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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, that's the quote, thanks, I knew I flubbed it somehow, It was from The Itallian Job, the guy who played Angelina Jioies' charactors' father, then she said it and got smacked! Who said: "Oh, sure hit the highroad now that you have me half naked" in what Movie Who said: "I know, I'll do you.... Jim: "... There is something I have to tell you...I'm not really a girl" "Jim, is that you?.... He tricked me just so he could see me naked"
  2. BambiKiller240, On the confusion, I guess it was all on my part. I appreciate your honesty in your reaction to the piecing the harness sections together from members, I have a hard time trusting that others will do something as well as I want it done as well, but what if all of the materials were bought by one person, distributed to those interested in working on the project and then returned to that person for inspection and final assembly? A big project is always more complicated than a little project, that is exactly why I suggested sending interested members little projects. Give everybody a small part, and noone is overwhelmed by the size of their little part of the whole thing! BTW I am not talking about a mass production of these harnesses, I am talking about making two or three prototypes and either contracting it out or supplying it in kit form. One thing about the harnesses, Making a replacement harness for specific years would be making 8 different harnesses, You can't please everyone, that is why we customize our cars. But, all of the pieces that the wires go to, except the fusebox (and in the case of a non L2X(XX) engine swap, the engine) are pretty well in the same place between all of the year models. Making one new replacement standardized core harness should not be nearly as difficultas 8 distinct harnesses-most of the wiring of the switches is common, the engine sensors are common. The ecm is on an entirely seporate harness that would typically be comming with the engine in a swap anyway so the engine management harness could be dealt with as a seporate issue. I think a standard core harness could be made. Make two fusebox types(one with a pigtail shortened for center mount, one lengthened for footwell mount) and between the three parts all of the year models could be covered with a standardized Non engine control harness. Adding sub-harnesses for a sterio system, auxillary fans or what ever shouldn't be too bad, provide the additional wiring for 2 pairs of connections at the radiator, two at the center console, and two at the back of the car, that gives 6 circuits for adding electrical accessories Use big wire for one at each of the three locations if necessary. Just a thought !
  3. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I really didn't ask for the question, but hey, Bone-us material. Her answer was "A girls' gotta have her standards." and the smile that went with it-great googleymoogely! Don't forget these jems G: "are you peeing" B: "not anymore" g: "wierd" "Don't eat that! Don't you know eating that could give you incredibly large breasts-I'm too late!" Was the girl he said that to Meg Ryan? "Never forget, a, always remember to check your resources" V: "...Ken, this is God,....Masterbation is a sin, and you've been sinning a lot lately." Ken: "It is God" I gotta find that movie... New Movies: Who said it: P: "We filled your brain up to see what would happen" T: "What happened?" P: "It leaked!" Here is a really hard one. in what movie did what female charactor say" "...You always were a cunning linguist." Who said: "I trust you, it's the devil inside I don't trust", and in what movie. The most popular fastener on a Z fits a 10mm wrench, they are used everyewhere! Once again, "just because you can do a thing, it does not necessarily follow that you should do a thing." Technology isn't bad, people are.
  4. If Michael Doesn't get it, I want it-Paypal and all Will
  5. Looks like a good company, but as ZHadMan pointed out earlier in the post(s), why pay them to do something that can I can do less expensively. They have a higher markup on things I can get at Waytekwire cheeper. Ie: 12 conductor blade fuse panel $13.14 Waytek, $21.12 KJco. 25Amp curcuit breaker for above $1.68 Waytek, $4.68 KJco 250 feet of black GXL 16Guage $12.45 Waytek, $35 KJco If that was all it took to make a harness for you, I just saved you more than half by buying at Waytec. I would be excited too if I thought I could sell something at that margin! Keep the info coming, we need the best of it! In all of my searches, Waytek was the best source, but that doens not mean that they are! I have been very, very wrong before!
  6. Looks like the two threads confused most of us, many posts of a more recent date on the first one-until yesterday, I didn't know there was a part 2. It wasnt on the first page of the listing,and I am so much of a Newbie, I didn't know to go look! Anyway, I am still game for this, it looks like the ZHad Man has a life and has encouraged the rest of us to "go for it" I think we should. I know my cars (A 73 240Z, a 77 280Z, and a 2000 ROADSTER with a hardtop) will benefit from this, I have already accumulated much of the stuf needed to make it happen for the 240Z. I will be happy to be a part of a team At this time my direction is: I will be replacing the Fuse box in my 240Z and correcting the more pressing wiring problems(Charging circuit, headlights, AC) soon. I am getting an L28ET ready to go in, I will install it, rough out its' wiring, drive and tune the car a while, then put the 240 on a roticerie for a ground-up. At that point I will pull the harness and really get into the meat of this. I want to keep the factory color codes, but update the technology where it makes since, and clean where it does not. I am open to any suggestions Will Bambikiller240 is there a way to combine or archive the first thread to stop that confusion we all evidently had?
