Everything posted by hls30.com
Advice for a 20hr trip on a 240Z
Everything everyone else said and more importantly, A seat out of a late model comfort car! Your hiney will thank me-so to speak!
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
I am still going to create one for my car, but my car may change. I have an opportunity to buy a car with a sound chassis and body, but with a frozen drivetrain. I may sell my car-a '73 in decent shape-I haven't kept up with the little things because I planned a ground-up. The prospect is a '72 that needs the things I want to do to it, it is not close to roadworthy, so I would feel better about bringing it back than taking my car down to bring it back. Which ever car I do will get a relay for every switch setting, silver soldered connections, an up-graded fuse box, a moved battery, and LED markers and indicators. I will be documenting everyhting I in articles on both my website, and the "articles" post here. I think BambiKiller240 had a good point that the lolgistics of a single harness to fit several year model Z cars could be a real problem because: " Many of the connectors are slightly different. Length of wiring to components is sometimes different. Turn signal switches come to mind. Hazard switches are another. Cigar lighters in different locations = different wire lengths needed. " Could it be done-Sure, but unless the parts are standardized to one year model, there would be a bunch of different pigtails hanging off at certian points to make it work on all of them. William Stokes
Car Collection Terminology and Standards
My apologies go out specifically to Enrique Scanlon and any members that I have offended with my personal opinion. William Stokes Ebay ID: Connatser
Detailing Checklist
Start at the top and work down, Spray the cloth, not the surface, I clean anything that is visable with the doors open(jams, weather stripping, trim panel edges...)
Garage floor coating
Has anyone got any experience with or preferences for garage floor coatings? I am moving in April, and at the new house, I have two outerbuildings to use as shops. I am currently remodeling, and I am considering using a 2-part epoxy for the floors of the two buildings. Rustoleum and Valspar both have a product that is available locally. The larger of the two buildings had a resilient tile floor that was glued down with asphalt. I have peeled the tiles up, and there is still a film of asphalt on the concrete. I have tried all kinds of chemical stripping-they don't touch the asphalt! I am goint to Home Depot on Thursday to rent a concrete grinder and take a couple of 16ths off the floor to get rid of the asphalt. Then I will be ready to put down the floor. Thanks for any suggetions! Will
Detailing Checklist
I have never used babyoil-I worry about where it comes from! Actually, I don't care for the smell, but that is a good question for the chemists in the group!
Detailing Checklist
All of the products should be checked out for the surfaces involved, that's why I grouped several of them, "(Boss Gloss, Armour All, Son of a Gun...)", together. I use Boss Gloss form POR15. It lasts tht longest on the surfaces that need to be glossy-soft vinyl, flexible trim-and tires. I also really like the Meguars products for upholstery and the outside-Meguars has a "how to center", http://www.meguiars.com/howtocenter/ , that obviously pushes their wares, but it has a great deal of good info (articles, videos,etc...) as well. Classic AutoRestorer magazine also has done a technical article on cleaning and detailing, I wil go through my back issues and try to find it. If anyone knows of the studies that have been done to match chemicals to correct surfaces, or, more importantly-what NOT to use on What, I think they should be in here too-maybe the rocket scientists/engineers in the group know of some! Dagnabit, TomoHawk, once again the quote from Sam comes to mind! I am just going to have to check out your website! Will
Detailing Checklist
I always get the following things to clean the inside of my car: 1) A microfiber cloth for the dash, chrome, and gages(pulls out dust and oils without fluid-will not scratch). 2) A bottle brush for dusting inside the center climate control vents. 3) A soft toothbrush for the console, switches, interior emblems, and control knobs. 4) A Vacuum cleaner with a felt covered slot attatchment (will not scuff or mar or stretch old vinyl). 5) Lint free paper towels (Kleenex brand is the stoutest) 6) Vinyl dressing(Boss Gloss, Armour All, Son of a Gun...). 7) Cinch™ for cleaning the glass. 8) Black sharpie-Touch up black painted fastners. Will
Interchange guide/book
"I had a link to a boneyard udgrade list, but it is now dead" OK, I tripped over the site again! Here is the link! http://www.grmotorsports.com/boneyard.html
Car Collection Terminology and Standards
First, I respect all of the first-rate work you have done to your car, and the validity of the information you have shared with the members of this club. I do not believe anyone has disputed that more questions should have been asked, or that the buyer is ultimately responsible for his purchase. If YOU asked TIR all of the questions you wanted to, and had them answered. Would YOU conclude that the car in question is an "all Original 1971 Datsun 240Z."? If your answer is: "no", as I would expect. That means that even in your opinion, the seller falsified his discription. He lied. He and no-one else is responsible for that. His reputation is his responsibility, and his verifiable and conscious actions are what has hurt his reputation. He put the first sentance in his ad. He knew it wasn't true. He refused to stand behind it. He defamed his own charactor by these facts. If your answer is yes, what is your Ebay ID? I do not want to risk have this problem with a listing of yours. Will
I didn't mention it, but I've been using POR 15 and associated products for 10 years-if the surface prep is right, the coating lasts as well as anything out there-better than most! Ospho is a more common version of Metal Ready-very close cousins. The problems I encountered from sandblasting alone are evidenced in the rust creeping back in my lower door panels. I sand blasted replacement panels and welded them in 10 years ago, two years ago they started blistering from the inside. They were the first items I treated with POR 15. After speaking with the Tech support line, and taking pictures of the both sides of both doors, the only explanation was that the high humidity in South Georgia and the temperature differential that occurred in the lapse between the Sandblasting and the installation and coating of the pieces (prepped the evening before and installed/coated the next morning all inside a shop) allowed moisture to condense on rust particles that were peened into the pores of the metal and become encapsulated under the POR15 coating.The POR15 surface was still completely sealed, but bubbled-larger area than the outside. The process took 8 years to develop. I am still using POR15, and many of its family of products, .but I am taking no chances for a repeat performance. Prep-work is the key, the best products in the world are only as good as the care you take in applying them Will
Not just Z cars! Not every Datsun used the outside door handles, but many did-the late roadsters, the 510, etc...
