Everything posted by hls30.com
Need body parts for our 78 280Z
Check car-parts.com for a local salvage yard that may have some if not all of the pieces to save shipping and get an idea what they can be had for. Some can be found regularly on ebay, but check shipping before ordering! The fender and several of the parts are still available from the dealer-see if your local club has a discount-or approach the parts manager for a better price. Will
National Z Convention History
Cris, What a great observation-and idea! Will
Top 15 reasons to get your Butt to a ZCCA Convention!
Did I have a good time? Are you Kidding! The Convention was Terrific! I got to meet Fred, Betty, and Johnnie, Shake hands with Mad Mike for a second time(and see that shame on you for bringing a Volvo to a Z convention look(I am sooo ashamed:(!), Judge His 350Z in the show-something he reminded me of at breakfast the next morning by asking my wife if I had good insurance!, and meet Charley Osborn! I got to meet a bunch of members here, and their cars! Some for the first time and several as a reunion! I didn't get to spend as much time talking with everyone as I would have liked(I brought the whole family with me, and had Daddy Duties), I did get to shake hands and say hello to a good many members here. The Convention was beautifully done from my perspective. I got there on Thursday before the convention started, and actually got to see some of the preparation as a fly on the wall. Let me tell you everyone in the Cleveland team that I saw was working away to get everything ready for us, and making sure it was flawless. I saw a cohesive team working together with an understanding of where they needed to be and how to get there-all ready to help in positions to which they were not assigned-if needed. It was extremely obvious that this crew spent a great deal of time getting vendors, they had tons of donations to Raffle-ranging from Bose headsets(2 to give away) every day(and a wave radio)(Bose doesn't even sell car stuff to anyone but manufacturers) to Gift certificates from "The Floor mat guys" and everything in between. The goody bag had lots of vendor/area attractions discounts and info-even a thread gauge from the Bolt Depot! It also had a terrific booklet on Mr. K put together by Mr. Dan Banks(Historian of the ZCCA). I am taking the whole thing to my next local club meet. There were coupons, discounts, stickers, even a thread guage from the Bolt Depot! The bag it came in was a high quality piece as well. The hotel was a great choice-plenty of on-site parking even for those with trailers, plenty of room on the driveways for even the biggest rigs to move with ease. Though I didn't partake(Daddy Duty) the happy hour(s) were certainly enjoyed every day by more than a few of the attendees! Those of you who haven't been to a convention, schedule the week, have the car ready, and meet us in Texas! My wife(She keeps proving that I got the "240Z" of wives) was planning the trip to Texas right after the beans were officially spilled! Granted, we did take in several Cleveland area sites-We took the Cuyahoga Train and a shuttle bus to the Akron Zoo the Saturday before the convention, we visited the Science Museum on Monday(excellent interactive displays), and were interviewed for the just opened robot exhibit by one of the TV stations-we were on at 6pm! Wednesday we went to the Childerens Museum. Cleveland was a much cooler place than I expected! I have to say-even with Daddy Duty, and not being able to get involved in some of the activities I would have liked to, the convention was a thoroughly enjoyable time. Listening to Conversations between Carl Beck, Fred, Betty, Johnnie, and their familiars... Watching Chris Wenzell and Jim Friedrick talk about luggage straps and use Charley Osborn's car as an example... The opportunity to jump in a GTR and ride it around the track with no fear... Seeing gold medallion and gold cup winners up close and personal... Seing the owners of a true 4400 mile 240Z dressed up like Darrin Stevens and Samanthas Sister... These are experiences you can only get at a national convention...even around Daddy Duty!
Collectible Automobile Magazine 240Z feature!
Unless I have some misinformation picked up in Cleveland at the ZCCA convention from Johnnie herself, Mr. Ks Secretary has owned the car since '91, and it is now as Stephen pictured it in the Datsun Museum-not sure if it was a donation or a loan! Will
Top 15 reasons to get your Butt to a ZCCA Convention!
Those of you who have been to a ZCCA convention, what are the best reasons to go?
Cleveland RockZ National Convention
Those of you who didn't make it to the show-get off your Butts and make the next one! I have come to two in a Volvo-so not having the Z ready is no excuse. I even brought my whole family (My wife, a soon to be two year old, a sooner to be four year old, and me!). If you want to really experience the wealth of the Z life, a convention is the way to do it Tons of sponsors, tons of door prizes, tons of Z people, tons of cars, and TONS of fun! I met a bunch of members, saw several of their cars-ranging from every penny spent to go fast to every penny spent to enjoy ownership! When you see the pictures my meaning will be clear! If you have never been to a ZCCA convention, you need to make it a point to get to one-if it involves a Z it happens there! Will
A Texan Stranded in Florida
You are in a safe Z Haven! The only issue is most of the Z guyZ are in Cleveland for the ZCCA National Z convention! They will all be back the end of the week/first of next week, then you will get some replies from the Z powers in your area. I am in Cleveland with them, and to my knowledge they are seriously enjoying the Z immersion you can only get from attending a convention. I have my boys with me, so I am a bit more limited in my revelry than some of the other Convention attendees!! The Hooters was closed, but I am sure 26th, Carl Beck, Jim Peters, et al found some other place with hot servers, cold beer and atomsphere! You are in one of the right states to find a great Z-but check it out carefully(of get one of the local members to check it out with/for you) Welcome to the club! Will
2008 ZCCA Show
- 2008 ZCCA Show
2008 ZCCA Show
This is easily one of the nicest modified 240Zs I have seen, lots of things you don't see in other cars, and customized to drive! Great Job!
- 2008 ZCCA Show
- 2008 ZCCA Show
2008 ZCCA Show-previous winners
These two posers just snuck in there, I realized after the fact they were actually future ZCCA trophy winners... My rotten monsters Thomas anad Tristan and their Completely green (Ok blue) Z wannabe!
2008 ZCCA Show-previous winners
Mark Lamberts '72 engine compartment-4400 original miles, 1997 Gold Medallion winner. You have to see this car to believe it!
2008 ZCCA Show-previous winners
Mark Lamberts '72 4400 original miles, 1997 Gold Medallion winner. You have to see this car to believe it!
- 2008 ZCCA Show-previous winners
- 2008 ZCCA Show-previous winners
- Soap N Suds
- Soap N Suds
- Soap N Suds
- Soap N Suds
- Soap N Suds
- Suds N Shine
- Suds N Shine
- Suds N Shine