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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks for the kind words! I see every mistake as a learning experience, and HLS30.COM is no different! I had the HLS30.COM chronicling my Z addiction/Zitus infection for the last ten years-pretty much untouched in the last five or six, and decided to revamp the whole thing. Still working on a solid direction, but it will be strictly S30-with emphasis on HLS30. I tried to buy S30.com(to really do what I wanted to) right after I first read Alans (HSH30s) posts, but someone had already nabbed it for something else unrelated. In the past I have had conversations with several of our well heeled and respected peers on every side of the pond about direction, and found that most of the current Z infrastructure is aimed solidly at the newest/newer models-chasing the money-after a recent experience that really showed the true nature of the existing infrastructure. I want something different, and defining that is what I am still ironing out. HLS30.COM was up until about a month ago, then I spent some time considering moving its hosting, and ultimately did-just completed that yesterday! I will have a temporary page up in the next couple of days-as soon as I can take some pictures and get the header I want! I want Hls30.com to mesh with the better sites(including this one) out there and few new ones as well. HLS30.com is not out to compete, but to complete. ClassicZCars.com is my favorite Z site, and I will not do anything but help it grow.
  2. What would you guys do, put a ton of money into making a Z more potent(not worrying about racing classes here) or building a Superlite SL ( http://superlitecars.com/superlite-slc-intro/ )? Save a Z build a SLC! Will
  3. Those are the kind that give 350Z owners a good name! Most seem to have neither any idea or any interest.
  4. If you actually go back to original Car and Driver issues from release dates, the Pony cars were not originally developed or reviewed as sports cars, they were sporty, compact cars, could be the reason.
  5. To me Carbon fiber strictly for weight savings is one thing, carbon fiber strictly for looks(veneer/film/faux is something else, like lowering a car to the point of being producing damage every time it is driven, or tilting the wheels to the point of minimal road contact/serious wear, or putting a any of a number of things that are made to stand out from the car and put it in a condition that using if as a car damages it. If an owner wants to project Zness then the fundamental design aspects of the Z have to be first in his plan. It is like dressing a car to look like a race car, but doing nothing but dressing it. Building a race car is great, but building a poser? Not so much. OEM parts(Gnose/headlight covers/vented hood, are all Z until seriously modified overshadow the Z) Personally If I had a few carbon fiber parts on my car, I would paint them so they would not draw attention-they would be a part of the car to save weight or as the only replacement parts available.
  6. Lee, I'd really like to see more of your car, and thanks for the update, but with the lens used, you don't really give us any of your update details in your chosen pictures. I can't see the fuel line fitament or your brakes in them. Before and after is always a good thing when talking about updates. If you get the opportunity, how about some pictures of those specifically-in addition to the artistic fish eye view-I want to see what you are doing when you talk about it! Will Nice scale shot by the way!
  7. I can't believe more people have not voted at least! I have to believe several of the passionate Z owners I know who have not jumped in have an opinion...Bueler, Bueler, Bueler...
  8. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think I remembered them because of Carl and his jokes... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13289&highlight=duck and the Hat...
  9. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I started working on that and have a good bit done towards that end, but sat it down when time got scarce, and haven't touched it in several years-I though it would be cool, even if really unnecessary-I want to say I started a thread on it too, but it may have been a footnote on my plans for my car.
  10. I wipe the surface with ATF and let it soak it off, agitating with a fine brass brush/brass wool as necessary. I have found ATF gets more dirt off of "clean" metal than anything else I have tried.
  11. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yo Bill! Nice bike-love the Halos! What is up with you, your Duck and your Hat-I've been away a while too-but recently posted about you!
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    And the last 3
  13. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Pretty Pictures of the car, It looks good in the pictures with a couple of exceptions: The drivers side dash has some serious color issues between the console and the steering wheel in two different pictures. Several covers are missing under the hood. Interesting to note it has a Lhd carpet kit(pad for accelerator gives it away) with a serious mis-fit in the rear carpet. ALso looks like some dried long term water trails down the rear trim panelsFor an expected sale price of less than $15k with "New: Engine, Clutch, Tires, Brakes--New Paint" I am not sure how much else had to be done to it, but I would certainly check it out thoroughly-in light of the wear and apparent rust on the seat hinge mechanisms and what looks like bubbles under the paint on the Fuseable link riser, and missing undercoating and rusty discoloration inside the wheel well. Kinda makes me wonder why there are no shots of the underneath specifically-being that he owns a shop, and clearly says he restored the car. Will BTW, in this sort of thread the OPshould take the time to capture and add the pictures and blurb of the ad to the first post so it will be available to all of those who will one day view the post and thereby be more than a meaningless blind conversation on something that crossed ebay after ebay drops the ad and the linky no longer worky. I'll add the ad in to the thread momentarily. Will
  14. They drain to the sides-take of the grill and inspect what is in it-could be related the cabin air intake(very common on the S30)or your wiper system attachment points. If you don't find the obvious, check out your upper hood seal(frequently removed/unintentionally manipulates)-and door seals, and the entire Windshield moulding(many ZXs have openings from rust in this area)-water can get to the carpet several ways If you still don't find it, One dark night(or anytime in your dark garage) when everything is dry take the cowl grill out and put a bright drop light in the hollow it covers, disconnect the battery-or your interior light bulbs-then stick your head in the footwell and look for the light under the dash. It may not shine right in your face, but odds are something under there will be at least a little lit up and give you North Star to follow to your leak. Will
  15. That is so wrong, I may have to edit your signature and put that picture in it! JK-not about the "thats so wrong though!
