Everything posted by hls30.com
WTF happened to HLS30.COM
Actually, there aren't that many left. I had been planning for over a year to be at the Mitty this year-as a weekend off, but Chris' reminder woke me up that I have let too much slip through the cracks to blow off some steam just yet-clearing up these issues is far more important than a weekend of fun. TomoHawk, Your manual, and several goodies will be setup for Monday departure via USPS Priority mail-CHris, yours will go the same way-though I know you told me to ship UPS...I can't see adding insult to injury... and it will allow me time in the too little space to get the rest out... Tomorrow I will be rounding up what I have safely stored, and I am taking off Monday to see that I get it all done.
WTF happened to HLS30.COM
Pm box has been cleared- I'll be making tome to get back on here twice a day to keep up with and rejoin the community-I'll be back in full swing after Nashville(The ZCCA National Convention) More will become clear after the convention... Will
WTF happened to HLS30.COM
Hi everybody. If you sent me something to scan for the Club CD/DVD, it will be returned. Everything that I know has not been returned will be going out Monday-May third, 2010. I apologize to those of you who I have run so late on. All of the materials are still together for the club project. A very wise Floridian(well known for hisuse of "the F word" (Factory-ahem) told me early on I was biting off a huge project, and he was right as usual! That project was consuming a tremendous amount of my available time(to date in excess of 200 hours), and when I added correcting a 240Z sold by AL Allen as "Show Ready" and "better than New" to my life, I found I had too many balls in the air, and some had to fall. I have a wife, two young boys (now three and five), and I have been donating all of my time(far more than the club project) correcting the afore mentioned 240Z. The car is almost ready for me to detail, put the interior in it, and turn it back over to its owner. I have more than three times more time in this car that I have in my own. If you sent me something and asked that I return it, please let me know-I will be emptying my box momentarily. I am still under the pressure of completing the 240Z mentioned earlier, in the next three weeks or so, then I will be getting my Z32 ready for Nashville-it is so much closer to ready than my 240Z. If any of you would like to jump in and help with finishing the Club project, I welcome that help-I have been stalled on a menu system for two years and let that be known several times. I can post links to those threads if you have forgotten. Once Nashville is over, I will be back on my 240Z and seriously into the forums again-right now, I do apologize to those of you -especially Tomohawk-who I have owed documents to for so long. They are safe, and will be headed back this week. I have a oscillator to return as well-It has been packed up and ready for quite a while... Will
The making of reproduction parts.
I received a phone call today from the king of pinstripes, those of you serviced by ZPS know who I am talking about... Any way, I have been beyond swamped with life and Larrys car-you can't believe the absolute SH!T AL Allen sold as (to directly quote him), "a fully restored-better than new car"-fortunately you won't have too, but more on that at a later date...I have been putting EVERY spare moment into getting Larrys car done-I promised I would help him get the car into the shape it was advertised to be in. Between family, eating, sleeping and Larrys car there simply hasn't been anything left over. The good news is Larrys car will be in paint by the middle of next week...I expect to have one more month in the car, and then, get some of the things I owe and have promised to several members here in the mail. When Larrys car is finished, and the owed items have been shipped, I will be taking a vacation to get my sanity back, and start work on my own entry at ZCon2010. After Zcon2010, I will be jumping into the reproduction parts, and my own 240Z. I apologize for the absence, all of the delays, the bent promises, and the lack of balance. Will
280ZX Suspension conversions?
You can change anything underneath-ArizonaZcar used to sell a tube frame for the S30, such that you could replace either or both ends to put in what ever you wanted. Cutting and grafting is serious work, but it will let you put virtually any thing you want in the car... Will
72 interior carpets
Trimming and Installing carpet is not difficult-I am going to be doing both to Larrys car in the next month or so, and will be making up a technical article when I do. I have ordered enough carpet yardage to cover the floors, the rear strut towers, and the Rear speaker panel. If you aren't in a rush, that article might help you. It will take part of a couple of days to carpet his car-with some recovery time for hands in between. Will
What is the dumbest thing you've ever done?
