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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    There is a very informative video from Ztherapy that covers a very effective way of dealing with lots of wear issues-including console refininshing. The video is not wonderful, but the information it contains is! Will
  2. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well done! Good layout, easy to navigate, and informative-makes me want to get off my butt and get my site back up to par! After the stones! Will
  3. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Mike, "Ok, I know. I was being sarcastic. They look like they were dug up somewhere" That works for me too! I knew they weren't yours, and I was just agreeing with you in a round about way! WillLOL
  4. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    You know Mike, f I hadn't gotten such an outrageous deal on a killer glovebox recently, I still wouldn't have bought those "bodanker" carbs-no matter how bad they need a rebuild! Will
  5. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Welcome! Chime in, Read, but most of all, Enjoy! Will
  6. It looks like your mounts are too high, loosen the three bolts holding the hinge to the body of the car, it will probably fall into place-do both sides, and don't forget to re-tighten them! Will
  7. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    They are just different enough that a full cover for a '73 will not fit a '72 dash and vice versa-I actually have full covers for both because of a shipping problem from years ago with MSA...don't ask! I can get both of them out, and take pictures over the next week or so, if it will help! Will
  8. Bill, Having to go is not the problem, going long enough is the problem!:stupid: Will
  9. Fluid blasting! Ed, I hadn't thought of that, but even though I have a good supply of "media". I am not sure I could drink enough fast enough to keep a "steady Stream" let alone keep enough pressure behind it! Will
  10. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    When did ebay start giving "NO Sence" scores ( roxy_margo_wd( 0 ) )? Must have been when the ZX became a "convertable/roadster"-somebody want to touch that one! For 15K (don't forget-reserve not met!)fly over to the states, pick one up after spending a week visiting. Have it shipped back to AU, and still have enough cash left over to do the whole thing a second time! Will Sir Sidney Phillips is probably the guy listing it on ebay-a legend in his own mind-I hope he knows how to cut grass!
  11. Thanks Carl, but I'm not sure "normal" and I belong in the same room, much less the same sentance! The frame rails are the same rh and lh drive, the important stuf is on the firewall, the dash, the pedal mounts, the streeling mounts, the master cyl... I have hardly ever seen a Z with a completely rotten firewall-and it is the main difference between the rh and lh cars. Even if the floor and rails are gone, replacements can be found. the firewall,and a decent donor car is all that is needed to do a changeover! As to 10 in the states-probably just to hype the sale! Will BTW-I will find out how kidneystones work as blast media-being that I have an endless supply!:stupid:
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Use the search function in the forums, There is some DIY info there! Will
  13. Carl, My reign is improving! I am still passing gravel(anyone with a fish-tank in need?), and feeling cranky, but I hope to be mostly up and around by Monday-I have a rotisserie, a car, some stuff from Zedd Findings, and they all need to get intimate this week! The car must be pretty damn close to through by November! Will
  14. Cut the car at the front of the door openings, and again behind the front shock towers, (so you get the firewall,dash, and everything attatched to it) get the console,and fender vin plate, and you will have everything that would be hard to find! Then use the pieces to put one back together with a more sound car-maybe. Let the rest go to the rust god! Will
  15. Sounds like you are using a conversion gun, not genuine HVLP . I would not expect a compressor made for 220V to do nearly the job it was capable of with 110V regardless of the amperage behind it. True HVLP guns are made to wourk with a turbine, not a compressor. A compressor is made to make pressure first, then volume, where as a turbine is made first for volume, then pressure. The system I use can put glass on metal and leave NOTHING in the way of orange peel-as long as the viscosity is used to set the gun up, and the proper painting technique is used. It really is all in the adjustment of the gun and the spraying technique. I have never used a conversion gun, but Apollo 1000 turbine and 5025 gun work so well, I don't need to try anything else. In terms of solids content, I have not found any difference in spraying either, as the gun is adjusted to the viscosity of the paint for each mix. The variables in the gun are matched to the variables in the paint, which compensate for the flow characteristics of the paint, allowing the gun to sray one viscosity just as well as another. Will