  16. I love that! Lots of good stuf there! I am all for correcting the accountants compromises in our Zs, I just want to do it with parts specifically made or dressed to fit the nature of a Z. I took out the clock in the radio faceplate of my Z32, and moved the 12 outlet from the ashtray area to the faceplate-I cut up both to move them-everything I used except the energy, epoxy, the filler and the paint was 100%Z- that is my commitment to keeping Z-nes in my cars, now I did upgrade to HID lighting with a generic kit marketed for Z32s, I also have some JDM Nissan Parts on the car as well-mostly lighting, I try to upgrade with actual Z parts when ever possible, and when not, I usually modify what is already there. I did add a Plug for the 12Volt outlet to finish it-came from a Volvo, but sculpted and painted to match the Z-I will keep looking for a Z part to do that job, but in the meantime it is handled by a modified an unidentified volvo part. If you keep your foot out of it while inside a huge concrete building with me, yes! Most of what you have done is with Z specific parts, to me you still have a high level of Z-ness, Modifications don't necessarily hurt Z-ness, Zrush-highly customized, still very Z! Roger Berrys cars, and ex cars lots of Z in them, but lots of distance from Z as well-dosen't mean I don't love to see them and didn't love taking pictures of them at Daytona-hell, my Alpha1 GTO, more something else than Z even with the ZX Turbo drivetrain-doesn't mean I would change anything to make it more Z -or feel bad because of that-It is on the way to being what I want it to be.
  17. Tomowan, Remember Zness is in the eyes of the beholder, but by the same token there are some cars that you may not want to see because you cant un-see them, and the visual image may be damaging to your eyes. There are several threads here that have many of these in them-you have even participated in some of those, but some threads are better left unopened...in my opinion...there is one Caterpillar yellow "Z" snow plow that comes to mind...and will not leave-damn. On that vein Japan had/has a somewhat popular practice of putting seriously oversize spoilers on cars-there is a thread on that somewhere-and that definitely is off my scale for lost Zness. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to be correct in their own eyes, and to share their opinion when asked, but no opinion is necessarily right other than to its beholder-I am just aS interested in the opinions we have here as I am the cars.
  18. The problem with that is your California DMV and your Insurance Company, will tell you different, whether it is by changing the rates they charge, the emissions you must meet, or adding a string to your title for a modified vehicle. Not all states are that way, but I have yet to see an insurance company that did not get keenly interested-and sharpen their pencil-when asked to insure a vehicle with a swapped engine-if it was as original that would not be the case. John is in New England-no clue about their DMV, but I bet John could drive around it!
  19. I have been called worse, but, if the story of Adam and Eve is the correct, I am just as related to you! Oddly enough EScanlon and I had a serious pride filled altercation on line-over a vendor-it is all here in the archives...WE get along pretty well now. Back to your post. While you do talk about her history and previous condition, No where in there do you talk about your explicit reaction to her beauty, condition, or state of preservation...your intent may have been different than your words, but the only words that point to directly to anything specific are exactly: " big red heart that pulses her seduced me, she growl to me and I took her home." It could be differences in our modes of communication, If someone asks me about my Zs I tell them exactly what pulls me to them-I answer a question with such a passionate answer using active voice, passive voice is for what I really don't get to excited about. You do seem to react differently, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and you don't need to defend it. Your opinion is every bit as valid as mine, we made choices on cars because of them, mine is different from yours-no better or worse, just different, and that just means I won't be competing for what you want, driving up the price! Don't misunderstand, I didn't knock your car at all, it is well thought out and beautifully executed from what I can see in the pictures you have posted. I can't imagine anyone not being happy to see it at any car show(except maybe its competition). The point of this thread is not to change minds, merely to expose them to different viewpoints-and you have been a great participant! As far as your last post...1) I bet you didn't pop the hood before the comments were made, and 2) people who are not experienced with a car and are not informed know only what they can readily observe, and have no chance to comment on what they can't...regardless of whether it is because of a closed hood, or the fact that other than at that moment they simply don't care enough about a Datsun or a 240Z to look into them-or both! I bet I could put 240Z badges on a well kept Volvo 1800 and most people who would comment and did not really know a 240Z would comment about the nice 240Z...until I popped the hood and the Volvo valve cover caught their attention. If you want to really prove a point about something most people don't know about, you have to prove it using people that actually do know about it and provide full details.
