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Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
There are two more that have been around that long, that are going public this year.
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
I was yankin your chain--both the Stock and the Nissan modified are for cars with the original L series...there is time for the-Ahem-correction! Seriously, I hope to see your car in person as you want it to be...It is beautiful even with the wrong engine in it for the Stock and Nissan Classes...
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
From your vantage point you could probably tell what he was doing with the other hand too! That is a beautiful Z after all, and he looks mighty focused on something! Kinda explains the bystanders expressions too... OJ-plenty of time for you to fix that Z and get it ready for the Stock or Nissan Modified classes... We are fortunate to have great judges in this thread, many in the pictures above-all are out to do their best, and improve the Z community.
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
I was looking at some of the pictures I took in Daytona earlier today...a few more to show you what Chris was so caught up in... You'll be hard pressed to find fault with any of those judges-unless there is free flowing rum and free flowing women involved...they have the wingman thing down;)
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
The best direction I can give for all classes is: Does everything look new? If it doesn't, make it look new-no dirt, wear, scratches, sticky, except where it was when new-in the stock class. If you are in the stock class, you have to look like new upto 40 years ago, in any other class, it just has to look new. When in doubt re-clean/paint/burnish/polish. Phoenix will be a great time-Gregg and Jack and their team are seriously on the ball and ready! The plans are amazing, the area is unfreakin'believeable-the Nissan Test Track...Really! Rich, your car will be a hit with everyone there-regardless of any score in the show-remember everyone shows up because they love ZCars! if a stock original 240Z ain't the definition of Z DNA I don't know what is!
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
Tomohawk, My as a experience as a ZCCA judge has been much the opposite. Most owners are present, hovering and listening, some will try to direct a judge through the car like a mother hen, and explain away the reasons for a flaw to try to get out of a deduction, others will wait until the car is judged and ask what the worst deduction was. Judges are there to politely and carefully find the best prepared cars on the field and concentrate their efforts on that endeavor. Some people are offended when it turns out their efforts-no matter how monumental-do not put them in the top spot(s). Every experienced ZCCA judge I have ever seen treats every car(except maybe his own) like it is a gold medallion winner, and as fragile as a a 43 year old crack free dash they are pulling from a 9/69 240Z.
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
That is exactly what I was saying-it asks to check for presence, it does not read "deduct for lack of illumination...". There is nothing in the rules about checking more than presence, fit, and finish. At 2011 the firemarshal requirement was that no batteries were to be left connected...didn't affect judging at all That last sentence really says it all: " If the owners are familiar with what the judging manual says and are near the cars when they are being judged (as they should be) then there will be less issues and problems." One other thing I'll add. I do enter my car in shows when I judge at a show-but in non Z shows I don't make the registration forms available so it can't be judged, and even at Z specific shows I seriously sabotage the interior to be certain I don't place. I don't enter my car to win, I enter it to help with the costs of the car show, and to be on the field, and to see what the other judges might find that I missed in the areas that I actually prepped for the show. the Gas filler was perfect when I lost the points for not having it open, I found out at 2011 I should have sabotaged a little more... I will also apologize for the actions of those judges that continually enter multiple cars in every show under relatives names and rearrange their classes through time to continue to win-they are obviously not in it for the benefit of the community.
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
;More to the point, 4 will flip you the finger just because, 5 more probably won't really care one way or the other, and the last one will do or say anything to get you to let him drive it...using the 80/20 rule for those that did not express actual contempt...80% of 6=4.8 rounds to 5...leaving one...I hate it for you...now pass me your keys....
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
Tomohawk, Why don't you make a correct manual for the ZCCA, and submit it to them-I know first hand they respond better to criticisms that come with a full set of corrections than to bare criticisms. I do have to say after more than 20 years of judging formal car shows if a judge thought he could judge my car as well poking his head across the door as he could by actually sitting in it I would be demanding another judge-one that actually knew what he committed to doing, and had the experience to actually know how to do it-even for my convertible that would be judged with the top in both positions. A good judge sees details that most overlook, even a the best judge can't see details he cant get into position to see.
