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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. And a few more-I pulled the ones with tags showing-and I'll add some more later... It was great to See the everyone and hear about the seriousness of their Driving Simulator plans, I did get to speak with a few people, not everyone I wanted to, but I don't like to interrupt animated conversations-and there were plenty of them going on! I do have more pictures, just a shortage of time to shrink and edit them at the moment. The smell of the food was enough to drive me crazy-but then, who but me picks a vacation to start a diet! Thanks for having such a great party! Will
  2. It was a great Party! Lots of outstanding cars, and better people-I didn't get to circulate like I wanted because I was dropped off, and picked up too early, on our way to take the boys to Disney-but I did get some pictures I have already told my wife this party will be a destination next year and not a side trip! Will
  3. I would really look at the warranty offered by the different rebuilders you consider. If they will cover local service you are way ahead of the game. Remember too that Ebay feedback is normally added shortly after receipt of an engine-and generally based entirely on appearance-there is not enough time to get a good evaluation on an engine in the time ebay allows for feedback to be given, and once it is given-the opportunity to let ebayers know how the engine really did is completely gone. What looks like a great price could just be a colorful description and a nice paint/polish job...with nothing backing it up performance and longevity wise. A company confident in its processes will have a warranty that is valuable, not one that is full of disclaimers and requires all warranty work to be done in their location. Also verify any and all claims made in the warranty-if it gives local service find out from who and talk to them. Will
  4. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    There is only one manufacturer of ridig ABS dack overlays as far as I have found. Dashtops. http://www.dashtops.com/ There are several fited dash covers made from vinyl and/or carpet- Everyone sells their product. They will sell direct, but you get a discount based on purchase size. That is to say, if you order a dash cap, the rear plastic, tool covers, you will get a better price than you can find all of them for at any of the vendors. If all you are after is a Dash cap, or another piece or two, there is no discount, and the vendors are less expensive. Shop it though, there is a guy(at the link in the first post) on ebay that occasionally has the best prices, otherwise they are all about the same before shipping-and shipping can be the deal breaker-so be sure verify its cost before ordering. Will
  5. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Between the archives here and the information on Zhome.com you can learn as much about early Zs as you are interested in looking for. It is all there. If you have specific questions, just ask! Be very cautious of self proclaimed experts(even DartsunParts businesses) unless they have a ZCCA gold medallion under their belt, or a well known history across the net-ebay feedback alone is NOT an indication of a 240Z knowledge. If some one tells you that restoration means anything other than put back exactly as it was, he does not have a clue, or is trying to sell you something-and probably not really what you want. Other than researching and verifying here and on Z home, The best bet to find out what actually belongs on a 240Z is to find a ZCCA gold medallion car and take lots of pictures-find out what it lost points on too! Too many people have and share(some ebay sellers with supprising ly good feedback even promote) incorrect information-verify your source of information is known and respected by ZCCA senior Judges, and you will not have a problem getting good information. Just because a guy can build a pretty car, and has won awards at a car show, and even has had cars in magazines does not mean he has any idea what a restoration(or even proper repair) is. Unless the car has won the stock class of a ZCCA car show and won a ZCCA gold Medallion, it is probably not an example of a stock 240Z-regardless of what the magazine, car show, owner, or builder may call it. One further thing. become an active part of the club. Those of us who have been around know the stories of most of the Vendors-even those that hide their past by changing their name and location-before you spend a bunch of money on a restored or NOS part, post or PM about it, we can tell you if the seller has a reputation for bending the truth, buying from another vendor and marking items up, or poor quality in the parts they actually have made. Will
  6. I've had LB0730s parts side by side with originals, anyone would be hard pressed to do a better job matching up the two or seeing a difference between them. Bryan does outstanding work and his reproductions are an exceptional value. Will
  7. A good many shops in my area do use Autozone parts-the AutoZone in my neighborhood has seven delivery trucks-and they do not do residential deliveries! The trucks seem to be at the store only when the store is closed. I have seen the trucks dropping parts off at shops all over town. As a matter of fact, that is what prompted my first visit to Autozone Will
  8. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    This is really wierd, just to be sure I ordered 3 today. They should be here on Friday before I leave for Gainesville. Will
