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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    oops, I vaguely remember part of that-they were flying around the galaxy in an RV that had to be jump-started! BTW, you keep your schwarts to yourself... Personally I prefer History of the World because it is good to be the King, have a wizz boy, and prove your love of the peasants, by yelling, "Pull!" and have hot babes offer to give in to you to save their father!
  2. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    MikeW that situation bears a striking resemblance to a Honda-the engine runs backwards!
  3. Yikes, new math and even to the melody of "Beth" by Kiss
  4. Thanks TomoHawk! Once again, "Good answer, I like the way you think!" Again: "Carl, I agree with everything you said, but what makes you feel that way. What is it YOU love about a 240Z?" I want your answer. Not a "we" or "To men" answer! Your answer is improtant to me, and Your answer is expected to start with something very similar to: "I love a 240Z because..." Trust me, I understand the complexity of a mans relationship to beauty, and by askiing for a direct answer, I am not trying to trivialize it. I want to do something on this forum no other forum has done, come up with a real and applicable definition of what makes a car a classic! With the passion this group has for their cars, I expect we have everything we need to get to the essence of the question!, many of the components are here, I want everbody to be a part of this because every body has an opinion and it matters.-especially one have have to work so hard to get-yours! If all I need to do is change the "we" to an "I" in your last sentance- just say so-if not take a heart-quickening spin in the Z, be sure to give it a thankyou look, and come back and tell me!
  5. I agree, I bought a set of european bumpers for my car.
  6. Carl, I agree with everything you said, but what makes you feel that way. What is it YOU love about a 240Z?
  7. Enrique, I don't think you missunderstood the question, I think I used poor semantics to form it. I think that the reason so many people(including us) love the car is what makes it a classic. I suppose the question I should have asked is: "Why do you love your car?" I need two answers-one the non-specific reasons(ie"It is beautiful")-and two, the highly specific reasons (ie:"the way the road reflects of the curve of her rear fender where it joins the roof makes me drool!") What is that "something about" your "Z that has always appealed to" you? The emotion of the general answer is explained by the specific answer. In a group of people shareing both(even if they aren't the same between the people in the group) we have what I think makes a classic car. It takes time to figure out what really makes something beautiful on a detailed level I think the pictures are a great idea! Let's all take some of out Z-ordinary as TomoHawk said, and caption the picture with what you were thinking when you took it! I don't think govenrment officials as a whole know enough about cars to make those decisions, that 's why i asked a bunch of experts...all of you. In terms of the definition of classic-the dictionary (any one will do) does not mention any car in its explanation, therfor the person or group with the car(s) applied the word "classis" to it(them) , not the other way around, we all know of a recent situation where "original" was used rather loosly. BTW, "Original" is used in the explanation of "classic"! I am looking for a current and lasting deffinition, not one put in place to build up one set of cars by excluding another without any specific consideration but date of manufacture. I don't think of a classic Z as playing elevator music, mayby a Duesenberg, but music for a classic car would be something that reminds me of my view of the car: "Radar Love","slow ride", "I can't drive 55", "born to be wild","She's a beauty","Wild Thing"," I want you to want me", are some Z songs right off the top of my head.
  8. hls30.com commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Zcar Ladies
  9. What I am looking for, Enrique, is why you think yours is a classic? We are all Z lovers, if anyone should know why, it should be us! We chose to spend our money, sweat, time and energy on our Zs and not other cars, why? The why is what I think makes a car a classic, I just want to identify it! What other people think about why we did it is opinion, what made us choose to do it is fact!
  10. Thats too easy, check out....hls30.com The car is getting ready to spend some time in the air, shiney side down-er sideways for a thorough going over/modification. It looks very much like the car in the logo! A beautiful Classic!-but mine has period slot mags!
  11. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    I know of a couple, call Mickey at Carter Racing Enterprises here in Savannah, he generally has several.
  12. hls30.com commented on Ed's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  13. hls30.com commented on Ed's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  14. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Math and meaning, why do so many have such problems with them. You two guys are dead-on!
  15. I like the 250GTO as well, so much so I am building a replica on a '77 280Z, There is a real 250GTO here in Savannah, parked side by side, I think the 240Z is a prettier car, but there is something undeniable about the 250GTO as well-I am happy with the 240Z, but I would n't be un-happy with the Ferarri either(no kidding!) the 240z is definitely the sexiest Z, but someone married us, so sexappeal isn't everything to some people!