I'll get it rolling. The dumbest thing I have ever done-AKA my Darwinian Challenge: Early in my Z experience I had a problem with the gas tank in my 1976 280Z 2+2. I drained and dropped the tank, and forced air through it with a leaf blower, until bone dry. It still smelled like gasoline(petrol)so I sealed off all of the openings except the filler, put a hose on my water heater, and filled her up with hot water and the calcium deposits that form as boiler scale. I suspended the tank from two trees with ropes and proceeded to shake it up. I drained and refilled with more hot water(fewer deposits this time) and some Dawn dish washing soap. and shook her again. I repeated this until the water coming out had no color on it when draining(about ten times), and there was no gas smell. I filled the tank with hot water and caustic soda. and left it in the sun for two days, rotating it every time I thought about it. I rinsed the tank, filling it with clean hot water eight times, and shaking it. Then comes the dumbest thing-I tried to use a match to see into the tank. I could not smell gas, no film in the rinse water, so I thought I was safe. Well, the tank didn't care that there was no film, and no odor, the match sent a jet of the prettiest blue flame you ever say(complete with the chooooooosh sound) about two feet out of every opening in the tank-one of whic was about 10 inches from my right calf. I lost all of the hair on that side of my leg from my ankle up past my knee, and had a crusty covering about 16"x8" where skin once was. It hurt like only someone who has been burned can imagine. I ignored the pain, and as I was alone, I beelined it to the hose I had running a couple of feet away and rinsed everything down. I won't get too graphic in any of this, but I had a buddy who is a medic, and I called him and his response was either call an ambulance or head to the emergency room-In my young and dumb days I chose not to, but to take care of it myself-bad insurance in the early years-so I got a shower, covered it loosely and went to find some sulfadine cream. After the third pharmacy, success! I cleaned the burn three times a day, once in the morning-once on my lunch break, and once when I got off work. Work was the fun time-at home I had a shower wand, at work I had a sink. I'd scrub until I couldn't stand it, then coat it up with sulfadine, and cover it with gauze. My buddy came to visit a couple of days later and told me the burns were too serious 3rd Degree) to deal with on my own, and urged me to go to the Hospital. Not me! I just kept up the treatment, nothing for pain, just keep it clean and covered during work, and clean and open at night. In a little over two months everything was looking much better. In Six months everything was better still but it was obvious something happened in that area, but the end of the year there was no evidence anything had ever happened there. My buddy the Medic still can't believe there is no scar, the hair came back, and the skin healed. Someone was watching out for me, Darwin-and Murphy were obviously some where else! Will
Help Please Rust
The best answer is to replace the tub. Will There are other answers that will work, and are less dramatic, but they are not the best answer-especially considering the tank is already out of the way. Will
Do i feel lucky today
Buy every lottery ticket you can find... Will
Anyone have an extra steering wheel to sell
I've got several series 1 wheels in various stages of restoration from scrubbed with a scotchbtite and soap and water to completely restored, so you can get one bolt on ready, or refinish it your way. Pm me if you are interested with what level you want. Will
Maybe I'm totally stupid, but....
The ZCCA has had a serious changing of the guard, included in that is a complete revamp of the website which is underway-meaning the site is being completely reorganized and cleaned up. If you are having some trouble communicating with the powers that be, please be patient. Look in the threads here, I postes several years worth of frustration along the way. In the past it, has been 6 months or more before score sheets were mailed out. Given the scope of the changes involved, please be patient with the powers that be in the ZCCA, they have a great deal they want to accomplish in addition to their the goals lives outside of the ZCCA. I know the four guys that are in the leadership positions, and they are all working much harder than we are are able to see to bring the ZCCA back into the efficient and responsive organization it once was. Unless you got the "two week turn around from one of them", there may have been an assumption on the part of the person who passed that information on to you. In the mean time I'll send your question on, and rest assured, the communication issues will be taken care of. There is a great deal of catchup going on, and once it is through you will be amazed! Will
So yeah, the VIN is fake
The Proper authorities would take care of that figjam-and probably change his tailor too. Will
Keith, I have two sheets in a manila envelope I placed there three or four years ago-no name or part number on the material, but is the same thickness as 20lb paper, after removing a plastic film(easily peeled off), but because of the magnetic pull, it conforms to the shallow relief in the areas that the stickers are placed in. I'll go back to the local supply house I originally bought it from and see if they have more or can tell me what it was/where to get it. Will
I have, and it has gotten a great deal more difficult to find-most of the readily available stuff is way too thick to be unnoticeable. I sent some to Ed a couple of years ago as a thank you for some parts help, and I have a couple of sheets put up for my cars. I'll see if I can find some more, and post when/if I do. Will
keith, Here is a secret. Do not adhere the decals to the paint of the car. Put them on an exquisitely thin magnetic sheet. That way they can be kept in an envelope in the glove box when not on display, and will never fade, peel, or have other issues from cleaning, polishing, or running down the road, and you can put them in place at a moments notice Will
Stan, Welcome! When you get a moment, post some picks of your honeys nemesis-we love pictures! Will
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
I was very glad I got top see and talk to you-I wish It could have been longer so I could find out about your car! I knew that her visit to the mall would be way too short and seriously too expensive(boy howdy was I right on both!) so I took pictures as quickly as I could! I try to focus on pictures first when I know I will be time challenged to allow as many people as possible to see what needs to shape their plans for next year! I really enjoy examining the details in a car so I took pictures of almost everything that was( I missed the Caddy Convertible playing with his top(would have liked to see its details, and the Ferrari that pulled through) there. I copied the contents of the car to a cd and pulled the Zs off to shrink for uploading. I loaned the cd to one of the members of my local club to get him motivated for the trip next year-so far four phone calls asking me If I know the owners of some of the cars and could arrange a ride for him...and he hasn't even looked at all the pictures I posted here! I do have one of the cars I can post... Will PS Kudos to everyone involved-I know it took effort to make it so great!
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Who actually did S30's styling? We can make it clear
Kats, I want to say thank you for sharing with all of us what you have found, and experienced. Your efforts are most appreciated, and your results most thoroughly enjoyed! Thank You. Will
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Bill Coffey's Dream Garage Party
Derek, It was terrific to meet you and see-AND HEAR-that beautiful intake-I should have recorded that sound!-not to mention the plumbing of your car! Those of you who haven't seen Derek's car, he is working on one system at a time making it work perfectly, then cleaning it up and detailing it to perfection-making it work, then making it pretty! He has got some serious plans for his car and has already done some serious work to it! I had a blast talking with you and hearing about all of the details of, and plans for, your car, and the Man Cave-driving simulator-I'll have to come to a meeting one of these days-and hog the other chair! Will Carl, I every time I saw you you were in mid-sentence. I noticed you painted the centers of your wheels, and added the cover to the quarter window fuel filler since March! I was hoping to have more time and get over to see and hear what was going on with your beautiful BRE Rally Z! Will
Would like your opinion
I run 20w50GTX and/or Rotella 20w50 and recently started adding Zinc to her diet...