Everything posted by hls30.com
Glove box replacement?
MikeW, If you have a dimensioned drawing it can be scanned in as a rashter graphic, converted to a vector graphic, and then re- dimensioned in one of the shareware Cad programs out there. Then after a little fine tuning of a printers output, eveybody could generate their own correct templates. That will be fine for posterity, but I still want one of yours! Some dollars and installation time sure beats investing all of the time and money to re-create the work you have already done! Will
S12W and Wheel Spacer?
What 2ManyZs said! I am going to turn down my vented rotors so that I can keep my 14" slot-mags. I am still getting ready for the brake conversion using the S12W rotors with the 300ZX disks, and the 280Z Turbo front disk/caliper conversion. When I jump into it, I will shoot video, and post it, as well as all of the particulars I can find. The only parts I have not accumulated yet are the ss hoses. I know that thread is around here somewhere! Will
Toyota 4Runner Caliper Year Question
If you go to Car-parts.com and enter a year that definitely works, it will give you all of the years that work-a much larger range than most people know about! My S12Ws cores came from an '88! I bought the spacers from JSK of ebay, and bought brand new Maxima Caliper monts for $45 each from a Nissan dealer on line. I have yet to get the ss hoses, but I know there is a thread around here somewhere with the particulars in it! Will
Glove box replacement?
If Mike already has $100 and gobs of time in them, why would you want to reinvent the wheel? I was going to make one from ABS, but in reviewing MikeWs efforts, here is a 10 minute solution for (probably) less money than I could do it myself, and it's done. There are other things for my car that need doing that someone has not already investigated and taken care of-I will spend that time and energy making up the next "fix" to help MikeW and everyone else out! We all share the same shortcommings in OEM parts, if we all take one of the problems-they all will get taken care of, all of the cars will benefit, and there will be high quality aftermarket parts available to everyone! I think that using the diversity of the membership (we go from Highschooler to Rocket Scientists), we can come up with fixes for several of the nagging, stupid problems, and all benefit. I certianly don't mind supporting someones efforts by making making a "fix" on a problem we share, and putting some money and another fix in the pot! One problem down, many to go! Kudos to you MikeW! Will
toyota engine compatability
AutoSpeed had a 240Z that had a Toyota engine in it-owned by a Natinal Soccer player if my memory is right, hold on a minute, Here is text of the article Issue: 147 Section: Feature Cars 11 September, 2001 Zed Sacrilege Take one of Nissan's most classic of sportscars - and stuff it with a Toyota heart!? Why not? That's the question that Michael Galluzzo often bounces back at people who query his move to drop a Toyota turbo engine into his precious Datsun 240Z. For sure, the Zed purists cannot stand the thought of such an act. But - as you'll read - there is reason behind this 'madness'. First of all, the name Michael Galluzzo might ring a bell with Australian soccer fans - he plays for Sydney's Leichhardt Tigers. Michael - together with his father - bought this 1969 Zed (one of the early-bird ones) with the full intention of making it something special. They began their build-up by rejuvenating the standard body (which involved removing quite a lot of rust), soon followed by a big splash of Ferrari Red. The paint quality is truly immaculate, despite being a backyard job by a mate. (More than a few cartons of refreshment must have gone his way, we reckon!). With the look-like-new Zed hoofing around under the power of the Weber'd, extractor'd and exhausted (literally) L-series six, Michael got the urge to give it some late-model grunt. The engine that he most dearly wanted to slot into the front was, of course, the Godzilla RB26DETT engine - but these are rare and ultra-expensive. W-a-y expensive by the time you get the ECU and everything that's needed to get it up and firing. After discussion with Vince Rigoli, Michael was soon swayed to go the Toyota 7M-GTE (Supra turbo) six - so this Toyota-into-Nissan 'travesty' is Vince's fault! Vince pointed out that the 7M-GTE has 3-litres capacity (versus the 2.6-litre RB26DETT) and he'd previously seen some ripper outputs from them. You can't hold these things against it - even if it is a Toyota motor! Vince sourced a Japanese-import 7M-GTE and - as a pre-fitting precaution - cracked it open for inspection. Everything looked good, so it was all sealed up again with a new cam belt. Next came the 240Z transplant. "It was pretty easy," tells an unashamed Vince, "we just made new engine mounts and installed a 3-core radiator with twin thermo fans." Adding a little more the Toyota motor's factory zest is now a new O2 Rush filter tucked in behind the grille and an exhaust system that slashed away the bulk of restriction. This is a custom jobbie, with 3-inch