Everything posted by hls30.com
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
You guys know what? It is very cool that a very courteous gentleman found #13, and that we have a thread on it, and except for the part where so many of you have posted so much here that is either more rude and pointless than specifically relevant to #13 and its story. Personally I am much more excited to hear that and how one of the first examples in the USA has been found and put back into the public eye, than I am to hear all of posturing that ignored the intent of the thread-I had to check to see If I had logged into the right board. This is an early Z. It was found by a very kindly gentleman who obviously enjoys Z, and it looks to me like several people have been far more interested in a few things other than #13 and her story. Obviously we have a bunch of guys who want to prove they know a lot about Zs, and in the exchange, prove that don't know much at all about being polite to-or even getting along with-fellow Z owners. One reminder. If you can't make your point without being rude, you won't make it-the person you are aiming at quit listening and followed your example by getting his pride up and getting angry. Will
Any Pics from the Z Con Car Show in SA?
I knew you guys would have fun! I wanted to be there so bad I could taste it! This year with working on Larrys car, there was just no way. I am already holding the time for next year! Sweet that Nissan jumped in and put the car show where it should have been all along! I'll be the first one signed up for next year! WIll
Saw a classic Z on TV today!
Scrubs was on last night and to my suprise there were a pair of 280Z seats on the set, not in a car-but in covered entry way... Someone in the cast or crew must have wanted to write off an upholstery job...not typical set dressing for a medical show. Will
Needs some help with 260 parts
If the PO had the visible edges serged/bound to match the vinyl color the carpet would have looked very good! Will
The making of reproduction parts.
As much as it pains me to say, everything(except choke/throttle knobs) was put on hold to get Larrys car in the condition it was advertised to be sold in. There is a huge story here that will be presented on another website due an idle but effective threat of litigation to this club. Larrys car is almost finished with unbelieveable metal replacement, and because of timing, it will keep me from attending Zcon this year, but as soon as Larrys car is completed, I will be right back on these parts. Will
Need diagnosis asap!!!
1) the car is running horribly rich. 2) clean the plugs and reinstall if they are NGKs if they are any other brand get NGK BPR6ES-II Check the AIr filter-see if it is clogged up-with the backfiring, it could be too restrictive to pass enough air into the engine-get a new one if needed-start the car and see if performance improves. 3) with the engine cold, unplug the cold start injector and try to start the car. If it runs right, then a) look for new tape in the harness going to the temperature sensor-sometimes people will put a resistor in line with the sensor to add fuel thinking this will give better performance with no other changes-unless the car is running lean it won't-if you find a resistor-remove it from the circuit and reconnect the wires. b)look at the Airflow meter, see if the plastic access panel looks like it has been removed-sometimes people will bend the sweeper to add fuel. 4) check your fuel pressure regulator to see if it is working-and check your fuel pressure. WIll
" Blue Oval Z" Needs your help!!
I added my 10 points, he needs around 15 more to vote to get him into the first spot... Will
What Zs belong in Museums
Read the first paragraph in post #16! Will
70 240Z For Sale on Ebay??
Sad that he hasn't realized from his repeated and consistantly futile attempts to sell the car that if he would not buy it with out knowing the Vin noone else will either. Funny how people like this can find a dead end an inch from a doorway. Will
What Zs belong in Museums
I can't get the voice of Carl Sagan out of mu head saying: " if you were an animal and you looked like food, the humans would eat you". His way of speaking with that absolutely silent H always got me. I guess if Carl Sagan was a 914, he did look like food to a 240Z, and they ate him...... Back to the Museum, I included everything, in terms of a Z, I have have found at all interesting. From the seemingly perfect to the absolutely falling apart, and everything in between. Zs interest me, so I put them all in there. I would rather look at a 240Z than a than a 350Z, but they all belong so I would put them in chronological order in a circle so you could see any of them from any of them. I would also have a full size line art display with the front, side, and rear profiles on sheets of plexiglass so you could overlay individual models to see the differences easier. I forgot to mention I would also have all of the factory work up models and studies inline with the cars, and at the 240Z section would be life size animated models of Mr. K and Mr. Matsuo ready to speak about the 240Z with clips from speeches, letters, and articles. Each of the racing Zs would have a life size model of the driver(s) playing the audio from tv/radio interviews from right after the Victorys. The daily drivers and modified Zs would have oral introductions to their cars taped by their owners. Each display would be made as personal as possible. Just outside the backdoor of the museum would be a life size model of Albert Goertz(dressed as the wicked witch of the East) spouting responsibility for all that was 240Z from behind a desk with a photographic chart of all of the proof that his claim was not so. Will.
