Everything posted by hls30.com
What makes a great plug wire?
It will definitely fire the plugs, but it really depends on your timiing controller (ECM) I am not sure about its compatability with variable timing control. Will
My New 260z
Congratulations, and now, welcome to the club! Will
Random Questions
How can something so small make so much noise? How can 3oz of milk make a 10lb soggy diaper? and last but not least, Who farted? Will
Rear view of finished paint.
This could be fun.
a couple more: I cut a fart that has more sence than you. His rubberband has snapped He's a Mental midget he's a wasted space If breathing weren't involintary, you would be unconscious. Even a hat won't keep anything in your head. every time you open your mouth stupid falls out. only you would light a match to look in a gas tank. They said cows were stupid, then they met you. You are a life support system for sperm bank with no customers. Only you would watch "BigTop PeeWee" twice. being tickled by a fart is one thing, being proud of a fart is somthng else Tim makes more sense than Wilson, doesn't he? Will
horn upgrade
Ground the neg(if labeled), and use the lead on the Pos. You will be horny in no time ! At least, that's what she said! Will
Should i buy this 240z?
Stephen, I had that same scary trip, every time I looked back the Z was there, I couldn't get a way, so I brought it home. Will
This could be fun.
The baby has me awake, and if you will forgive the one fingered typing, here are a few... Not the sharpest tool in the shed lead headed a Numb nut got Nothing but storage upstairs Doesn't have sense enough to come out of the rain mental misfit not running on all cylinders Distributor is distributed If brains were electrical current you couldn't light a LED You have a mind like a broken brick slower than a school bus dumber than a stump dumber than a bag full of hammers doesn't have the sence God gave concrete Runnin' on 73 carbies Mensa gave up on him My fair moron lug nut Couldn't get the diaper on the right end with instructions got nothing but a place to put a hat His head works like a pinhole camera-light goes right through pin head Your jello is not set If there are pictures he's ok, if there are words-well... his starter needs replacing You must be the real Otto (From a Fish called Wanda) he is synapticly challenged He'd have a better chance kicking something rather than thinking about it. Give up, frustration looks bad on you. He is the poster child for birth control (This one works for Stupid, and Ugly) Mathmaticly challenged(He can't quite put things together) Oh, You gave Jerry Lewis the character You are just like Charlie Chan, except you aren't trying to be funny. Will
WTB (cheap) intake manifold
Michael, I found a set, but I can feel the rear manifold is cracked around one of the lower head mounts. I will keep looking, but if the chunk is all there(still mounted on the engine) I could fire up the tig and put it back together. Did you need one, both or the entire assembly? Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Do'oh! Will
280zx or small block?
I bought my last L28 turbo from the salvage yard, E something, just the Savannah side of Jacksonville, block and head only, $250. I am verifying a '83 turbo engine over the next coulpe of weeks, the complete and uncut efi harness, airflow meter, ECM, distributor and other electrical controls will be available once I verify they will work correctly. If you are interested, just PM me. Will
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Tah, Post it to the archives here(to the right on the home page) Someone may not need it right this minute, but in alittle while they will! Will
What makes a great plug wire?
I have read the Magnecor site, and I agree it is good, I could not remember what MFR had that info, thanks for the link. I have heard good things about Taylor as well, MSA carries 3 levels of their wires. Will
This could be fun.
Just remembered one, "Ya Mama's a Man!" Will
WTB (cheap) intake manifold
Charm, wit, aliasses-sounds like a lot to offer to me! Glad you're a member! I will have a go round the farm. Will
What makes a great plug wire?
Has anybody done any looking into the best Spark plug wires-I know Vicky played around with the manufacturer that advertized the old capacitor issue, but has anybody really found out what is important. I am looking at the old standby, NGK, and trying to narrow down what is really important in a sparkplug wire-any EEs in the house? Will
ga,car show
If not this year, Next for sure! The 240Z won't be off the rotisserie in time this year. Will
To our British and French members
Brilliant! Will
Hls30 00855
Oop, and the guys who remembered they forgot the stash in the car! They may want it back enough to come a few blocks for it... Will
To our British and French members
OK, what "IS" the sandbox? Will
Hls30 00855
You don't want that car! Think of all the work, parts to be found, knuckles to be bandaided, Road grit falling in your eyes, rusted fasteners to cut, suprises left from POs, presents lurking under the paint, wiring fopas, the time it takes POR15 to wear off your skin, broken dates, family and friend upset with you because that car is more important, I mean when you put it all in perspective... What did you say the owners phone number was? Will PS, Twin boy, You already have two, and now your crowding my action ?
- EXHAUST~~~~>
240z 70 for sale
Do you have any pictures? I would be very interested. Will
Shopping in Seattle??
Make it easy for him, order what ever you want, and have it shipped to his hotel, if he is going to be there a coule of weeks, it should be easy for both of you! You might have to work out the payment details(some vendors will not ship to addresses other than the billing address), see if a member in the area will check the parts for you, to be sure any problems don't cross the pond before being found. Will
With enough time and money, anything will fit. Without either, NO! Will