Everything posted by hls30.com
BMW 325i Seats
It was me! E31 sport seats I'll hun tthe thread/... Will
Valave cover restoration
Tomohawk, What you do to it depends on what class the "car show experts" think you will enter. I don't know any car show expert that would tell you to highly polish anything aluminum on a stock class entry, Now bead blasing will clean up dirty parts, but you have to keep the pressure low enough not to change the surface texture of the metal. I am getting ready to clean the Auto tranny for my 300Z, and I will be degreasing it with mineral spirits, and then brushing off the fuzz/glass beading it, and clear coating with a low sheen paint-pretty close to what I would do to restore a valave cover-except instead of clear coating, I would hit the pretty side with MAAS metal polish-not to alter the surface, but to keep coorosion at bay. Will Will
important info.
Send it to me Rick, and I'll send you back exact instructions on how to do it next time... Will
1975 280Z 2+2
Brian, The picture was taken in the parking lot of Loco's looking acrtoss White Bluff Road-the buildings in the photo are adjascent to the Sears Automotive senter in the Oglethorpe Mall. Will
Lost My keys
On several occasions, I have used an awl to prick punch several dents around the head of the bolt(close to the outer circumference of the head) and tap them tangentially to move the bolt around its path to out as well-not as quick as Mikes answer if you have a Dremmel handy, but deep in the Pick and Pull with just a few tools it does work! Will PS, If the ignition lock is original, there should be a tag with the key number on the inside of the glove box(hopefully it isn't locked!). If your lock smith is as good as Bradley Lock and Key here in Savannah, they could make you up one from that.
Seat breather holes?
This beggs the question, did dealers with upholstery issues and a shortage of cars(not to mention seat parts) have damaged seats corrected to the best of the local upholstery shops ability(with out vents) before being put on the show room floor and sold? Or is this just another case of Nissan not updating part numbers as suppliers changed parts? Will
Looking for console blanks
I have NOS blanks from the early console, the clock, the radio aperture mask, and the later(late71-73) fuse panel cover. I have delayed making restoration parts in order to get a few projects(research/locate/schedule straightening out the mess Al made out Larrys car, refreshing my 300ZX Convertible, finishing my 240Z, and getting a piece of property sold-despite numerous and serious delays allowed by a mis represented Railroad right of way among them... As of the first of next year, I will be starting the making of 240Z restoration parts that are no longer available dfrom Nissan, and )if my findings are truely representative) in most case seriously rare, and beyond difficult to find. There will be a few suprises out there when the jello sets! Will
Blanks for the door jam
To buy the plates from the better vendors, you have to supply a copy of your title, and they come stamped. Will
Terrible Vendor--Datsun Parts
Here is another update, 1)Larrys car has had the springs corrected( the ones on it were short to the point the rear suspension was resting on the bump stops and the springs rattleing anytime the car went over a bump-from no longer being under tension), 2) One caliper replaced, as one was frozen, and there is still an issue with the car pulling hard to one side when braking-the pads will be replaced, they appear to be mismatched left to right(one pair of high performance-one set of run of the mill) 3)Four proper sized tires put on it-the ones on it were too small-put there to allow more clearance to address the clearance issues from the severe lowering of the car. 4) the Muffler was reinstalled(Al had put it on upside down and backwards), 5)the check valve for the mastervac was re-installed correctly(it was installed backwards-meaning the car had no vacuum to power brake booster-and thereby no power brakes) 6) There is still a shimmy in the front end, meaning the rack probably needs to be 7) serious Dents in the floor from jacking the car in the wrong place to replace the wheels have been removed. Most of the issues left to correct are: a) restore the steering wheel, clam shell, c) restore/replace the turnsignal switch-only works one way, d) restore the hazzard switch and its hardware, e) Restore the original radio(completly dead, worn and broken face plate), f) correct the after market radio -lights up but no sound) g) Restore the scratched shifter, replace the torn shifter boot, h) restore the worn/missing/broken hardware for