Preventing Rear Hatch Ledge Water Pooling?
Mike, You know enough to come in out of the rain, and bring your Z with you!
What Zs belong in Museums
My perfect Z museum would have one stock low vin from each model variation from through out the world, an unrestored #1 and a gold medallion winner (or equivalent) stock version for each major revision within a model in each local, a lightly modified version and a highly modified version(Gold cup winners or equivalent), and a daily driver, a rust bucket(as found), and a wreck of each model-and those that were professionally modified-Scarab, Ttop/convertible conversions. I would also have the cars with a rich/substantial racing history from anywhere in the world included. The point of my museum would be to show the range of what Datsun/Nissan did and what Z fanatics did with/to their cars so that enthusiasm would have the best chance for developing. The running cars would also be in a parade at least once a month-weather permitting. I see a museum as a place to learn about, and experience something with the opportunity to develop a passion for it. To me an automotive museum has to have a track and cars to run around it. Obviously not every car in the museum should be run around the track, but the performance level of every running car in the museum should be represented within the collection of cars that are. At the very least, each model should have an interactive display with the right sounds and controls to experience-even if they are simulated for those who cannot actually drive under the track conditions conditions because of a lack of licensing-drives license/SCCA license, et al. There would be an interactive garage area to learn about typical maintenance issues and the necessary tools, and the ability to join in on and help in an actual restoration/maintenance service, and there absolutey must be an interactive spindle pin display, a cold beverage dispenser, and above all a Hooters restraunt located in the building for the wingmen! and a daily bikini contest and photo shoot with the patrons and the Hooters Girls. Will
Clogged Fuel Pick Up
Check the rest of your lines then carb bowls. Disconnect the fuel hose from the carbs and (extend it is necessary) run it into a suitable container to check the flow. If you have good flow, then check the carb bowls. WIll
S30 Construction Theories
I'll have to get the stripper out and check one of my shells-cool! Will
Preventing Rear Hatch Ledge Water Pooling?
While Mikes solution would work, I think Enrique has the better answer. That daub of wax will collect grit. I put a pair of 12x12-1.5" pavers from Home Depot/Lowes down and park with the front wheels on them-changes the attitude of the car when parked, and if you keep the shelf clean, the water runs out. I have also filled those two corners before a repaint to ad some "grade" in the area and stop the pooling. will
What Zs belong in Museums
Zak, Each of the twins has one half of the directions to Atlantis:cheeky:, between them they have all of directions, and it is up to you to be their ride to Atlantis:beer:...If they don't need a unicorn, you don't need a unicorn, be the unicorn!;) Bill, If none of them belong in a museum, obviously you wouldn't have a museum... John, I didn't put that as a selection because I want people posting, not checking boxes... I'll give my answer after we get a few more good posts! Will
What Zs belong in Museums
If you had the only Z museum, and could obtain any Z, what Zs would you put in it and why? Will
WHat are you going to do to benefit from the "Cash for Clunkers" program
So far haven't found any Zs in the yards brought by the Cash for clunkers...they mark the cars clearly, so that no one pulls parts that won't work! Will
Looking for a great restoration manual?
I agree, Bills book is great-it is a collection of articles he wrote for the Texas Z Club. There are some things that need to be added since it was written, but it is still chock full of great stuff! It took me more than six months to track one down. I have been in touch with Bill about updating and making it available again... Will
70 240Z For Sale on Ebay??