mandrel plumbing with just a polished rear muffler serving to reduce noise. Purchased as just a bare engine and 'box, there was the important task of sourcing an intercooler. No point in just slipping in a stocker, Mood Motorsport whipped up the biggest darn 'cooler they could nestle in front of the radiator (plus the beautiful mandrel plumbing to boot). Needless to say, an intercooler of this size does a sik job of lowering intake air temps - especially given that the standard wastegate setting of 7-8 psi is all that's received from the standard CT26 turbo. Oh, and - before we forget - Where's Wally kinda people might also spot the polished adjustable blow-off valve. Vince Rigoli is a big believer in EMS programmable management, which is why Michael's Zed carries one such device. Vince configured the management system to run with a MAP sensor (reducing intake restriction), the standard injectors and ignition. Bosch provides the high-pressure fuel delivery required in an EFI application. Vince performed all mapping. Instead of stuffing around with bell housing adapters trying to fit a Nissan gearbox, everyone thought it'd be wisest to simply stick with the 5-speed gearbox that came delivered hanging off the back of the motor. This went into the Zed with custom mounts and a Toyota slave cylinder (as part of the hydraulic clutch actuation system). A high-performance clutch went in at the same time - a brass button sprung centre item. Connecting the output shaft of the gearbox is a custom tailshaft, which feeds into a 3.9:1 diff sourced from a later 260Z. But the wheels are where it all happens. On the standard wastegate setting and with everyday premium unleaded flowing through the injectors, this car has seen an easy 203kW at the wheels on a Dyno Dynamics dyno. Of course, that's not supercar stuff, but it's more than you'll get from - say - a HSV Clubsport R8. Throw this level of grunt in a relatively lightweight 240Z (24 oz?) and you can understand why everyone's predicting high 12-second quarter mile performance. Certainly, this could be achieved by bumping up the boost (assuming there's enough traction). Try to imagine the amount of IRS squat there would be with the standard suspension in place. This is why Michael's made revisions with Koni shocks and lowered Lovells springs. A set of aftermarket swaybars had already gone on prior to purchase. Braking, too, has been improved to help accommodate the go of the 7MGTE. The front-end is equipped with Hilux discs and calipers with Endless pads, while - for now - the rear remains stock drum-spec. The interior has been the last area to receive Michael's attention. A pair of Sparco Road fixed-back seats holds the front passengers like a bear, plus there's a Momo wheel, gear knob and pedals. The black carpets have all been redone and any 'daggy' areas have been thoroughly tidied up. Amazingly, the original dash pad remains crack-free. You can't help but get a feeling of nostalgic Targa-style racing when you step aboard. Externally, the car rides on 16-inch five-spokers wearing 225/50 tyres. Michael's not totally sure what brand they are, but they were bought upon the recommendation of "the coach". They weren't cheap, though, at around $600 each (maybe this was the coach's payback after a lack-lustre game?!). Thankfully, the 240Z's beautiful flowing bodylines remain standard with the exception of GTHO-style external mirrors and a fibreglass front spoiler. The aforementioned paint job gives the car a distinctly Italian exotic appearance, while the ORGAZM number plates also aren't likely to go unnoticed... Only being used for weekend cruises - when Michael's not tied up with soccer - it stands to reason that the Zed doesn't rack up too many miles. Because of this, Michael is now keen on selling the car (any enquiries through michael@autospeed.com). Certainly, it's just the thing to stand out in - and it could stand out a whole lot more with a few more psi boost stuck through 'er! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
I am strongly considering Patriot Blue(the color of my'03 Dodge quadcab), it sets off chrome really well, is electric at night because of the metalflake, and I like it. My '73 was Painted Porsche Signal Red-absolutely beautiful, and at dusk it almost glows-but it is still in town, and I gon't want the '72 to be the same color. I lean toward solid colors to give easier paint repairs(stone chips), but the metal flakes are cool looking early and late in the day!! I have Photoshop(not good with it), but I have not found a Pantone key for good color representation for previeving different colors on my car. Will
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Carl-I PMed you my answer- it has too little to do with this thread! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
No harm taken! But a good point made! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
You caught me right in the eye! Good punch! Will
Whats the difference Z or Zx