I will add my two cents. I have had sand blasting alone actually peen rust into the pores of the metal. In an area of high humidity, the rust will come back. Before you sandblast, treat the rusted area with ospho, or some rust eating acid solution, then, after blasting, etch again. I have used the "etch sandblast and re-etch method" many times, and never had another problem. Outside, I use playsand from Home Depot for sheet metal(use a good respirator, eye protection, and securely cover anything you do not want the sand in). I keep real glass bead and walnut shells for use in in my blast cabinet for parts. Will
Yes sir! I caught it too! Now if I could only figure out how to get rid of it... Spaceballs, I mean... New Trivia Question: How many models over how many years of Datsuns do the outside door handles of a 1973 240Z fit?
The Dukes of Hazzard, Bo and Luke Duke-but who cares about them-Daisy was the star of the show! see why in the attatchment! General Lee was the name of the car, I believe it was a Dodge Charger. As another trivial tidbit, Sonny Shroyer(?) who played Enos, lived in Valdosta, Georgia and had a Volkswagon restoration project.
240Z Preferably in the SE
Jason, I haven't sold a Z in 10 years! I don't have any for sale. I know of one that I will probably buy to restore-it needs a bunch of work-driveline is frozen. When, and if, I buy it, my red one may be for sale. I will know for sure by the end of March. If that may meet your timeline, let me know, I can tell you exactly what this car needs. It is the red 240Z on my site, hls30.com Will
The Jeep was it! The fight I was looking for started as a show to set up frank-I think it was on the airraid episode-but 10 years may have clouded my memory. The wedding was the last visit-I had forgotten that, what I remembered was when Sydney came to the 4077th to recharge his own sanity! Here is a link that will bring some laughter from way back when MASH was young! http://swamp4077.tripod.com/mashdialogues.htm
You got most of them-Iasked so many to have a few that might "go far" I confused an episode with Radars' mother in it for his sister-oops-hey they look just a like! I don't think the Sydney visit you are talking about wa the last visit-I am a little fuzzy too. Looks like this is what is left! M*A*S*H Trivia... Why was Sydney at the camp for the last time? What was Colonel Flags' first name? What did Radar try to ship back to the states? Who did Klingers' wife throw him over for, and what was his occupation. Why did Pierce and Honneycutt really have a fight? Hint, it didn't start out that way! Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea trivia... What was the Admirals' Name Who was the XO? Is he on TV now? What was the name of the submarine? What feature kept it safe more times than any other? What was the name of the radio man? Two more for Mash Who was Peg, and what was her daughters' name? Who hugged the stuffing out of Francis?
M*A*S*H Trivia... Who was the Seargent in charge of the Motor Pool? Where was Hawkeye originally from? What was Radars' sisters' name? Why was Sydney at the camp for the last time? What was Colonel Flags' first name? What was Colonel Potters favorite saying? What did he say when he signed paperwork? Who was Ferrittface? What did Radar try to ship back to the states? Who did Klingers' wife throw him over for, and what was his occupation. What was Colonel Potters favorite mode of transportation? What happend to Frank when he responded to the air rade? Why did Pierce and Honneycutt really have a fight? What was Dr Winchesters' claim to fame? What was his most covetted gift from home? Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea trivia... What was the Admirals' Name Who was the XO? What was the name of the submarine? What feature kept it safe more times than any other? What was the name of the radio man?
Ayan, Welcome to the world of those who love Zs! One of the benefits of being in this world is something you have just found. There is a lot of seemingly contradictory information about our cars. The primary difference between the three horsepower ratings is the difference in how they were measured. Both are correct. The larger of the numbers was measured the old way, with the engine running with no accessories mounted-no exhaust. The smaller of the two numbers is the Horspower rating as the engine is sold in the car. The former is called "gross horsepower, and the latter is "net horsepower". Both measurements are correct for the engine, but under different circumstances. This club will be a great source of information, humor, and alternative views on every aspect of your car. Enjoy the ride! Will
The show was "RAT PATROL", Eric Braeden, aka Victor Newman from one of the daytime soaps played the German commander-whos' name escapes me at the monent, his opposite was played by Christopher St.George, and I believe he did die filming. Vicky, You got points!
Pictures of Custom Interiors
Yes, it was all me! I was in PCB, Fla, picked up a scalop, and thought, "this is the color combo what I want for my ZX!" I found the carpet at Home Depot, bought a strip 5' wide, and carpeted the whole car with it(see it at hls30.com). The old headliner material was falling. I removed the headliner, pulled the rest of the fabric off, sanded off the rest of the decomposing foam, blew off the residue, coated the headliner with one thick coat of silver por15(heat reflective) and used the red can of 3M Weldwood as adhesive. It has been over two years-I did the headliner as a test before doing anything else cosmetic to the car-and it hasn't loosened. The Trim around the t-tops was not on all the way in the picture, the striations in the carpet are straight and parallel to the openings, and the trim spacing relative to the patern in the carpet are uniform. Keeping the paterns straight and the trim spacing uniform and mirror imaged really sets the work off! After living with it a while, the Maroon is too purple as it has faded, but I still like the carpet The t-top shades and mechanism covers will get the same carpet, but I will change the butgandy back to a red Thanks for the compliment, Will
TomoHawk, every body knows that his first name was "The" as in "The Duke"! What long time Daytime Drama star played in a 60s/70s Tv show featuring two jeeps? What was his charactors name? What was the name of the Charactor that played his opposite?