Sounds like this guy is hiding the vin-I am sure ebay would drop his sale because of the questionable nature of what he is selling. The number one reason is to hide a vin is a stolen car... Ebay frowns on that sort of thing-I bet getting his auction dropped would get his attention . It is really funny what some people think will add mystery and the illusion of worth to something...you think after so many trips down ebay(this car has been on several times) with so many questions and no sale he would have figured out his thoughts on the building mystery by not stating the vin have been proven to be completely ineffective. I have been trying to sell these, rare race suspension parts, for quite a while, maybe I should change my tactics...
Looking for a great restoration manual?
Wick Humbles How to Restore your Datsun Z-car best $16.47 you could spend to restore your Z-add a Factory Service Manual, a club cd, and you have it! generic restoration guides: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_nr_i_0?rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Ck%3Aautomotive+restoration&keywords=automotive+restoration&ie=UTF8&qid=1252586546 I bought How To Restore Your Collector Car and like it I also bought several area specific books-How to Restore Metal Trim, Automotive Woodworking: Restoration, Repair and Replacement, and others... One thing, Restoration means only putting something back as it was-anything else is either Modification, or RestoModing-restoring some aspects of the car and modifying others. If A book does not make that distinction, stay away from it because if the author is confused over that fundamental point, you can't rely on him to be knowledgeable elsewhere. Will
Steeing racks?
Can't find the thread, still have the parts, I guess I'll take some more pictures and measurements over the next day or so. Will
Steel StingRay - 1971
Speaking of Hot Rod Magazine and V8 conversions... In 1974 AJ Carter of AJs Z-Car Store here in Savannah, called Hot Rod Magazine to see if they would be interested in pictures and driving impression of a 396 big block conversion he did on a 240Z. Hot Rod Magazine told AJ he was full of it and that there was no way a big block would fit. Hot Rod Magazine diverted Terry Cook from the Gator Nationals to Savannah to take pictures and get a driving impression of the 396 big block conversion. halfway down the ramp onto I95 from GA144, Mr. Cook commented on the Speedo error-AJ politely informed him that they actually were going 110 halfway the ramp. Obviously this was the first big block conversion they had ever seen havig said it simply couldn't be done! Will
Steeing racks?
I think that some of the Fun is due to the quick steering knuckles that came on early cars, and were frequently added to competition cars-they changed the steering geometry, and made for "quick steering". I believe the sought after parts were 10mm shroter than the standard(on later model) parts. Somewhere I contributed to a thread and posted side by side photos and measurements as I recall. I'll have a look and post a link if I can find the original thread. Will Will
Looking for appraisal info for a restored 240Z
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the quality of and proof of true restoration. A member here bought a car that was advertised as a "fully restored" early 240Z. The car was "restored" by a gentleman touting himself to be fully qualified in restoration because of having a few magazine photograph his work, and having "won" peoples choice awards(with other cars) at MSA, in addition to owning and operating a Datsun Parts Limited Liability Corporation selling parts and engines on ebay, and now on the web as well. The "fully restored 240Z" was actually a 35 footer modified 240Z, it had serious mechanical and chassis issues as delivered, including, but by no means limited to, no suspension travel, no brakes, lose wheels, 11 actual kinks in the chassis(buckling the rear floor) from being hit front and rear. In one place(the Ds Dogleg) the bondo was six inches deep, and the sides of the hatch opening were formed with 1" of bondo at the bottom, sloping up to solid metal at the roof line. The car was almost 2" longer on the drivers side than the passengers side,The rear of the car had been pushed in two inches at its crest, and most of the reassembly was done with tech screws. This car was said to be a fully restored and show ready 240Z. Not that your car has any even similar issues, but having documentation of what was actually done to the car and its pre-and post-restoration condition is something that would go a long way to establish the value of the car. Any and every appraisal and inspection should go far deeper than the visible parts on the car. Not that your car is an example of this, but as proven with the car I mention, it is too easy to hide serious issues that compromise the integrity of the car with several gallons of bondo and some new paint. Will