I don't know, I wouldn't watch that episode, I have had enough embarrasment from his antics! Too bad he was treated unfairly-anybody else would have been imprisoned. Maybe we could get him on The next Crock Hunter Movie as a nameless guy in a red shirt, and you know what that ment on Star Trek! Kirk drove a Z as a young man, Scott still drives a Z-but with warp drive, and McCoy is a ZX man all the way through! Spok walked to avoid the confusion between the Vulcan sensabilities of driving a Z, and the human call for the comfort of a ZX! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Carl, I don't think you scared him away, he just chose his battles carefully-kind of hard to fight about a track record! But, bush has never gone on record with having trouble understanding the word "is". He has had trouble with its pronunciation, but no charactor flaws seeping out infront of the world! I wonder what color his car should be? Will
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Your kids must be different, over here, they take the food with them when they go! My profile was 2 seconds of thought, and a bit of silliness! I just like music-most kinds, though the lack of a melody cannot be made up for by turning up the bass, and shouting obsenities! Strange that even that is clearer in a 280zx than in a Z! I didn't mean to push he who will remain nameless as the National bird of Australia, He seems ok with a dingos breakfast, but from the sound of it, he is not Australias favorite son gone troppo! Still, entertaining to watch, and better than some of the guys we have had as presidents! He does appear to know what 'IS" means even without having graduated from Georgetown and Yale-(you know they are proud that someone could graduate and still not know what a one syllable, two letter word means, and have the strength of charactor to admit to it.) I would much rather toss a few XXXX back with Steve, than a morally defective, and character challenged moron at the top of Jerry Springer's most wanted guest list! I think he may be te reason you guys call us Ceptics, and the reason we can't really argue aginst that name! He wouldn't know reality if it bit him in the old fella-or was that Monica... You Know Clinton would drive a 280ZX! Ok, I feel the cross hairs and laser sights-start a new thread if it isn't about the difference between a Z and a ZX! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
here you go Bill, http://www.hls30.com/hls30_003.htm My site has gone awry, and I need to wipe it clean and start again! End of the week! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
I guess Big brother is watching our every move! You can't please eveyone, but you can please yourself-just do it in private! Pick a color, shoot some paint, be happy(forgot to put on a respirator didn't you...) Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
What about the Porche color, Signal Red, that is what my '73 was painted with-it seems to glow at dusk! Elbow grease is free! Clean up your parts, harvest your best parts, buff the trim, cut out rust, strip paint... There is plenty to do! I have got to get with it too. It is a nasty day here, but I have a nice airconditioned workshop full of Z stuf to clean, modify, or paint!
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
No problems, just worried about your gord! Are your cars ready to drive? If not, what are you doing sitting around? What color would you paint the car? Why? Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
OOOH! Not my messes, but some of these sorry buggers I share the planet with sure have made and left some-just remeber, without us, there would be no 240Z, and no paint! Cheer up Bill! Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
The problem with being young is youth is wasted on you, if you knew what we know(the older and, ahem, wiser crowd) you could get into so much more trouble sooo much faster! How 'bout painting the car Buffett Blue, getting the tag, "its5pm" and getting a bumper sticker to put in the back window that reads: "Follow me to Margarettaville!" I don't have to spell out that it is before noon on a nasty, rainy Monday here, or what would be playing on the radio, do I? Will
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
The only one who has to be happy with your car is you! Paint it any color you want-I can say that because I am 40 and trying to figure out a new color for my '72! If someone thinks I am trying to be 18 again, that's their opinion and they are welcome to it! Find your perfect color, paint the Z, and enjoy the ride!!:classic: Will