  20. Amid your passionate words(that I can feel) are the Z-ness issues, showing us what I suspected to be true...the engine leads your passion for the car, not that the Z is not a part of it, it just isn't the strongest part. If your passion was actually for a Z you would not have been seduced by more...something "transformed" with a "big red heart"... To me a Z does not need to be transformed, it is already seductive, and transforming it only makes it less Z, and more something else-be it COrvette, or race car. I believe that there is a difference between a transformation and making some almost invisible upgrades-that blend into the character of the car, not transform it. That is absolutely not to say I can't appreciate it, love to photograph it, have inordinate amounts of fun in it, or admire it, it simply means it ain't as much Z as it is something else. I will admit I prefer a slightly modified Z to a bone stock one, but that has just a little to do with my thoughts of "Z-ness". Alan, Thanks for reminding us Mr. K was more important to our market than the actual development of the Z. He had some influence, but not the actual control some attribute to him. Between you and Kats, that can get cleared up like the Goertz myth. Mr. K built the dealer network and put pull marketing in place with his efforts-he built Nissan North America, and championed the Z -and the Datsun Truck here, he did not develop the Z, but helped in its development. Thanks to for reminding us that we got what the USDOT would approve and Nissan wanted to send...and that kept most of the factory fun options and parts off our shores...keep that salt coming! John, I don't think you would drive a stock Z any more for any length of time...would you? You get a mighty big smile pushing the limits of yours! Tomohawk, while I feel that the S30, the Z32, and even the Z34 are Zs that are the most attractive to me, I also feel every Model of Z is something to appreciate. There is a reason that Scarab removed all of the Z emblems and added Scarab Emblems-A Scarab is more something transformed than Z. A race car is more about winning with what you have and can get than being a Z.
  21. Our August 2012 monthly meeting will be at Costanzos pizza again! We had such a great time we are going to do it again! This time it will take place on Tuesday August 21st at 6:30 pm we will be taking club pictures! Have your car squared away, on point, and ready! Monthly Meeting: August 21st, 6:30pm at Costanza's Pizzaria located at 101 A Little Neck Road, Savannah, GA. 31419
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    A though by someone looking for a significant other his Z will approve of! Makes me with I'da thunk it! Will
  23. Good to see you Dave! You know adding any BMW parts kills the Zness! JK! John, I can still hear that peel out in the Convention center! Tomo-how go the shifter plans? My personal view is any part from any other Z loses less Z-ness as long as it is brought over looking like it belongs and working flawlessly, a Non Z engine/ecm transplant is more of a heart/brain transplant to me and thereby doesn't really fit my view of a Z-ness-that is absolutely not to say that I do not recognize, understand, and appreciate the pull, workmanship, and effort behind it-but leaving Corvette on the covers is to me a big red and black flag left on to purely tell everyone his car ain't no Z no more. Maybe if the covers said V8Z or LSZ, or some or followed the Nissan valve cover convention truly representing the engine but not saying Nissan, 6000 DOHC.maybe..I just don't see any Zness in a big red flag that says Corvette. Again, none of this is to criticize the effort or workmanship or the choices, just to voice what I might have done to keep to keep closer to my version of Z-ness in my own car. A seriously campaigned purpose built car is a different animal, it gets Zness from its track history as well! I think all mods that keep Zness blend with the car instead of stand out from it, every part should fit like it belongs visually as well as mechanically. To me a Z is a harmonious collection of parts ment for a balanced driving experience, not a mobile billboard displayed to draw attention to changes made to it. Update all you want, but make it work with the remaining original design ques of the car. Again, just my opinion-not a challenge, a criticism, or an knock. There is only one person most of us have to make happy with our cars-our selves-unless the receipts fall into the wrong hands.... My 300z has several Modifications, but they are not painted up to draw attention to them, but to fit in with the original design of the car. Finishing what was started even complimenting it works, making the part stand out from the whole not so much!

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