  16. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Does Sir Sydney come with it? For 19k something better come with it! Will
  17. If you have your gun setup dead-on, and you have good technique, the exterior of a properly prepaired S30 can be well colored with one quart, but most people will use three to get plenty of thickness for taking care of oopses, and buffing out trash. A standard gun spews about 85% of the paint into the air as overspray, a good HVLP setup actually puts less than 30% into overspray. The secret with HVLP is to really get to know your gun, and its adjustments to deal with viscosity. Dial the gun in for the coating in it, and shoot the car properly three times before you paint it. I shoot the whole car with primer the last time using the same technique I will be spraying the color on. Sand out the primer. I shoot the whole car with clear laquer thinner just like I will paint it, and then after wiping it down, I shoot it again with thinner, resetting the gun each time. Then I mix up the paint, 3 quarts for a complete Inside and out repaint-two shoots, adjust the gun, shoot a test piece to verify the adjustments, and then I shoot the car. The better you know your gun, and the moves to paint a car, the more uniform your paint will be. I use this turbine, http://www.hvlp.com/turbines/model1000.htm with this gun, http://www.hvlp.com/turbineguns/a5025.htm , and have been very happy with them, I used to use an standard expensive Binks-it is a great gun, but just wasts too much paint-relative to HVLP. Will
  18. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Carl, I have been told to spend as much time as I want on the Z until the end of OCt-4th of November, but that the car had better be done by then! But, between the stones, the move, and prepping the other house for rental, the Z just has been shelved more often than not. I have a plan, and starting with the recovery from Lithotripsy, I will spread the fire under my foot to my behind! (no Jalepenno or Hemmoroid jokes, please). "The Mood" is not the problem, the problem is where the stones end up when the urine stops-if they are not in the porcelin convenience, they are somewhere at least uncomfortable, usually painful, certianly unfavorable, and absolutely contrary to any mood other than doubling over in agony! they are without a doubt the most effective mood spoiler I have ever encountered(Fluffy Farm Animals not withstanding)! Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. Will
  19. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Carl, I'd ask what they feed you guys out there in CaliFORNIa, but I am seriously afraid of the mental picture you would come up with and then somehow, post! I am a firm believer in abstenance until my wife tells me different! Will
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Here is my answer, Take a little steel washer, add about a pinch of MIG wire, and an appropriate electric current! ! give the patch a few smacks with a hammer and a dolly and a brush of POR15, Walla~! No more hole, and a solid steel, rust-proof, perminent repair! Will You could use and follow the wisdom of Kats. Make a label the right size, have someone who was a prominent part of "Z history" sign it, and cover the hole with it! His answer is most appropriate in the few minutes before the car is to shown! Though obviously not the way he does things in the Norm!
  21. Not yet, I went to the Dr. today, Lithotripsy on Thurs. I will probably get them this weekend-depending on pain! I'll PM when I have them ready. Had a guy at the Drs' office recognize me as having a 240Z, even with out the car, (Meperidine means I didn't do the driving)I got the stories, questions, and the interest-sure beats reading waiting-room magazine! He is going to check out the '72 next week-after we both pass(Please God!) some stones after ultrasonic immersion for our Kidneys on Thursday! Will
  22. There are a bunch of ways to smooth the casting. A coarse and properly sized wire brush on a flex-shaft will do a good bit of the work if you go slow enough, and have a strong enough motor driving it. Then follow that with normal grit wheels in smaller and smaller grits. Sending it of to have it extrude honed will probably do the best job because the polishing is done in the direction of flow which also minimizes the turbulence of the features that are left by the process(read that "great job, big $"). Will
  23. Mike is English, just not the Queens variety! In reality, he is a Peach! A Georgia Peach who obviously knows some history, and made up one hell of a glovebox! Thanks again MikeW! Will
  24. Just be sure to update your gallery! Oh, wait, we aren't talking about the car are we? Will
  25. Vicky, are you sure that shouldn't be "Bill's a thrill? Bill, you keep sending out the beginnings of a whole bunch of "Duck" stories from selling a Z! Will

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