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Ok, who said I was Young? I am beginning to question your understanding of our translationsLOL Datsun didn't loose "the plot", they changed the focus. Something "Illustrated Encyclopedia of Classic Cars" evidently missed altoghether! The 280ZX was not supposed to be a continuation of the Z in any measure except sales figures! The leadership at Datsun thought a Cadillac would sell better, so they made one that would fit into a shape similar to a z car, and kept some original pieces to hopefully placate the S30 crowd-it didn't really cut it with the drivers in the bunch, so they really poured money and parts into racing endeavors, so that they could "Keep up appearances", and hopefully get some people to drive the cars regardless of the opinion of the press. The ZX was a comfortable "grocery getter" with some shared components, a few similar lines, and a similar name! A very nice car, but not designed to be a continuation of the Z theme of economic performance, with a small thought to creature comforts. Only a Brown-eyed mullet would tell you to F*&@OFF ! And then only one with a Bodgy brain! The rest of us would have to clime in and give the Galah a Gobful for their Spewin'! "Please Will, if you like he who should remain nameless and his wife, you can HAVE him." Me thinks he is at his happiest right where he is, and true to the Irwins, "He's a big fella with a lovely sheela, and we would hate to disturb their natural environment." Will Bill, I am still waiting for the "story" behind the sale of your Z!:stupid: :stupid:
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Cranky, there's a naughty boy! Thinks just cause we're Yanks, and aren't from down unda, we can't get a joke unless we are "old farts"! Maybe we just don't get the jokes that come from a Banana bender with Kangaroos loose in the top paddock! ROFL The last time I heard us called Ceptics, it was in an Australian movie with Carl Weathers trying to find his sister. 'Course, I don't live there, and don't get anything of Australia that doesn't come from Steve or Terry Irwin! ROFL You guys have some beautiful territory, I will visit one day, and I would much rather see it in a rugged and go-getem rally prepped 240Z than an 80s cadilac made by Datsun! :stupid: (Had to keep focus on the subject of the thread!) I hope that my didn't get lost in the translation! Oh, Carl, just for you, I said UNIT! Will
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Sorry ChrisA, I looked at the Catepillar snowplow right before I tried to read this thread-I forgot to allow time for my retinas to heal from the abuse! My appologies! Will
lol..... this is terrible!
please.... please, make it go away.... We need to start a Z rights movement, and get owners/creators of "cars" like this the help they need. If we just get them off the street, they might butcher another car. They really need help, it is not their fault they have not got enough visual acuity to see what they have done-stare at that "car" for 10 minutes, and tell me you aren't impaired! Some people just don't know better, they need counselling, a support group, drug therapy, and an eye transplant! There is a great deal of good work in that car, and it will take a great deal more to fix it. As I said on the other thread, Catepillar already makes snowplow. Will
Whats the difference Z or Zx
Since nobody but Carl really tried to answer the original question of this thread, and I have been out of town, I'll put on the bullseye and cary on a while! The primary differences between the Z and ZX are aimed at changing the percieved level of comfort. The Z was made to be a sports car first-it was purpose built with the reigns held by accountants. It is not particularly comfortable, quiet, or spacious, but it gives a great feeling of connection to the road, you can feel where the car is relative to its capabilities and your driving habits, It is also one of the most beautiful cars there is. The 280ZX was built to add comfort to the Z, it has lounge chairs, surround sound, T-tops, more room, was intended to be quiet inside, fewer blindspots, more stability at high speed, a more compliant and a cheeper to produce suspension. It is like driving a nimble recliner in your living room. Nissan added more power, and a closer ratio transmission to try to keep the performance in line with the Z. The design also included a pronounced effort to reduce the propensity of the car to rust relative to the S30. A great deal more was spent on development, and Datsun wanted to please more people with the car, so they added a hunk of Americanism to the car-it is much more like an 80s Cadillac-Fat, Dum, and Happy! You don't feel the connection to the road, you are well insulated from it. Those are not bad things. Not everyone wants a car that lets you feel a dime when your tire rolls over it. Not everyone realizes that the guitar rock from the 70s is the right pitch to be accompanied by the sound of an angry in-line six! Some people would rather listen to Guitarless mustic, hear most of it, and camp out on a recliner. I have both, and I prefer to ZZip around town, and take short trips in the 240Z. The 280ZX is for the long trips, the beach, and the parkinglots. It is not nearly as responsive as the 240Z, nor does it attract as much attention. The 240Z is for sheer driving enjoyment, the 280ZX is to make the trip more comfortable by removing the dynamics of the same drive in a 240Z-there is a huge diference between comfort and enjoyment-though they are intermingled. From the factory, A Z is a drivers car, and a ZX is a travelers car. Both are great cars-they were built for different views of what is important. Get one, and make it fit your view. Will
Glove box replacement?
Put me down for one! Will