the ps door, seats, visors, mirror and seatbelts i) restore crazed/worn/broken console, j) cracked rear trims(all but one), k) cut shock tower upholstery, l) worn tunnel upholstery, m) scratched up gage lenses, n) cracked knob(s) on HCP, o) replace the mismatched fasteners through out the car, p) no key to the doors(ign Key only), q) several dash lights are out, r) replate the engine hardware that was painted instead of replated s) correct Fit of the PS headlight cover that was installed improperly(3/4" off) t) correct the core support damage u) Remove the dents in the car that was said to be ready for a concours paint job he was paid extra(exactly the amount he asked for) to do and did not. v) replacement of the hatch(raw bondo squished in all over the inside) w) replacement of the hood x) hatch shelf/corner replacement (slathered filler all over the swiss cheese) y) Strip the car, professionally repaint(Al was paid what he asked to remove the glass and paint the car properly-he did not) Z) Put the car back together in the condition AL chose to advertise it as being in-even though it was no where close: Quoting from ALs Ad: "Datsun Nissan Z 240Z Restored 1970 All New NOS Parts ... This restoration includes over $25,000 in New and Genuine New Old Stock 240Z parts. Every last nut and bolt was removed, re-plated and restored. This Z was a personal project car that I took special pride in to make sure it was a true award winner. Nothing was left undone, completely restored interior includes and NEW Dash, New Door Panels, New Seats and New Carpet. All of the gauges including the clock work perfect. ... Overall every single part is brand new or restored to better then new condition..." Photos of the car as delivered can be seen here: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=3526 More photos showing the difference between Als work and the correct way to restore a Datsun have been taken as the work has been done, I will see about adding them over the next week or so. The car was pretty, but it was not driveable as delivered, and it was far from the description Al gave it on ebay. Will PS, In Als version of "a true award winner", with "Nothing... left undone", and "completely restored..." car, There are a good many more issues to correct than I listed above, but in a project this size, it has to be taken in smaller bites so as not to be overwhelming. In fairness, Al does seem to have done a good job on the engine/drive train, the car runs well(though the shifter was sloppy-Al forgot to replace the shifter bushings in his rebuild-once that was corrected, the car shifts very well-too bad it wasn't safe to drive as delivered-no brakes(emergency or otherwise, and a steering wheel that was impossible to hold for a 240lb man(me) at 40 miles per hour.
Sorry for the confusion! I'm going by production date, early '72s were made in late '71! Will
Clearly a late 71-73 console with an early Ashtray... Will
North GA Z Car Lover
Welcome! and congratualtions on the find and your progress! Will
What Other Z/Datsun would/do you own and why?
Stephen, Quite neat! But No...the one that gets me started was an original S30 study-I'll locate the picture and post it-probably over the weekend. Will
What Other Z/Datsun would/do you own and why?
Well, I have too many S30 parts cars to count. In order of age: I have a 1968 2000 Roadster driver. I have a 1972 240Z W.I.P. that will be seen by those of you coming to Amelia Island to see Carls Rally car on the field. I have a 1977 280Z Alpha1 rebody that is waiting for me to finish the 240Z I have a driver 1982 280ZXGL... I have recently bought a 1993 300ZX Convertible that I am replacing the engine over the next 10 days-It is getting a quicky refresh-JDM engine swap(kept NA), new top, front bumper, and seats over the next 45 days or so. I have wanted a Z32 for years, and this one just fell in my lap(thankfully I was sitting between a pair of jackstands!) I think the Z32 is "the second truely beautiful Z". I will find a low vin 240Z to restore for a gold cup quality car-I have all most all of the NOS parts to build a new one. I would love to find a 510 four door or wagon for the family about town car- And the Datsun I would most like to have I will have to round up a picture of-I don't think most of you would recognize it-I stumbled across it only recently while doing some research for the DHM. Will
What Other Z/Datsun would/do you own and why?
Several of us Own more than one Datsun/Nissan, which ones do/would you own and why? Please distinguish between those that are RTG, those that are in progress, and those that are parts cars...
Is a toyota 15.62% better than a Datsun?
