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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. for the dampener, try the dealer, Courtesy Nissan, or use one for a 280ZX(available aftermarket a week ago), it has different mounting, but does the same job. The injectors use only the seals-they function as gaskets. If you are after gaskets for the mounting hardware, it would change the spacing tolerance. There is always permatex! Will
  2. Cancel the password popup and wait for the commercial to end then 23 seconds in... http://www.mylifetime.com/on-tv/lmn/killer-hair/video Will PS LMN=Lifetime Movie Network
  3. Guys I have a wife, and if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! If LMN helps while she is on vacation, that is where the TV will be-unless something else Z related comes on the History Channel, Speed, or one of the Premium Channels Will
  4. I just saw a preview on LMN for a show called Killer Hair, they torch a Z! If it weren't already taped, maybe we could do something, but obZiously it iZ too Late! Will
  5. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    If you are talking about the E30 sport seats, yes, sort of. Motorized versions must be lowered, the manual don't sit up quite so high, but lowering then still helps. If you remove the BMW tracks, you can adapt the Z tracks, but some of the functions will have too much interference to work... It isn't nearly as easy as Miata, Fiero, or many other seats, but it can be done. Will
  6. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    While I like what you did, given your desire to make it look natural, why didn't you just some original switches for another purpose? Will
  7. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Les at Classic Datsun will stamp new plates with the vin from a copy of a title in your name. Will
  8. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    The Harbor Freight font does not match either of the three fonts I have found (and assume to be original) in the 240Zs I have looked at. Will
  9. Scrape the date on the penny, might be enlightening-might not... Will
  10. I agree with those above, and will offer one additional suggestion. seal the Condenser core and the radiator to the core support-that is to say, close off any path the air could take around the condenser core, be sure all of the air the fan pulls/pushes flows through the cores(condenser and radiator). I had a similar situation here in Savannah, I installed a SPA pusher fan-relayed off the compressor clutch, and it had a bearly noticeable effect on cooling. In a frustrated state I popped the hood and put my hand in the voids between the core support and the condensor core-WOW was there air coming out! I drove to Home Depot, bought some grass edging extrusion and stainless steel duct tape, and proceded to trim up a box to seal up the voids. The sound of the fans changed with every fitting, and more importantly, I could see fog in the car! I made it work first, then went back and made it pretty. I still used the black edging material, but trimmed it close, and replaced the stainless tape with a heavy rubberized tape. It was not nearly as noticeable to look at, but the air coming out of the vents was cold! Will PS I used the blact tape to seal the radiator to the core support as well. lLater, I replaced the radiator, I replaced the tape with strips of weatherstripping applied to the frame of the core.
  11. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in RACING
    It is easy to write history with a bias toward your target audience( the poor taken advantage of Jag crowd) and make others(Datsun) look evil, what the author so kindly left out was that rolling the car off the trailer with minimal prep allowed officials only minimal review before the race too! You can bet the car was fully prepped outside of and around the corner from the track, and pulled in at the last minute to compete. After listening to the stories of most of the guys he called by name at the "Drivers of the Can AM" talk at Amelia Island Last year, all of those teams believed trying to get away with as much as possible and keeping the other team from doing so was as important as gasoline and tires! I'll see if I can capture and post the video in the next few days, cool admissions of down right sneekiness, conniving, and rule(and official) manipulation! Reminds me fully of Errol Flynn Ali Babba and the Fourty Thieves movies I watched on Saturday Mornings after Cartoons while growing up! Will
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Grownup... It's a nice place to visit, but I could never live there! Will
  13. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Small Scale Autocross!
  14. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Very cool-thanks to you and your friend Mike! Will
  15. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Carl Did you forget the 240Z is NOT a sports car but a Personal GT? Don't forget the Camero was a sedan! While I can't find fault in what you said-Diesel technology is still new in its development (unlike Gasoline technology) cycle, and a composit based Chinese knock off of the Blue Sports has potential, I still think it will take a green consideration to get there in the current world climate-then again it the Parallel occurred in China instead of the USA, well, you could be exactly right! The USA isn't the largest Market anymore...and the world has changed. Will
  16. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Reminds me of a radio show I was listening to in Ancorage Alaska, they were listing the most "Un-cool" things in the world, After taxes, Late fees, and the fact that a doctor still gets paid when he or she is wrong, came the finishing comment "and anything Fiat!". My buddy just howled at that, my car of choice at the time was a SCCA prepared Fiat X1/9 with tires that were wider than they were tall! That was one fun car-it would out handle anything I had driven to that point-it was seriously underpowered for all of its grip, but once moving you didn't have to slow down for corners-and it was the only car in stock form to meet the soon to be mandated federal crash requirements, granting it the claim of the safest car on the road at the time it was introduced! I think the next car to identify and fill awide open niche will be a comparitively inexpensive electric, with suprisingly good performance, comfort, safety, and price. It will be the car that the big three should have made instead of nursing on big oil! Will
  17. Stephen, You have joined the tiny club that has been able to make me sad, confused, enlightened, and happy, all within a matter of two sentances and a few miliseconds...AS LONG AS AL DOESN'T HAVE A CHANCE AT ANY OF THEM! Will
  18. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Several of the things that plug into the harness are different, meaning that many of the plugs will not be correct, and the locations will have changed-also the '73 harness will have several connectors that a '70 has no use for. You are better of to either find one for your year(verify part number on the existing harness first and foremost) or restoring your existing harness. Will
  19. Here you go! Zs only, it is a scan of the microfische. https://www.classiczcars.com/store/ If you get a certificate error, just push through it, it is safe and just an oversight. Will
  20. Macs best advantage here is their placement of the OS in protected firmware. But then, Microsofts chosen path ensures more Microsoft, I.T., and aftermarket envolvement on most PC sales-meaning more jobs(expenditures) from every machine/install. The Apple/Mac is(and has been) clearly a superior product, but the Microsoft Machine is clearly the superior Marketing strategy. It follows the old adge if you help others help you to become, and enable them to become richer for doing it, they will. Just goes to show you that having the best product doesen't mean you will sell the most...just like Betamax and VHS... Will
  21. Malodorus perverts...killer rabbits, Kinigits who say Ni, Dead Parrots, and a philosophers drinking song, Say no more, say no more! My sides are hurting too much to drive! Will
  22. If Larrys car is finished in time-just about a sure thing! I'll be trailering it over for display at the MSA Show and quite possibly a longer stay up the street! Will
  23. "Driver" is absolutely not a dirty word, it is simply more descriptive of a car with some obvious enjoyment(regardless of the paintjob) on it than a exhaustively detailed replica that gets "driven very sparingly", and was built to look as close to a specific car as humanly possible. A z was made to drive, but Rons car was made for another purpose, to recreate the car that was made to drive because it was destroyed by being driven...Ron painstakingly rebuilt history, for those of us who didn't get to see it before its destruction, the car in question really appears to have been built to capitalize on the BRE trademarks with none of the commitment to detail-that isn't more than a few mils deep. To say that noting the difference between them is nit picking is attempting to give a pretty and somewaht faithful paint job the same value as what Peter Brock did originally and Ron replicated to an unbelievable degree throughout the entire automobile. Finding a supermodel who is photogenically beautiful is pretty easy, finding one who is an exceptional person as well...that is as rare as a truly faithful BRE tribute car-regardless of the fact that the first one approved was! Will
  24. I use Mothers plastic polish on everything plastic-works great with a cloth, a buff or a toothbrush! Will
  25. TomoHawk posted a link to that a couple of years ago, I don't believe it was with google maps, but it was a similar situation. Will

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