Everything posted by hls30.com
240z import questions
Hi, and Welcome! NO 240Z came from the factory with a sunroof, Only one person I know has had a sunroof in a Z that did not leak-and he replaced hi roof anyway! The parts you should get while you are at it depend on what you want to do with the car, and the car its self! (I would not just make up a blanket parts order to have everything covered unless money is not an issue! Will
eBay audacity
No, it will still play out with who ever buys the stuf. Will
Z cave is done....
The only thing wrong with your Z cave(and Stephens) is... It's not at my house! Congratulations!
- eBay audacity
eBay audacity
That was more the subject of my reply in both posts. They were more a comment on how laughable that statement is when it comes to having any impact at all. I don't think the Chief Inspector would get any further than "Does Your dog bite?" Pretty much the same point you made Will
eBay audacity
Alan, Taken from context your point makes sense, but exactly in who in France is he going to report a buyer in the USA to that will care-much less be in a position to do anything about it? Personally I know people are going to do what people are going to do, and that is fine with me, but as you are so fond of reminding everyone, the Z community is more than this or that side of the pond! Will
Power Windows in a 70' 240Z ? !
I put a set of mini arm rests in my 280Z 2+2 the week I bought it in 1982, they were JC whitney power window lifts, I had a buddy at gulfstream Aerospace make me some switch aluminum switch pods that mounted under the side console screws so I didn't have to cut the console. the motors weren't as quiet as I wanted, but they did the job on the 2+2 windows so well for the 12 years I had the car, I took them out and kept them when I sold the car...I'll have to pull them out and take a picture-the switch pods were/are too trick! Will Will
eBay audacity
Sean I'm not sure you who you are addressing in your post, but if you reported doing something illegal...you would have consequences for having done it. Over here turning yourself in does not absolve you of responsibility or consequence. Unfortunately most states are not set up to handle any but the 17 digit format, and there is absolutely no standard for entering vins with less than 17 digits between states, add to that many states do not require a title on older cars, so unless you report it to the proper authorities in all 50 states-and think of all of the transfers and time that would take-reporting it to any ten agencies and having anything meaningful come out of the report is a pipe dream-unless it sold in the state the title you have is from. If the ad had been for the entire stripped chassis with nothing cut out, you would have excluded the majority of the thieves because of the logistics, paper trail and sheer work involved-when you add anonymity and ease to any transaction you invite people to step out of their persona-what happens anonymously stays anonymous-selling the get out of jail (consequences) free. Having no consequence leaves only you conscience as a objection-A lot of people will make different choices with consequences out of the picture. Locks keep honest people honest by limiting opportunity, given opportunity and no consequence, what would you do differently? The auction effectively gave someone that scenario. Will Defending the value of earlier cars isn't necessary, look at ebay sales, they sell for more-why isn't important, the fact is that they do. I can explain why the sky is the color it is, but does that explanation change the color of the sky?
eBay audacity
That pretty much is my point, but selling something and alluding to its non intended purpose pretty much is a big unententional sign the less honest in the crowd to go Hmmmmm. It was a mistake to sell that on ebay in my eyes, that doesn't make it wrong for anyone but me. I guess I take more responsibility than most people for polluting my environment with the things I cast off for free or for money. Admittedly nothing is going to stop a thief who is determined to get something, but most are opportunists, waiting for an easy score, and when you give them anonymous access to a kit with how to instructions...sounds like pollution to me. Will
eBay audacity
No, We are living in a world where everyone can be touched by thieves, and taking away their opportunities is really our only defense. Will
eBay audacity
Sean, What your ebay sale effectively advertised was: Attention thieves! Turn less than $2000 and a day or two into at least $10,000! Add this paperwork and parts kit to a 72/73 z(at least three of which are on ebay for BIN of $300 to $700 right now), put the car in storage for a little while, then post your newly found low vin on ebay! and watch the bidding frenzy begin! Be sure to collect either cash/western union, or use a Yahoo email account to set up paypal! If any one asks too many questions, give them answers to make the car less desireable, if the questions define a newby, set the hook! You don't realize it, but you took the most dificult part of that scheeme and built a DIY kit! It is the difficulty with finding and transporting a rusted out low vin that makes this "investment" more difficult. You packaged it, marketed it and made it as prettty as a tourist with his wallet about to fall out of his pocket! Not your intention-no more than losing the wallet was the only thing the tourist planned for his day, but none the less an opportunity for a thief was the result! It isn't about importing/exporting, or rebuilding a legitimate car with a paperwork issue it is about giving a thief an opportunity to turn a sows ear into a silk purse for long enough to get money and get away, leaving someone stuck with something that is not what they paid for. Will
- Power Windows in a 70' 240Z ? !
