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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. You have a good idea that does not fit your required parameters. Rare but important parts are not those that are " for common vehicles, be used on multiple models". When I looked in to having similar(essentially cosmetic) pieces made by an overseas company(I sent the folks at the Harrington Group(and others) a bunch of photos, measurements and a few parts, the up front costs to the company were expected to be made up by volume. When you have a shrinking market(the S30 market), the typical business model is a tough fit. Enthusiast tend to do things with out regard to profit to create availability-at least for themselves-exactly the opposite from the typical business model your company looks for. Most of the currently rare parts sell to the few enthusiasts that consistently win the ebay auctions for unobtanium Is there a single part of an S30 other than tires that I could sell 10,000-(even 500) of if I were to pay for the parts, pay to have them shipped, picked up, stored, and shipped out as needed-I could not come up with one.
  2. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yes, I have pulled my dash cover to replace the large gages-if you take your time when originally fitting the cover, you will only need a little silicone at the edges of the dash, and the down near the console-with only enough to hold it down, you can pull the cover with no issues-you just need to clean the residue off before applying the adhesive to put it back in. Note, if you were very careful installing the cover, and are very careful pulling it off, you probably will not need any adhesive when you put it back on-time and heat will have reset the covers stresses, and drape formed it to your dash-but clean the residue off the dash and the cover anyway!
  3. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Even if you do, if you are careful about installation of the cap, and use only a few daubs of silicone, the cap will come off easily, and add only a couple of minutes to r/r the guages. I wrote an installation postin another thread-post #18 in the following thread. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12725&page=2&pp=15&highlight=dash+cover
  4. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I found the whole rest of the car behind the seat!:stupid:
  5. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    All original S30 Dashes are a Steel frame with foam and a plastic film, Dash Restorations refoams and re films, a full face dash cover that has been properly fitted looks almost as good as a restored dash, but is readily identifiable as a cover at the dash emblem/glovebox lock, and at the sides with the doors open(the cover does not cover all of the dash on the sides, and the opening for the dash emblem/glovebox lock is not well fitted around the emblem/lock. Most people would not notice the cover, Z freaks probably would, but then they would also recognize with the $600 difference between a restored dash and a well fitted cover could make elsewhere in the car! Dash cover in my 240Z http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=14322&ppuser=4106 Restored vs NOS 1 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=19209&ppuser=4106 Restored vs NOS 2 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=19208&ppuser=4106 Installing a cover-see post 18 here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12725&page=2&pp=15&highlight=dash+cover
  6. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Polls
    The Swap Meet is on for registered attendees-Z and roadster stuff only. I am working out the details, so be sure to check ZCON.org for details before loading up all your stuff and bringing it down!
  7. After going through great pains to have several lids faithfully re-plated, I found a new one too, being that I have several NOS consoles, but never expected to have a NOS cover, here is what I did: 1) Maas Metal protector applied to all exposed metal 2) Test fitted a used cover to a NOS console, to check for interference. 3) Shaved the console where interference was found by gluing 320 grit sand paper to the used lid and taking it through its motions. You can't see where the sanding was done with the lid installed-much less with the console installed. This accomplished two things 1) The metal is sealed and protected-with something that will not hurt plastic. 2) No chance of wear to the lid surface:added clearance between the console and the lid so even sand on the lid would not scratch.
  8. I thought your were bring ALL that to the Swap meet at ZCON! Sorry, I just couldn't resist!:stupid: I usually forward all contacts to the FBI, and give the address of the FBI office contact as a shipping address...That way if they want to work the thieves, they can set it up as they will.
  9. You got my attention-I have been playing with the David Scanner (in the time between I start a blink and finish it) and while it has serious potential, it needs more time than I have to get it into a usable setup. I have a cnc mill/drill/lathe, and as MikeB pointed out infinitely more ideas than time. When Larrys car is done,(it is getting close-hopefully Larry will register it for ZCON), Zcon is finished and I have at least one day of sleep, I will jump back into the parts. Will
  10. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Think about what the dash does for your passenger in an accident, and how your material of choice might interact with your passengers face...lots of liability in those hard, brittle surface choices... unless the frame of your dash is badly damaged, it can be restored. BTW, restoration means one thing-being put back as it was-anything else is modification, sounds like you want to restore some aspects of the car and modify others-that would make it a restomod.
  11. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    Well, looks like we will have a hatch based swap meet! On Thursday(while the Convention Center is being loaded for the car show on Friday) we will be hosting a parking lot swap meet! Registered Convention goers will be granted a single parking place to back their Z into to swap/sell Z stuff! Nothing but Z stuf! Convention sponsors will have the option to use more parking places and vehicles other than Zs, and may set up tents and seating! Strict rules will be forth coming and strictly enforced, Security will be provided.