  7. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    This post is just to get the two threads together to lower confusion.
  8. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You guys are great! The movie quote was from memory from the one time I have seen that movie, at its' first release. I haven't remembered to pick up a copy when I am in a sutuation that lends itself to doing so. I guess I have just found my "Moral Imperative", and my weekend post Z movie! That movie had so many quotable situations.... Serious trivia questions, same movie: Val Kilmer aswered a question with something like: "Not right now, but if, there is anything I can do for you, or, more importantly to you, you'll let me know , right?" Who was the actress who asked the question? What was her reply, and where was the Z in the movie? Z trivia: What was the Factory fix for the vapor lock situation that plauged early 73 carbs, and where did that answer come from? What is the most popular size fastner in a Zcar? What is the size of the license plate bolts? TomoHawk "Man was just too immature to put machines to work for him." The Nut who videotaped himself putting bystanders at risk while grandstanding in a V8 Z on a public street comes to mind) Pertinant quasi-quote: "just because you could do a thing doesn't mean you should do a thing" It just goes to prove Newtons Law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Some business men are too quick to make something to make a buck to worry about the results of their process on the populace-expecially if they don't partake in the process-Howard Hughes comes to mind.
  9. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Before computers, could we all have been having this post? I guess they are a necessary evil! MikeW is right! The carpet in the front floorboards was also there to give you something to use to get traction to pull out of sand, snow, or what-ever-else you could manage to get the car stuck in. I kew that was to easy! What about this: q: "What about that time we caught you naked in your room with Jello?" A: "I was hot and I was hungry"
  10. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You have a nice page going, and a big toy to play with at work, what more could you ask for-Ok, a Z would be nice.
  11. Obviously I have wasted your time, I appologize.
  12. Lots and lots of great ideas, valuable opinions and talented people! I think the right pieces are already here. What about dividing the project up and parting out pieces to members, that way it gets finished faster, and everybody who is interested can get their hands dirty! "Member involvement is what it is all about!" Tell me how I can help. If that goes over well, then we need to come up with some standard answers to make certian the harness parts from all over the place uniform. BTW, One other thing I plan to do is use 5% silver solder on all of the crimp terminals. Will
  13. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You guys are in the parK! The 280ZX is a S130 and it was built with all of that extra crap to break down that also makes the car more pleasant and in some cases, safe to drive. It was an evolution of the Z car, it shared styling cues, and all of the pieces we take out to put on our S30s. Without it there would not have ben an L28ET! I have a 280ZX and it is certianly more queit, comfortable and well mannered at speed than a stock 240Z; but, it isn't nearly as much fun to drive, though it is nicer to ride in- All of that said for enjoyment I drive the 240Z, to take the parking lot dings, and I drive the 280ZX. I think calling a 240Z with pieces out of a 280ZX out of it is fine-you still have the best of both cars! If I didn't want people to have a suprise from what they think is 31 year-old technology. I might do the same!
  14. Well, we have an answer, Member 140Z emailed me a photo of his data plate, what he has is a beautifully modified B210(what it would have been called here in the states), that in the USA had an A14 engine-but his came from the factory with and L14( a 4cyl version of the 6cyl L20A). This was a hot car before the engine was swapped to the current engine, an L20b. The car is still a very interesting relative of the S30, regardless. His car is an early grafting of Nissan machinery!-what was done to this car is exactly what so many of us have done and are doing, substituting better (spelled higher output)Nissan parts into our cars. What ever it may lack interms of actual "Z" lineage, it more than makes up for in its' modification within the Nissan parts bins, and I would be pleased to own one.
  15. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I appologize, I can't type as fast as I think! Bambikiller240 is right, the 260Z was our first entry in the 2+2, But we didn't get the first 260Zs. The first run of 260Zs went to another county, and were produced before the first ones to hit our shores-they were the change-over cars from the 240z production line. That means we are both right! 26th-Z I did group the L28 and L24 engines as L series, completely neglecting to exclude the other smaller versionsas S30 options. I made an assumption everyone here knew that to keep the size of the post down-oops, I appologize! The part about the "those cars were moded by an aftermarket company (like the Scarab was here in the USA) and re-badged to give it a tie in to Z promotion-(No datsun badges on the exterior)" was all written about the 140Z from another thread, it had nothing to do with a fairlady of any kind. The Fairlady was a genuine factory offering, my point was that the 140Z was not. TomoHawk: Good answer, I like the way you think! But we do have that uniwheeled troop transporter that is kind of like the first two years of USB-the greatest thing that never happened! I am ashamed to admit it, but I have a copy of Delirious(who wouldn't want to look at Emma Samms and Mariel Hemmingway-ok, I'm not ashamed to admitt it, I have the movie.) and I was going to run a capture to post with some of the original S30 comercials I have. Mr. Ramsey-I agree, someone really wants us to have good info, and I appreciate that too! I would rather be proven wrong than promote the spreading of bad info. Some one else take the hotseat for a while, I just tried to talk into my mouse-"how quaint", what movie did that come from?