Check out these Rims...Good Deal?
one of those wheels does have some fairly serious curb rash-and as such could be less than true. Paying someone to restore them will run about $500, be sure you consider that... Will
New hood
Early hood 65100-N4200 MSRP $480.32 Quick WEb search $372.25 Late Hood Msrp 65100-N4800 $515.83 quick WEB search $406.21 1) see if you have a Z club close by-frequently they have worked out a discount. if not... 2)I would talk to the parts department manager and politely approach him/her or it(depending on the outcome) for a discount citing the fact that selling something at 80% is always better than selling nothing at 100%. The fact that you have part numbers and can prepay means the dealership will have nothing tied up in inventory, and actually less payroll than looking up a part for a new car. Selling to you at a discount will make the department volume will go up-something Nissan values and rewards. Take several websites that sell OEM parts at a discount with you, and show him he is not the only game in town, but he would be the preferred supplier-but given the parts are genuine nissan, price does come into play. Will
Iridium Spark Plugs
The only difference Iridium will make in your Z is lightening your wallet! You made the best choice and you were horribly misinformed-unless the performance the recommender was talking about was emptying your wallet quickly. In 25 years of realworld testing, and trying everything out there, nothing beats the proper NGK plug in a well-maintained L series engine. Will
Alloy Wheel Center Caps - '78 280Z
I have a set of wheels with them, and a NOS cap that is in my "to be reproduced" list... WIll
Ricks Birthday Prose-too big for the shout box!
Happy Birthday to you, This is no day for a blue, You bloody well better get moving, before they pick up from Australia Zoo. The MRS has them on the phone,:devious: She told Wes not to come alone, Said you were an old root rat,:embarrass: And a stickback raw prawn. Wes brought out the Nets,:ninja: His offsiders came and went, He brought in A jumbuck, but your still not caught yet! This is your day,:cheeky: Crackin a Fat is Ok,:embarrass: Just keep it to your self,:laugh: let the Jumbuck run away! Happy Birthday You bloody bastard! Will
Why aren't YOU going to ZCON 2008?
Don't think, do! I am working on some sort of a Z show for Saturday before the main show on Concours on Sunday...I will pass along the info as it unfolds... I am so confused by how very wrong that is while at the same time being so very right! Will
NOS bumpers, butterscotch seats, 2400 ohc cover (and car)
PM sent! Will
Coverning buffing wheels...(loading them with compound)
Tomohawk, Here is one of the two buffing booklet I use, it has the info you are looking for, the other I will find and post as well, but it is escaping me at the moment-it was written surprisingly enough by a retired rock star! Will caswellBuffbook.pdf
Classic Motorsports (Nov. 2008)
And here I thought it was just too difficult to compare a vintage Z and a Genetic mutation of a Frog! Will
anyone have big pics of flattops and roundtops?
Here Ja go! The flat top has a ring around it...and is on the right and in the third picture (two on a 510 manifold). Will
eBay audacity
OOOH Arne, I had no idea you were the-as soon as you weld in the section of firewall-owner of one of the extreeemly rare low vin factory convertibles! AwSH!T, I just gave someone the next car we'll see on ebay... Will
eBay audacity
More to the point, somewhere a '73 will magicaly transform to a low vin that is missing the perforated deck, thinner steel front cross member, earlier appointments, and '69 wiring, but it will retian the low vin price until it gets proudly displayed somewhere that it gets identified as changeling. Then the current owner finds out what he bought is not what he paid for...sort of like one of our members a while back, and hopefully not like a more recent member. Will
Discussing 240Z values, especially Low VIN
There are a few people "in the know" and thereby in on many of the private sales. several have posted in this thread. There have been a couple of cars on Ebay recently that were there for a quick sale because there were not "aquirers" waiting for those specific cars, had there been, the cars would have sold for more money and the buyer, the seller, and their advisors would have been the only ones to know until someone went looking... Will