  9. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Between the two of you, what is left! I have a Dream Garage dealership Poster(and thanks to Ron a couple the Dealerships gave out), a Z across America shirt, tag, and poster, several BRE things, The Artist Proof Z poster that has been signed by Mr. K, Paul Newman, Peter Brock, and John Morton...still waiting to ask Steve Millen and Bob Sharp to sign it-maybe they'll be at The Mitty next year! Will
  10. There is an outstanding shop up the road in Savannah-David Kuhn Restorations-these guys are internationally known, and don't do insurance work. I have seen their work in great depth and detail, and can speak from intimate knowledge of their thoroughness and skill. While they aren't cheap, they do not cut corners, and what you pay for, you get. They can do the best work I have ever seen, and have won "best of show"s at the Major Concours events including Amelia Island, Pebble Beach, Hilton Head, and several other Marque specific concours shows. They just won first place with a 1937 Cadillac 12cyl at the Classic Car Club of Americas Grand Classic Show at Stone Mountain with a score of 99.5! ~ Don't let their credentials scare you off, their prices are unbelievable for the quality of their work. One other absolute rarity. David actually encourages owners to come and work along side them-so you can be an actual part of your cars restoration-not just the guy signing the check! I have been working out there on Larrys Car since last November, originally to keep the shop rate reserved for things needing the shop skills, but that reason became learning more about the right way to do things from guys that have proven through time that they know how to do things right. If you could see the mess of dents, kinks, mis=alignments, untreated metal, holes and bondo that A self-proclaimed DatsunParts LLC business sold as a fully restored and show ready car, and the concours ready car David has made of their sows ear, you would appreciate the value of their work. I can arrange a visit if you would like-the car is almost ready for paint. I'll be passing through Jax on Friday on my way to Bills party in Gainesville on Saturday. If you want to see some beautiful Zs, you should plan the Saturday trip! Will I'll send you a PM.
  11. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Actually the part of Fast that applies to the S30 is called Efast, and though it shares an opening menu, it is a seporate program, and essentially yet another copy of the microfische. The club CD is more legible, and easier to use. Fast is for the 17digit vin cars(280ZX on), efast is for what came before them (S30, SRL, SPL, etc...). Will
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Have you checked the dealer? They are still available from the dealers here in the USA. Will
  13. or the Jealous(of the Z) wife! If she starts making you spend money on her(the Z) it'll be a pretty good indication... Will
  14. It has been my experience that about the fifth time you really clean a set of wire wheels after a trip in the rain, your opinion of them changes. More work than believable. On a car that gets its exercise between the garage, an enclosed trailer, an event and back, they are beautiful, but in use they deflect at loading, and are considered "high performance" only in vintage racing circuits. Will
  15. I've had good luck with Duralast Starters and Alternators-normally I have them checked before I leave-gets an occasional strange look, but still gets done! Will
  16. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I bought one of those about two weeks ago-I have a 280ZX one as well.
  17. I had the same thing happen a couple of weeks ago-with almost the same questioning and answers of my soon to be five year old monster and his 2yr old brother. completely spidered with no entry wound. In cleaning up the mess, I found a .177 caliber pellet inside the car in the hatch area it must have come through the open door window and popped the hatch glass. The neighbor across the street had just given his 12 yr old a pump pellet gun for his birthday...and the next day they were in the front yard tearing holes in cans, when another stray shot popped out one of the front windows on my home...Dad should have known better... I visited them within seconds and brought them over to politely show them that plinking a can (especially in the wrong place)does not mean the pellet can't get into trouble. The young man gave his pellet gun to his Dad without prompting, and promised to have my glass replaced. At that I offered to help father and son build a suitable range in their backyard so the gun can be used safely. Will
  18. Just saw a beautiful 908 240Z with Rewinds on Criminal Minds-the opening was a Z savy pretty redhead looking through the want ads, finding a 240Z and going for her last testdrive! Beautiful car being driven in the rain- It is on again at the end of the show! We must have a secret admirer in the writers guild! Will
  19. No leather in the upholstery in an original 240Z. I usually wipe the dirt off with plain old soap and water-rinsing well at the end. then I try Rubbing alcohol, if it doesn't touch the overspray, I'll go to laquer thinner very carefully. For faded(not sunburned)try back to black. If it is sunburned-but not crumbly, wipe it down with laquer thinner and shoot it with SEM Landau Black if the interior is black-if it is any other color visit SEMs website and request a free color chart, then buy the appropriate color. Several thin coats, flashed between works the best. Will
