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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Whoa there young man! Slow down, use smaller words, and get off the sauce before getting on your keyboard (What is this "Resident Wino"about)! Here is my "POSH" responseROFL ! The inference of your post is not supported by the margin of error of your test design and in a sample size of 123. I am afraid that while the reverse bell curve may indicate a strong parallel to some previously observed indication, the "deep reverberations in socio-economic structure" may be more an indication of error in the test design than actual reflection of the sample. the only criteria collected in the test is current distance from what the subjects considered to be 'Home", and that criteria was subjectively interpreted by you(see your post of 5/7/04 @1:46am) My test response is not subjective-I consider College Station to be my "growing up spot". Where I live now has nothing to do with my income-or social status. The only Socio-Economic criteria available to you is what is in the profiles of the respondants, and their responses. That does nor necessarily reflect accurate economic data, and consequently, introduces error. You can't be sure if I own a 500K house or a 75K House-or of the bank really owns either one, or both. This test does not collect enough variables to be conclusive in anything but the collected information,: How far we live from where we consider to be where we grew up Will PS. Now, I have an engine to pull, not because I can't afford to have some one else do it for me, but because I want to!:stupid: BTW, I think scones are much better with a little used motoroil from my outstretched pinkie, after changing out an engine!
  2. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    v12horse If your order goes like mine, the plates will get to you on the exact day the temporary expires! If only the rest of the world could get mail delieveries to the day! mdbrandy Order the club cd, it has the Nissan assembly \breakdowns and Partnumbers, that way you can get exactly what you want instead of what a lazy parts counter guy think you want-been there too many times with Vaden Nissan here in Savannah-too many wrong parts with "No refunds on special orders"-I Just call Chloe at MidwestZ and, other than paying the bill, you're done(She has great prices too by the way) Will
  3. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Well v12Horse, congrats, What about pictures? Will
  4. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I thought they only lived in Z exhaust pipes!
  5. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Carl. I'm not sure whether to laugh, or break out a crock pot! Will
  6. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    I think that would depend on your tuning(spark advance), the ambient temp and humidity. The finer your state of tune, the more high octane becomes a priority. When you put a fine point on it, you actually tune to the gas you use. Will
  7. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ditto on the possable mistaken identity! Looks like a '72 to me! Must have had an engine, or vin transplant. That or Bill wasn't clear in his description! What's up with that Bill?
  8. That sounds like a great alarm clock! No snooze, no sleeping through it! I would imagine it would not take too long to beat the alarm clock in getting out of bed! Will
  9. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    She has no clue, My car must be a blond. She is Hot, but other than the chrome, not too bright! But, if she ever finds out, Iwill be in deep sludge! Will
  10. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If you had a piston type of compressor(usually marked British Leyland), replace it with the round Hitachi style, more efficient and usually less expensive ($150-250). The reciever/dryer is usually between $10 and $20, the condensor is about the same as the compressor. Depending on the year of your engine, a compressor mount from a 280ZX will allow you to use the later style rotary compressor using a factory part, most of the rest of the under hood system will fit with minor mods as well, then you just have to make up some lines for the existing condensor. You will have to clean and evacuate the system and charge it with A/C oil and freon as well. An A/C cleaning kit with solvent was about $80 from Napa last year-it requires you have a source of compressed air. Will
  11. Sounds like somebody is calling the Z police! ROFL Will
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    If the 240Z were a woman...You would never see either of us! Will
  13. I agree with the rust replacement issues, but, this may be a good find as a parts car Since Zs are rare in your neck of the woods, never let a donor car get away without finding how little it will take to claim the parts. Really go over the car for good parts, and figure out what they would cost to have brought in to get a good idea of a limit to the cars value. If it looks good from outside, you probably have some good body panels-and they could cost several hundred dollars to replace. With them and a good dash, you probably have more than $300 in value, but follow Carls' advice, start low and move up as needed. Ask anyone who works on their own Z and has had it a while how many boxes of spare parts they have, if the answer is less than 5, either they are lying, or they store parts in cars! Will
  14. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Drop the complete ZX engine right in, the whole efi setup to if you want, and you are done! Everything will bolt right up! Will
  15. Hey Bill, after my last break in, I bought a pair of 500,000 Volt Muscle Man Stun Guns, and a small Jewelry box. I took apart one of the stun guns, wired it into the handle, and the metal corner protectors on the jewelry box, and put a switch on the bottom. When the thief picks it up, he, she, or it will be knocked to the ground, and the alarm will be calling the police. The electrical shock will keep the MOFO from letting go of it. If the police don't catch the MOFO, at least there will be a huge case of reverse intimidation, whoopass and satisfaction on my part. Maybe wiring the shed door handle would keep them out, get them caught-but check the local laws on stunguns. The stun guns were about $50 each, adn run off 2 9V batteries. My trap hasn't been tripped yet; but, just like the thieves; I can wait.... Will
  16. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    There are worse things-even though right now I CAN'T THINK OF ANY! Seriously, it was good enough for my plate, my user name, and my website. I had exactly the same thought, those that know:love: will get it, those that don't :stupid: will be clueless! Will:
  17. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I am working on this one myself. The '73 I had uses FRIEZE12 in the dealer installed Fridgaking unit and it worked well, I replaced the compressor and dryer, flushed the lines, evacuated, and filled her up three years ago. She blows ice, but does have a strong tendancy to iceup from the 95 plus humidity and not enough airflow through the evaporator. The '72 has never had AC, I am working on a quieter, more powerful unit, more airflow, variable orface to adapt to varying RPM of city driving, and a better fit under the dash. Any part that can be seen from a comfortable position(to me) must look factory or period and fit properly. As I sew up the car, I will post the progress-just researching parts now-it will use R134. Will
  18. hls30.com posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  19. hls30.com commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    I appreciate your taste in lisence plates-Copycat! OK, we have two states with HLS30 plates-who is next! Mine is in pre-post for my gallery. Congratulations! Will
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have found that if you sleep in the car the night before a trip, she isn't quite so cantankerous when you return. I resently left fot several days to persue another "Z", and did that just that before I left Upon my return, I took a thorough shower so she couldn't smell the leather or carpet from the other car, made sure there was no lubricant left on me, and gave her a bubble bath followed by a wax. She was very happy with me, and actually ran better than before I left! BTW there is a shot of a thigh from the other "Z"being posted in my gallery(blue), why do I feel cheep and taudry? :finger: Will
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Since nothing stuck out in your mind about the car, we can only asume it isn't in the best of shape. By your own admission, you haven't driven a 30+ year old car before. Offer the guy $2200-$3000 cash in hand, if he doesn't take it, he is hoping PT Barnum was right! File that info away, and buy from someone else. I would think 5K would get you a "healthy driver" 240Z needing few parts, and a lot of elbow grease. A lightly modified car wold not be worth what an:stupid: original car would be, unless it had the modifictions you were going to put on the car anyway. Will

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