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in GARAGE BUSINESS
    This is great to know!-I spent so much time trying to get these to the point Ron now has them-repairable!
  13. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    Pm me your email and I'll send you a draft to use instead of making you wait for the final version-registration is moving very fast, and I don't want a delay on my part to mean you miss a spot in something you want to participate in. Will
  14. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    We have a meeting Wednesday,and that will be one of our topics! I will let you know! Will
  15. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Are you looking for actual vintage wheels, or simply a vintage look that will be approved?
  16. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    I got the same thing when they told me it was up...for that very reason!
  17. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    Steve-it is linked to the website-and independent of the resort! www.zcon.org then navigate to the registration page, or directly... http://www.zccazconvention.com/conventions/registration On other note with the help and suggestion of a couple of key members here, I am working on bringing some great S30 guests to the convention for some first hand chat on the intimate details of the S30-trust me, you will not want to miss this!
  18. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    Registration is now open, Hooters Girls are booked, Bikini contests are underway for even more ample hot babes to provide embarrassing photo ops(Wingmen-you guys paying attention?)-er that should have been more hot babes to provide ample embarrassing photo ops....ahem. One note, the Resort is booking up quicker than anyone expected-73% of capacity as of this morning-even before our registration opened! If you have an issue with a resort reservation-even when phoning it in, relax, this is not a spindle pin moment! Let me know, I'll get it taken care of-we contracted for a 240Z profile in terms of attendance, and we are getting more people coming for the weekend before and staying through the following weekend than I negotiated for-the Westin will honor our pricing as long as they have rooms available, and I am getting that type of issue taken care of personally, I spoke to the Marriott(across the river) about hosting our overflow guests, and will go iron out the details of that before we run out of available rooms in the Westin. Will
  19. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Get a left hand drill bit and after a good soak with PBblaster, it will probably come out as you drill it-harbor freight has left handed bits cheap if you have a hard time finding them.
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    There are lots of period correct wheels around-here anyway. I have bought cars for the wheels before($200-$300), post some pictures of styles you like and see what is close! You might ask what guide they use to verify the wheels are period correct to find out what is allowed.
  21. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Same issues at the East Coast Nationals, Z1 put on a hell of a show for free, and most people didn't participate in the raffle-the one way they actually try to recoup some of the immediate costs, and still give everyone a great opportunity to win some seriously valuable prizes! A big brake kit, a Camera Mount, Titanium Lugnuts to name but a few...of the items a ticket gave you a chance to win. I know most of the participants at the East Coast Nationals did not buy any raffle tickets because I spent $100 on tickets and won every prize I entered for-the odds of that are astronomical unless the actual participation was minuscule! While I was happy to win so many great prizes, It also let me know that while the event was a success for participation, it was a complete failure as in terms of covering its own expenses. When a company offers me something for free, and is a supporter of the Z community, I always make a point of adding to their bottom line-whether in the form of $100 worth of raffle tickets-with no expectation of winning anything, or adding a $700 parts order to the shipment containing what I won from the raffle tickets. If a company can't afford to keep supporting us, it is usually because we quit supporting them. I volunteer to help at every Z event I attend-if for no other reason to show organizers and facilitators that I appreciate all their hard work! Words are nice to hear, but actually doing something requires and conveys a lot more value.
  22. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    I am having the instructions made into tatoos so they will be close...um... at hand for use... "on the fly";) so to speak! I have some serious room:eek: to get some REALY BIG PRINT on Larry the cable Guys sister.... not so much on the hooters girls:love:... We were going to sell the video in the convention store, but I think there are plans in place to give them away as proof that he came here and did them-er that!
  23. I have most of the parts for my '72, but the car won't be close to ready, if you will replace them, you are welcome to them. Front: Toyota vented rotors w/appropriate callipers, Rear-ZX parts...I can drop them off to Mickey if that will help
  24. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in United States
    -If your car is painted, and present, There will be a pair of hooters girls waiting as a reward for all of your effort and progress! If your car is not painted and present, We have a contract with Larry the cable guys sister:eek: to welcome you appropriately! -I'd Get'r done!
  25. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I have a set of tripple 40s as well-great for the cool factor, but for smooth running performance and virtually no maintenance, a set of SUs from Z Therapt simply can't be beat. One of the magazines did a side by side and found that Webers aided performance by lightening the car(the weight came out of your wallet!), but that SUs delivered slightly better performance at a lower price... Will

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