasure Island! Black Beard Died in the pirates house, and his Ghost is one of many that haunt the place! Many a man went to party in the Inn that was the Pirates house and woke up in the hold of a pirate scow with the choice of becoming a part of the crew or walking the plank! Be careful how much you drink lest ye become one of them! We even have a dinner cruize worked in that will take you past three Military forts from the civil war and before-when you return from your cruize, you can tour the forts! Intrigue from Colonial and Pirate history, more book, television and movie backdrops than you can shake a stick at, and you'll find all of it woven into the History and Culture that makes up our home, The Most Haunted City in America, and The Hostess city of the South, Savannah, Georgia! -
ZCON 2011 Teaser
I am sending you a boat load of luck-no excuses for not bringing them! I am up for a conference call at your meeting... Will pS-the convention has a Pirate theme-and we will be reserving River Street parking for photo ops-giving us both sides of the River!
ZCON 2011 Teaser
Should be over the weekend for www.zcon.org, and registration should open right behind the website!
- ZCON 2011 Teaser
ZCON 2011 Teaser
Here is a teaser for you guys-the team has a big bunch of great stuff already worked out, and more yet to finalize! ZCON.ORG should open over the weekend and registration should open shortly thereafter... July 18-23, 2011 The members of The Coastal Z Club Convention Team, and the Z Car Club Association invite you to attend the 24th Annual ZCCA International Convention on Z Island! Together, we have setup a tremendous adventure for our guests. Z Treasure can be found, Treasure can be won, and Treasure can be bought! A true Resort Experience at less than half the going rate! If you ever wanted to have a true 5 star resort experience at a hookup price-this is it $129 a night for a single, $139 a night for a doublea single at the Westin is normally more than $300 a night! We have five days of Z immersion planned, from Competition driving events to a driving tour of one of Americas original Thirteen Colonies, we have it all for you and your Z! Track events are set up to take care of your need for Zpeed, Historic Tour events are set up for your need to explore, and Haunted tours are set up to put the hair on the back of your neck at attention, and we have got your gullet covered too with the cookin' of both a Food Network Television Star, and a restaurant experience from the days of Black Beard, and Treasure Island! If you like Movies, Forrest Gump was among the more than 100 filmed here, as was Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Swamp Thing, Glory, North vs South, The Deep, The Generals Daughter, Forces of Nature, Wild America, and most recently The Last Song. Ghost tours to raise the hairs on the back of your neck,-don't think I'm serious..try it and you'll see! History tours for your need to explore, From Colonial plantations to Civil war fortresses, to The Gulfstream 650 Jet factory, Savannah has it! Southern Comfort food from Savannahs' world renound restaurants(,Including Savannahs' own Food Network Star and 350z Convertible owner-Paula Deen. Intrigue from Colonial and Pirate and military history, more book, television and movie backdrops than you can shake a stick at, and you'll find all of it woven into the History and Culture that makes up our home, The Most Haunted City in America, and The Hostess city of the South, Savannah, Georgia!
helping out a member of the Z community and thereby getting Zs more visible
If there were a 240Z entered, I would be voting for that, but this is the only Z, and any Z is better than no Z! Please join me in helping out a fellow Z enthiusiast, Brent Hunter, by taking a couple of minutes to vote for his 350Z in the Rockford Fosgate Challenge Visit this website: http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/promotions/2010_WhatsYourVolume2.asp#vote Vote "NO" on all of the entries except #22, Brent Hunter, and vote yes for him. This will help him to earn a Sponsorship from Rockford Fosgate, and put a Z in a national ad campaign! Lets help the advertising world to see the support the Z community has for its own! Brent will be bringing this car to Z Island for the 2011 Convention, so you should make plans to come see and HEAR it! Will please post here after you vote to show your support!
What would be the most welcome change to your Z
My 240Z is still on a rotisserie waiting to be painted and put back together, and for me to finish Larrys car...
What would be the most welcome change to your Z
What would be the most welcome change to your Z. if the poll doesn't cover it, post it!
JDM Headlight cover difference.
Guys, I know I have been well beyond scarce-and ready to take any and all heat for putting myself in that situation-but I still have my matched NOS originals in the boxes-as pictured at the end of page 42 of my gallery (found here, http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&page=41&ppuser=4106 )and on page 43 as well-don't use the viewer it brings up to progress through the images, it does not progress by page, you will need to actually go to page 44.), and if there is anything I can measure, photograph, etc to help with this, let me know. I have one box with the JDM NOS parts in it, and I know exactly where they are. Will
What is youir favorite driving music-if you don't see it, post it!