Reminds me of the Logic vs Sex skit from Monty Python years ago. I have the sound byte somewhere-I'll try to post it after finding and listening to it again myself...I'm laughing just think in g about it...but who in this thread would be the wife and who would be the husband? forget the video-just listen to the audio...but turn the volume down at 2:55 as there is additional audio added. http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=15517388 Will Ps for those of you who would rather read the exchange: Professional Logician monologue "Good evening. The last scene was interesting from the point of view of a professional logician because it contained a number of logical fallacies; that is, invalid propositional constructions and syllogistic forms, of the type so often committed by my wife. "All wood burns," states Sir Bedevere. "Therefore," he concludes, "all that burns is wood." This is, of course, pure bullshit. Universal affirmatives can only be partially converted: all of Alma Cogan is dead, but only some of the class of dead people are Alma Cogan. "Oh yes," one would think. However, my wife does not understand this necessary limitation of the conversion of a proposition; consequently, she does not understand me. For how can a woman expect to appreciate a professor of logic, if the simplest cloth-eared syllogism causes her to flounder. For example, given the premise, "all fish live underwater" and "all mackerel are fish", my wife will conclude, not that "all mackerel live underwater", but that "if she buys kippers it will not rain", or that "trout live in trees", or even that "I do not love her any more." This she calls "using her intuition". I call it "crap", and it gets me very *irritated* because it is not logical. "There will be no supper tonight," she will sometimes cry upon my return home. "Why not?" I will ask. "Because I have been screwing the milkman all day," she will say, quite oblivious of the howling error she has made. "But," I will wearily point out, "even given that the activities of screwing the milkman and getting supper are mutually exclusive, now that the screwing is over, surely then, supper may, logically, be got." "You don't love me any more," she will now often postulate. "If you did, you would give me one now and again, so that I would not have to rely on that rancid Pakistani for my orgasms." "I will give you one after you have got me my supper," I now usually scream, "but not before" -- as you understand, making her bang contingent on the arrival of my supper. "God, you turn me on when you're angry, you ancient brute!" she now mysteriously deduces, forcing her sweetly throbbing tongue down my throat. "**** supper!" I now invariably conclude, throwing logic somewhat joyously to the four winds, and so we thrash about on our milk-stained floor, transported by animal passion, until we sink back, exhausted, onto the cartons of yoghurt. I'm afraid I seem to have strayed somewhat from my original brief. But in a nutshell: Sex is more fun than logic -- one cannot prove this, but it "is" in the same sense that Mount Everest "is", or that Alma Cogan "isn't". Goodnight. " Will, PS-is this an early exchange between Rick and she who must be obeyed?
Installing sideview mirror
Not that Snap-On doesn't have great tools, but Harbor freight has a set on sale for $7. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=95432 And a $20 metal set as well: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=99739 Will
Ebay....what parts can be trusted for my 240Z?
I'll be rounding up all of my dealer wish lists Monday morning befroe work after dropping of the boys at daycare, and hopefully post sometime monday Will
Ebay....what parts can be trusted for my 240Z?
If you supply a dealer with a valid part number, it takes less effort than to look up a part for a current car to see if the number is still available, but, many are not-at least in the USA. According to the past Parts Department manager of our local dealership USA dealers cannot order direct from Japan, but Canadian Dealers can-he went the extra mile to get a few parts for me before returning to the Virginia area. I have been keeping a(long) list of the part numbers that have come back as NLA, and I will start a thread to share that info. Will
New style Auto Shift knob for 240Z
PM TomoHawk, he had the same idea/desire years ago-and posted a picture of what he did somewhere... Will
Vintage Z for sale
If we bought it for you, your Z would look that good! If you threw yourself off a clif-the shame wouldn't kill you, it would probably be rapid deceleration trauma! Unfortunately there are only a few with Zs that do look that good, but when mine gets there, I'll pitch in for yours! Stephen, I hear from Vicky about once or twice a month-but I do need to call her over the weekend-thanks for the reminder! Will
Right now he is at Sema, but contact James Whitman at jwsportcars.com-he is in your area, and I believe he has something you would like... Will
Ebay....what parts can be trusted for my 240Z?
Find a local (to you) Z club-tidewaterZ maybe, and see what dealer they have worked out a deal with-My local club gets parts form our dealer at a very healthy discount. I have bought a good many things from Rock auto, and the local parts houses as well. I share the consensus above-if it is a new part and it is on ebay-it is marked up more often than not-ocassionally a deal is to be had, but it is the exception, not the rule. If the part number is hidden, count on it being still available no matter how rare or NLA Reddat, or any of the others call it. If it was truely rare or NLA-there is no point in covering the part number! I would order the club CD and check part numbers to check dealer pricing on most parts-more often than not new parts on ebay are lazy people lures-to damn lazy to see if it is available and cheeper from the dealer-more often than not by the time you add shipping, those parts are seriously overpriced. Will
Original Muffler Question
At the "judges Meeting" in Cleveland, Todds instruction was, any genuine Nissan part shown as interchangeable in Nissans parts books or Nissan software was not to be counted off for. I didn't get to verify this but I would think In the final review of those cars headed toward gold medallion, cars with the most original parts(quality not quantity) would score slightly higher because the essesnce is as it was loaded on the ship(forgetting a/c). Will
Reproduction JDM headlight covers with trim
We were aiming to have something to announce at the ZCCA convention in Cleveland, but due to technical difficulties, it has been postoned. One trip to Ohio will have the lenses ready for production, the trim rings are the hold up, I am still working on an agreement with a company in Vietnam to to reproduce a good many stainless steel parts for S30s-we have been negotiation for over a year-I am looking for another company as well, so hopefully something will give soon. I want to sell them as reasonabley as possible, but I don't want to go broke either. Will `