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I am going to leave part of this response out until I work it out more clearly, I will concede that his posts have issues, but in defense of the "allegiance", most people will gravitate toward someone they know and find enjoyable when placed in a large crowd of new people. Carl is absolutely wonderful at making a person feel great about owning a Z and becoming a part of the Z community-it is no wonder those who encounter him hold him in such high regard. Alan, You know I don't agree with everything Carl believes-he knows it too. Having said that, I absolutely respect and understand his opinions, and his efforts, and can honestly say I have enjoyed every experience I have had that involves him. I am not sure I could have posted any of that if I had a hard time being impartial when it comes to friends. Hell, I'd really like to shake your hand and look you in the eye too-I envy MikeW in that respect. Alan, No owner or car deserves special treatment in a thread, but all deserve respect-until it becomes apparent that they are not a healthy part of the community. #13 is interesting because of its survival and its differences. Rick is interesting because of his Z history-I would hope to glean more of his Z experience-and that is the reason for the delay in getting on about a couple of the points above. I will post more, I am just seriously time challenged at the moment! Will
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    After reading the new rules I'll say it this way. The changes are progress. Progress was made. Just like every living thing(even languages), changes will need to be made and should be expected. To quote my sons' favorite movie, "Just keep moving forward"! This version of the rules did that-great work! I wish I could have been in San Antonio-after reading these rules, more than ever! I read the pertinant part of the current version of the rules out loud every time I go to work on one of my Zs-the changes were readily apparent without a re-read, and I didn't see the first change that wasn't an obvious improvement on the last version. Will
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Polls
    What do you find to be rude in a thread-I'll list some obvious ones-how about adding to them! Will
  23. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    While I will agree that this is one of the least problematic boards I frequent-and certainly the one I post the most on-the beating that our members gave the owner of #13 really is not something that should make any of us proud. He has been a long time Z enthusiast-since well before the proliferation of computer based car clubs. He appears to be somewhat inexperienced in computerease, but quite well versed in Z. I just can't believe we as a community of S30 enthusiasts have been so callous and down right rude to someone we hardly know! You may have issues with the condition or originality of his car, or in the glowing descriptions of its rareness/desirability, but would you treat a new next door neighbor that you just discovered had a seriously low vin the same way? I wouldn't. I absolutely agree that we need to have correct information in our archives and dispel the half-truths, misinformation and outright lies, but I believe there is a way to show someone a fact without berating them for being wrong accidentally and unbeknown to them. When we identify a consistent source of problems and misinformation with an obvious motive to his/her spin, we cull that person from the herd-after there is no question in a consensus of the Moderators/Admins. Buying into a rabblerousers taunts just fuels his or her fire, and wastes time and energy that could be spent on Z. Is it better to chase off potential Z friends for being wrong, or to bring them in to being right? My wife knows how to wash a car-but she has no idea how to wash my Z. Would I get further rolling my eyes and telling telling her she was an idiot and had no freakin' clue(certain slow, painful, and bitter-cold death!), or showing her how to do the job in a friendly and enjoyable way(might well get lucky-and her help washing the Z for Nashville!)? Will
  24. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Obviously this thread is about what it is titled! I will be copying some parts of other threads here for illustrative purposes. I would really like the finger pointing to stop-it takes both an instigator and a reaction to have a problem-otherwise you simply have an invitation. We have several members who, in my opinion, demonstrate that: 1) He, she, or it are anxious(even come here specifically) to get in a fray. 2) He, she or it can't ignore an invitation to have a fray 3) He, she or it want this club to be a debate/berate forum, and not a group of people all out to gain understanding of some part of the complete story of their Z(s)! Along those lines: Please also remember-if you don't like some of what has gone on, this is your chance to help fix it. Criticizing without offering some help is like rust on a Z-somthing that will be cut out and replaced. The rules on this thread are very simple-dissagree politely all you want, if you find something to be rude, explain why, and what should be done about it. Will

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