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
As I said in my previous post: "While there is not a judges handbook, there is a judges meeting, and it covers most of your concerns. Occasionally a new judge gets caught up in what is going on and forgets the guidelines-welcome to the real world of having more need for judges than qualified people volunteering to judge." The Judging manual also says what cannot be deducted for...as I have pointed out before... Other organizations that are larger and more mature than the ZCCA have somewhat intimidating Judging manuals-as a past judge in several of those, I can tell you that they are much more into proving judges training and continuing education than the ZCCA-because they have a stronger and larger pool of actually dedicated enthusiasts to draw from.
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
Tomohawk The current rules and judging sheets are posted and available to everyone-and have been for a good bit more than a year-you and I have posted about them before...if you checked them you would have seen what would be examined, and know what has to be done to examine it-that fact should have given you a serious heads up as to the level of intrusion to expect upon entering your car in the ZCCA Judged show. BTW there is not an operational check for lighting in the judging sheets-no points should have come off for it. No where on this site does it say what the "time out" is. I have to push the boundaries every so often and re-establish where they are...even if purely by accident:stupid:.
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
The results may take a while-I allowed multiple choice answers and some people answered mutually exclusive questions in a contrary way. Off the cuff 40% think anything but a Z engine has no business in an S30-while only 1/3 thought only an L series engine belongs in an S30. Roughly 3/4 of us think the exterior of the S30 is close enough to perfect to leave alone. 20% think the interior is close enough to perfect to leave alone. I actually expected more staunch protection of keeping S30s-specifically 240Z essentially original.
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
I hate it when I work on an answer so long I get timed and logged out! Tomohawk, in addition to what John said, You have hit on one of the serious issues in ZCCA car shows-the lack of people actually wanting to give their time to train and judge. While there are formal rules in the ZCCA charter that clearly define the requirements of judges and the ZCCA relative to them, The shortage of those qualified and willing to judge leads to getting anyone willing to fill the shirt at the last moment. With the rules in the ZCCA articles effectively moot, the issue has been snowballing for years-at least as long as I have been a judge. The time to recruit judges is not at an event, putting a check box on the registration form hasn't gotten the needed results as long as it has been done-even with some of us checking the box every time we attend a ZCCA judged show. The time to recruit and train judges is at local club meetings-if every judge would take the time to find and train at least one a year-this issue would not exist. At the class I took from 26thZ and at every ZCCA Judges meeting I have ever been in, All judges are told to ask for the owners to open/articulate the judged movable parts of every judged car. If the owner opens the door, the assumption is that permission to enter the car has been given-to allow an operators view in judging the interior. I have lost points for not having my gas door open-and not being there(as I was judging) to grant the permission to open it-judges get bit too-even when he told the judges in his cars class to accept parked ownership-treat her as if she's yours! As to 5 foot rule-there is no way that a formal judging from any credible organization will take place with that restriction-if that is your expectation-enter only the Peoples choice and stay close to your car-to enforce the rule. While there is not a judges handbook, there is a judges meeting, and it covers most of your concerns. Occasionally a new judge gets caught up in what is going on and forgets the guidelines-welcome to the real world of having more need for judges than qualified people volunteering to judge. It never fails to amaze me that people with issues with judging rarely become judges...I became a judge for three reasons, the first was to find out what the rules actually are relative to what they were on paper and how they are interpreted in practice. The other two are not pertinent to this thread.
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
What! Not a Six pack like in the Z? AS to a cup holder-there is a great and adjustable(by removing the durable metal liner with the chrome finger pull) one in the car-some moe-ron in Nissan literature translation though it was an ashtray and just like the Goertz myth, here we are! I use a poll to start conversations not to get check box answers-if all of the questions addressed every answer I though would come out, where would the conversation get its kick start from?
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Picked up a granite surface plate tonight.
From the link in the above quote: "For your convenience, we also offer a safety-glass lapping plate (8-1/2" x 14" x 1/4") that is guaranteed to be flat. " Looks like it runs less than $14!
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Gary, I am very much a minimalist when it comes to change, but I can appreciate well done changes too! I was hoping to get to see your car at the Coastal Z Club meeting tonight-I had some parts for you. BTW The complete AC system was a dealer add on-dinna come from Japan with one...only a heater/vent, Will
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Don't let that make you feel bad, everybody knows it's not how big it is, but how you use it... I just couldn't help myself...sorry! I have a Nuvi that we move between cars-I hard wired in a hidden power cord, to keep it out of the way, but use the suction cup mounts-I must admit I like the radio Updates it gives...except when I am usb-ing it...