I only had 15 slots to fill, and had them done before I entered the new thread! There is some good stuff in here! some of them I am not familiar with, and a link or an mp3 would be appreciated-thanks JMortensen! Will PS when I refinished my first Z, the 76 2+2 in my album, "Addicted to Love" (Robert Palmer-and those "simply irresistible band members) was on the charts(MTV), and my car was washed with it as often as possible!
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
Here's what I found, good press release info, video is a roving still.... http://www.autoweek.com/article/20100729/VIDEONEWS/100729818 USA Today http://content.usatoday.com/communities/driveon/post/2010/07/nissan-z-car-owners-headed-to-nashville-for-convention/1 DNJ http://www.dnj.com/article/20100729/BUSINESS/100729033/Nissan-Z-car-owners-headed-to-Nashville-for-convention MotorAge http://motorage.search-autoparts.com/motorage/Industry+News/Yokohamas-tires-highlighted-at-Nissans-Nashville-Z/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/681014?contextCategoryId=43145 AutoTalk http://www.autotalk.com/nissan-z-enthusiasts-gather-in-nashville-for-23rd-annual-z-car-convention-5357/ http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/press/international-z%C3%A2%C2%AE-car-convention,1405526.html http://automotive.speedtv.com/article/vintage-z-fans-partying-in-nashville/ http://online.wsj.com/article/NA_WSJ_PUB:PR-CO-20100730-910405.html Will
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
Those ZCCA guys Rock! Chris, Chris, Todd, and Bob!
What is youir favorite driving music-if you don't see it, post it!
What is your favorite driving music? Please list what I haven't
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
OK, As soon as I finalize the arrangements, the dates will be announced. as stated above the tentative dates are: July 20-24 or July 27-31 William Stokes Event Chairman 2011 ZCCA international Convention: Savannah, Ga.
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
According to Chris, I have only one responsibility...get our Local hooters girls into his roo-uh-the convention hotel...he said he'd take over with them from there...Jim said he would make sure Chris knew what to do-and show him, repeatedly if necessary-what a great wing man! Aw man, I almost forgot, I am supposed to stock his room with some local Floridian rum too.
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
Zcon 2010 was off the hook! The team behind the scenes was hopping to keep everything seamless and did a terrific job, They handled every hickup(free margaritas at happy hour!) with precision and paved the way for convention attendees to get maximum enjoyment! A serious thunderstorm in the wee hours before the car show didn't even cause a delay even though Nissan instructed no cars on the field until after 7am! With out getting into details, these ZCCA guys, Chris Karl, Chris Wenzell, Todd Wagoner, and Bob Bosse have brought the ZCCA back from the brink and pushed it well into the 21st century , in addition to putting on the largest ZCCA convention ever held...from their homes in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and TX/SC! I can't begin to imagine the effort they put in to making a great convention from hundreds of miles away...but, I am pretty confident they met at Hooters in Nashville to iron out details! Chris picked a hell of a band for the show, not only were they HOTTER than hooters girls, they put on a hell of a concert! I swear that "RedNeck Woman" was written for The Dirty Curties and not for Gretchen Wilson! I saw all of the usual suspects at the convention, added a few more, and because of Mr Carl Beck, got a picture of Me and Mr. Matsuo in front of the Nissan Manufacturing plant in Smyrna TN! Thanks again Carl, You really know how to get to a Z guy! I also figured out what so many have tried to do when it comes to Ron Carter.... To Beat him in a race, you have to pull the car he is driving with a tow vehicle! Notice I said figured it out...we pushed his car out, so he still beat all of us! I did get to tow Less out in the BSR 33 cars...I really need to write Collin a thank you for putting me in that position... Ron graciously saved all of our eardrums in the Nissan Garage by waiting until his BRE racer was outside the garage to start it!
Pay it forward!!!
I am going to round up and send BTF/PTM a pair of good Taillight housings... Will
Respectful way to haul Z parts
And here I though I had a good answer! http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35002&highlight=perfect+box
Permitted items for Interior during judging
She beats a pen and pad for note taking every day-not to mention a built in distraction for point deductions(leather seats not withstanding)!