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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Welcome to the Club and to Z-ownership! You will find a bunch of help, too much advice, and a healthy dose of praise! As Vicky said, post pictures, not only does that show the rest of us what you are doing, it also helps in the motivation department, (by allowing the rest of us to rib you when you slack off)and gives a point of reference to the pride you are putting in your car! Will Ps, forgot to mention the ocassional attempt at fun!
  2. Here is a link to the mfrs site with details on the"UNIT". http://www.lrultrasonics.com/industries/jewelry/sweepzone.html Will
  3. hls30.com commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  4. hls30.com commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. hls30.com commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  6. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I agree with 2ManyZs and Gee, the pictures cover only what you can see anyway, and fresh paint can cover problems for a while. Give the car a good once over where you have to get uncomfortable to see-check the floors from below-and under the carpet, check the spare tub, and the rails under the battery and outside just back from the wheels. Pull the doglegs, hatch trim, and the door panels and check inside for propper repair. The car is pretty, but will it stay that way if taken care of. or start rusting away? If you don't look for propper repair now, you will see how it was done in a year or so! Will
  7. I have tried putting them in the plastic basket, and suspending them with Fishing line and leader wire, and fine tunig the location. I have just done some research, and it looks like a L&R AG150R or and AG200 with heat would be the right machines for what I want to clean-parts and household things. What do you think? Will
  8. Mike, Thanks for the info, this one cleans jewelry-my wifes rings pretty well-at least she is happy with what it does-looks like the second tool that transitions from the workshop to the bedroom! No comment on the first! I will get a better unit, and contact The mfrs for suggestions. Will
  9. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I am afraid to touch that-literally! Carl sometimes you are too much-I now know how hard it is to type and laugh at the same time! I am definitely not gioing to ask how you found that one! I though Froglevel in waynesville was different, I stand-er-sit corrected! Will
  10. I have used everything from hot distilled water with a few drops of fabric softener, to almost any consistancy of hot MarineClean, to the products sold by L&R and Branson. I believe this unit-also the most popular sold on ebay, is just not of enough quality to get the job done. I am not opposed to spending some money on something that will work. Will
  11. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    As MikeW said. post to your gallery, but expect a wait on getting the pictures approved, lots of member submissions, and the administrators have to go through each photo! Will
  12. Has anyone got any experience cleaning the nuts. bolts, and screws from a Z in an ultrasonic cleaner. I have tried using a cheepie unit from Harbor Freight, and even though the unit will shred a piece of aluminum foil(a common test of an ultrasonic cleaner) the chewing is highly localized, and not uniform enough for thorough cleaning of small parts. If you have gotten satisfactory results, pass them along! Thanks, Will
  13. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Carl, I don't want to know about your history in Rooster Poot, but didn't they ban you from ever comming back? Will
  14. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You know me, I have to stir the toilet before I flushit. I emailed them this: "Dear motoexotica*com, Hi, and thanks for your auction! I am a bit confused, in one place you have a $195 Acquisition fee that is to cover, among other things, Title transfer and registration fees, but in another place you say that tax and licensing fees must be taken care of by the buyer-I don't understand why you are evidently asking me to pay you for something I have to do after I buy the car. If I am misreading this, please explain. Thanks in advance, William Stokes" We will see if I get a reply-probably not! Whaagooshgchaaaaaaaa (will somebody please jiggle the handle...) Will
  15. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I missed this the first time through "Any Missouri buyer must pay local MO sales tax and licensing fees. All other will do so in their home state" isn't that saying that they aren't covering the: "title transfer and registration fees" that are supposed to be a part of the $195? Will
  16. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Now that's the deffinition of a wino! Will
  17. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Carl, I think this is what that part of their ad should say: We are sorry to make your stupidty so evident, by making you pay almost $200 more than you think the car is worth. Please remember this fee is above the final and winning bid price, and we have made every effort to hide and distort our business practices to advertise how stupid we think buyers are by terming this profit to be an acquision fee. I bought a New Dodge Quadcab last year, I didn't pay any of the fees they threw at me. I told them the dollar value I agreed to pay was what I was going to pay, their fees were theirs, not mine, and if they wanted the truck to leave the lot, and the GM dealer questionaires to be filled out in a posative way, they would have to meet the agreed price inclusive of any other add ons. I did let them think I was going to finance through them, but I brought them a certified check, and then had a hard time trading it for the truck! I had to get the owner of the dealership involved-He swallowed hard, and said give the man his keys! Will
  18. hls30.com posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  19. hls30.com posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Welcome to the clib, and to Zs! I am sure I am not he only member anxiously awaiting your pictures! Will
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Some people do not listen to what their customers are telling them. Here is a perfect example! Now the seller has to pay Ebay for each listing-I guess he likes payinng ebay and hates selling cars! Will
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    How about this: "Acquisition Fee: Due to ever increasing costs, we have now found it necessary to impose a $195.00 acquisition fee to each car sold in the United States. This includes title transfer and registration fees, inventory tax, holding costs, vehicle preparation, storage and overnight documentation delivery" It all amounts to we want to make charging you an additional $195 sound like we are doing you a favor. I guess PT Barnum was right! Will
  23. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Well, the engine is out:classic: , most of the hardlines are loose, and I did say that was my "Posh" answer-and of course I was pickin' at you. We do have the gambut in the active membership, from Rocket Scientists, to Highschool students-rather diverse group educationally. I agree it is difficult to get a large base of active(vocal) members. It is also difficult to get a consensus between two pre-defined choices of hats! That is part of what makes diversity so efficient-as long as there is acceptance whithout platitude. I did pick up on the ambiguities between what you did and didn't specifically claim to be part of the results vs the assumptions of others-Rather interesting synergy there! I just wanted you to do what you wanted everyone else to do-think! I THINK we all did! I am quite certian your "sauce" is in the container at the end of your arm! (Do I note a pavlovian response to the word "sauce"?) I am not so certian of the containers' contents, Ripple or Dom!! I figure you start with the good stuff for flavor, and end with the cheep stuff for effect! I think we may need a new addition to our collection of "Smiles". Maybe one for in the process of Mass consumption, one for pleasantly drunk, one for completely suaced, and one for tungue in cheek! I do appreciate a good clean synaptic firing occasionally, Will
  24. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Here we go again! Refine that test! Another question to ask: Whi is actually doing for a living what they were educated to do? Keep up the "outstretched Pinkie" collecting- it is rather interesting! Will

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