  16. Well, yes, but I would expect that all of the members of this forum believe the 240Z is a a classic, as such I hope to get more than the applejacks answer. Btw, we (in Georgia) can't get an antique plate customized. I had to get a "prestige plate" to get HLS30. The cars do evoke a very passionate response(the new Dominos' ad comes to mind). I ran up to the Alltel office today to have an adjustment made to my bill, and every single person in their store commented on the car. Two of the ladies (schawing!) came out to the car to look, and find out about it. There was a new 350Z parked right beside me-the driver was in the Alltel office scratching his head. I guess it hurt to spend 30K+ and have a 31 year old "classic" show up his new (derivative) Z in the eyes of fine 30-something females. Talk about proof of having a classiC!
  17. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Has anyone found an inexpensive source for AN-6 fuel rail fittings! the one I have been using has dried up! thanks, Will
  18. Atleast the Z made that one! But what is it that defines a classic?
  19. What defines a 240Z as a classic? I do call the 240Z a classic. People still respond to it when they see it-when you drive through town or anywhere don't you get the same smiles, nods, and wave-downs to talk that I do? We have an Australian teenager in the club who is just as much in love with the cars as those of us who lusted after them when they first came out-all of this is eveidence of a true and timeless classic! But what really makes the car a classic? In July of 2003, Classic Motorsports magazine Interviewed 11 highly visible and respected car enthusiasts and could not get a clear answer, but none of those interviewed mentioned a Zcar-though other similarly priced cars in the same category and time period were. Funny thing, the same issue has a feature article titled: "Datsun Z-Car stylish and Sensibly Priced '70s Sports Car." in which the Z is called "...a sexy imported sports car...the first really interesting, afordable sports car to come along..." The Article ends with the reason the Z was such a hit relative to its' peers. It was the best value. The 240Z is as beautiful a car as there is, shortly before I became active on this site, I emailed one of the active members a message containing this qoute: "Other than Gods direct art (Women and Nature), there isn't much as beautiful as a 240Z. " that is the way I feel about the cars. But what is it that defines them as classic?
  20. Keep the bumpers, loose the whale tale-it will be begging you for a coffee can tale pipe if you leave it...let them go away together-without your car!
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    WTG Bambikiller240!!!
  22. Got one on the way as well!
  23. I have to agree with TomoHawk! Sharing info about cars-all aspects of cars-is what a car club is about. How many of you inherited your cars? Then, you traded for them(be it with cash, a set of speakers, what ever...) As a first time car buyer, wouldn't you have liked to have known more about all parts of the transaction? Some members of this club haven't been there yet, this is good info for them, which means it helps the hobby! All original is as shipped from the factory, with all major pieces being original or factory specified replacements, and all numbered pieces matching. Last time I checked, the engine and transmission were major pieces that have numbers. Wow, another person who does not know what "is" means...I guess the fluid stains are on the floorboards... I use the dictionary for the definition for terms. I wouldn't want this well known restorer any where near my car-evidently, he doesn't even know what the car came from the factory with-more to the point, he does not care.
  24. I agree, there is no reason to do something half way. Honestly, I have worked on one '70, 2 '72s, too many '73s to count , several '76s, and my '77 rebody. So my first-hand knowledge is limited to those. I have factory manuals on the '73, 77, and '82. My three Zs will get done, and I certianly will share the info.
  25. The door/t-top weatherstripping is very expensive and was hard to fine, MotorSport Auto and Victora British both listed it, but neither had it when I tried to order last year. I slowly and carefully pulled mine out, starting at the back of the door and working pulling up. A hot day makes this easier, it prompts the old sealant to flow which means it will stretch as you pull. I cleaned the seals up with laquer thinner , stripped the paint, goo and rust off the channels, coated the channels with POR15 and put the seals back in. I used 3m black weatherstrip adhesive to glue them back in. Where the seals had deteriorated or split, I used a black epdm rubber like marine cauk from West Marine. I also used it to seal the edges of the t-top seals to the roof to keep grit out(what caused the problems with mine in the first place) If you want more info, just ask! Will

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