  16. hls30.com commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Zcar Ladies
  17. Good Shot! I thought so. Modified (like the Scarab) by an aftermarket company! Still haven't heard from the owner with his VIN...
  18. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wow, I may have to make multiple posts on this one! First, to the Answer on Ernest T. Bass- We have a winner! He was famous for thraetening to "break every winder from here (Mayberry) to the State Capitol!", And for (as described by Barney) for bieng "A NUT" Sounds like we have a member of the crew from the Andy Griffith show, or their #1 fan! Vin Deciphering is as follows (I am using the only method that works for all of the S30 cars) If the first letter is a G the car had 4 seats. If the first Letter was an H the car was a 2 seater and had a L series engine If the second letter was an H-the car had an L series engine If the third letter was an L the car had the steering wheel on the left If the third was and s the next two places will be 30 if the fourth letter is an S the next two places will be 30, If the car has letters following the S30, whey will indicate transmission type, country/fed/california destination, and whether or not the car had factory AC. The numbers that follow are the serial# A G was added as a possable first number in 72/73 when the 2+2 was added, another numeric was added when the Number of cars produced called for it. Im not certian of the timing, but 26th-Z give it up! On the Vanilla Sky question-You got me, I haven't seen the movie, but if there is a converted Z in it I will at least rent it and watch that! As far as the "Bodanker", yea, I got your "Bodanker" right here! I did get it! Chain or rope and all... That Japanese 240s had a 2 Liter 4 valve per cyl engine had the same carbs (Japanese version of Webbers) on it as the 140Z. I think that those cars were moded by an aftermarket company (like the Scarab was here in the USA) and re-badged to give it a tie in to Z promotion-(No datsun badges on the exterior) You guys have some great info! We should collect all of this Z trivia, verify it and post it somewhere.....Hmmm-I guess we are already doing that, Huh!
  19. I emailed the owner for the Vin#, if he responds we will know if it is real soon enough. The only doubts I have come from all of the records that indicate all z cars manufactured between 1969 and 1978 were made with the S30 body, and that there are no shared styling cues, between it and a 240, all of the changes to the 240 that we know about (260Z, 280Z, share distinct styling cues, (front, rear, side, and post badges, Headlight buckets, Side marker light shape) other than the rear trim that looks mysteriously like a sillplate that has been lengthened and had a plate worked into it, there are none. Only the Vin knows for sure!) Still, it is an interesting car...
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Come on Michael! We talked about this-send them to me so I can work out the installation of GM throttlebodies into them! You Busted out Mr. Ramsey on another thread-never mind I sort of did the same earlier on this one- so here is payback! Actually I was looking for something more colourful-like a starting point for a Chia Pet!
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    In Z Therapys 240Z Tubeup video, they repair the console to close with epoxy and fiberglass, then give a full coat of plastic paint-thick in the area of the repair, then use the graining sheets out of a vinyl repair kit to emboss the surface of the still wet paint. Interestingly, they repeatedly touch the surface with the sheets instead of letting the paint dry and then peel the sheet off. I haven't tried their way, I have always used JB weld, a waxed piece of leather and a supported clamp, followed by plastic paint then a semi-gloss clear. BTW most wrinkle paints only work on metal.
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Just got an idea for a question from another thread! Where are the common rust areas in the early Zcars-I know one who didn't know... Now for a good, and particularly pertinant, answer to the number floor plugs in a 240Z . How the heck would I know, I have never seen a 240Z with an original floor! I'd have given that one credit!
  23. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    We have another winner!! Bruce drove a 280Z 2+2! Congratulations Mr. Ramsey!!! Drats, now I have to think of more... How many ping pong balls will a 1971 240Z hold-no, too easy. How many, and what are all of the external pieces of a factory stock (before dealer options) 240Z that were painted silver gray (each piece that can be removed by itself counts as one)? How many rubber plugs came stock in the passengers foot-well of a 1973 240Z, and what were they for? What is the secondary use for the carpeting in a Zcar as outlined in the owners manual? What is the best use for a set of factory carbs from a 1973 240Z. Try to keep it clean...there is a big naughty woman running around the site! Non Z to show the experience of our contestants: Who is Ernest T. Bass, and what is he famous for?
  24. Check the wiring at the altermnator as well, the batery dump could have smoked it and the engine ground, if so you will be burning up your speedometer cable because it is the only electrical path from the engine to the body.
  25. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    Hi Guys! There is a parallel thread in the engine forum-fyi

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