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Video Screens-Why would anyone want to turn a Z into a living room! A Z is about driving, not lounging, watching a movie, downloading porn-well Mab-NO! A permanent video screen in an S30 is a black hole for Z points...nothing permanently mounted in a Z should distract a driver from driving..... Similarly, Racing seats and roll bars go in purpose built cars-in most cases putting them in otherwise is called Riced posing...Z owners do not need to pose-unless it is with a babe for a photograph! I don't want temporary use items taking up my cars real estate on more than a temporary basis. If you have tune-able engine management and the carputer is a part of it-it could make sense, but otherwise-why? The great thing about a laptop is I don't have to a) sit out in the parkinglot to watch a movie, or download po-nevermind.... watch anything at an uncomfortable offset, c) watch on the screen my five and seven year olds are relegated to. Novelty, maybe, but, I can't think of one movie I enjoy enough to sit in my car and watch on a 7" screen when I could be wathcing it in Dolby Surround sound with my klipschorns up front, on a 46" TV from a recliner with a bucket of popcorn and my favorite "barely flowing it is so damn cold" beverage. I can't think of one movie I would be so interested in that I wouldn't want to wait to see in my living room. Atleast on a laptop I have a larger screen and I can take the movie somewhere and get truly comfortable... I enjoy a soundtrack with a perfect drive- Listening to Keith Urban "Who wouldn't want to be me" with the top down and the speed up, wind blowing through what little hair I have left, on my way to Nashville...the Blue Ridge Parkway/Dragon come to mind, but car stereo should be heard and not seen. A hidden and convenient usb jack and five buttons on the back of a steering wheel is the perfect answer: volume up and down, source selector and track/station forward and reverse. Great speakers hidden where they are the most flattering. If you have to show them off you obviously don't think they are good enough to just listen to. Zpoints are about Z styling-as you trade it out for other things, you lose them...Everything in life is a trade off.
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Wait a minute now, if you wanna play that game...LS7 505 horsepower / 475 lb.-ft. torque not quite 32 mpg-but putting a V8 in a Z is not done primarily for gas mileage-if gas mileage is your ultimate goal, a volkswagon TDI engine will drop right in a Z-with room to spare and get mighty close to 50pg with the right tranny! What about the LSA 556 bhp (415 kW) at 6100 rpm and 551 lb·ft (747 N·m) at 3800 rpm. As luck would have it, the LS7 and the LSA are available with bright red valve covers with CORVETTE Written on them for those into such things...I am sure someone could make up something similar for the tdi engine-hough a Cadillac badge on the LSA would be something different-soo many of those corvette covers already in Zs... Aint I a stinka! Truth is I looked at all of these-the Cadillac LS Crate motors were a serious deal for a while, I even looked at buying a rolling Vette chassis, and putting it under my 240Z. but in the end it would have been a rebodied Vette to me-not what I wanted. I did look at Jag and BMW 12 cylinders for the Alpha1 rebody-after I found that a Ferrari V12 was 20k in need a rebuild... I settled on a modified L28ET with some stealth tricks to make it more Ferarriesque Alpha1GTO-still in the works. For the 240z, A quick change drivetrain was the ticket-change car show classes in an hour-sucker someone with the OE Drive train early, and worry the crap out of them later in the morning with the modified L28ET!
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
Like you should even be asking that question...L6 in a Z-Hmmmm...not to mention I the fact that my 240Z was going to have 2 swapable drivetrains, each installed on a fully loaded crossmember with quick disconect hoses so I could take out a dozen fasteners, lift up the front end and swap them out quickly-after the cross members were indexed to the car. One original, and one L28ET! After Phoebe everything else was anticlimaxtic....according to Judge Rienhold...doesn't anyone ever knock anymore?
Fit of 1973 dash cap
This might help you narrow it down-courtesy of Carl Beck and the IZCC! http://zhome.com/Classic/Restore/dash.htm