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Everything posted by hls30.com

  1. I have tried several times to find a supplier for just parts to machine my own wheels(I have a CNC Mill, Drill, Lathe. No one I have found will sell the blanks for a two or three piece rim in less than 25 sets(that is 100 pieces of each piece). I have found a single supplier to buy material from, but it is seriously expensive to buy 17"x17"x 10" billet pieces to machine a wheel from-as bad as I want to make my own wheels, I like to eat, feed my family, and occasionally put gas in a car... This is before I find out how many tools I will have to buy, resharpen, and/or replace in the Machining process. Getting the pieces for a two or three piece wheels cuts down the machining dramatically, and allows most of the machining to be done on one part per wheel. If you look at the back of most 280ZX wheels, they are two piece designs that are welded together. If you can find a supplier for the parts, and get both of us a set with one of your wheels, I'll make the drawing, machine them forand send back your set and the sample wheel -but I will not under any circumstance accept any liability on anything but the cosmetic appearance. For clarity, you send me a sample wheel and enough material to make two sets of wheels, and I will make your set in exchange for the materials to make my own set. My lathe will machine up to a 17" swing. Will
  2. Other members have used the Taurus fans-280~Master to name one, and sing its praises all the time, you might also look at a dual fan out of a mid 90s Maxima-that is a common Z32 upgrade-nothing like keeping Nissan under the hood! Will
  3. You got me there...but my container is still bigger than your container-tow container not withstanding! My only experience with Canadian customs is from a Molsen Golden Commercial where a border agent asks a truck driver: "What's behind the seat?" and the driver answers: "The whole rest of the truck." My though was not to fill up a vehicle with taxable goodies, but to fill up a thread with talk of filling up cars with taxable goodies-kinda tough to seize a vehicle that is in Ga. from the Canadian border! As with my power pole example, talk of an issue can be enough to cause an action-or more to the point an over reaction, an internet tiger so to speak. That said, I have experieced port customs agents, it is what it is, and they say what it is-though if you happen to have researched ahead, and brought the pertinant pages of the OHTS with you, they can be persuaded if carefully and respectfully asked about them. Will
  4. Well, if they are monitoring, the obvious thing to do is give them so much to monitor that the system fails. A couple of years ago I was trying to find out what energy carrier was responsible for a misplaced power pole on a piece of my property, so I called all seven providers. Not one took responsibility. I registered a letter to all seven asking the same question, again with no answer. I registered a second letter stating since none of the legally organized power utilities in the area accepted responsibility, I would be cutting the pole down in one week. On the morning I showed up with a chainsaw, here was a Progress Power utility crew right behind me just in case they were too late! We worked out where the pole was to be moved, and they moved it, explained that the NCDOT had given them incorrect information on the ownership of the land-that resulted in the poor pole placement, and apologized for the difficulty in determining ownership of the pole. There are something like 1200 customers serviced by that pole. I would not have cut the pole down, but I would have visited the next house on the line and asked who the power bill came from. Will Pressure is not really the universal cure-all, but in some cases it shure gets results!
  5. It hides on playgrounds and comes out at lunch time where an apple pie is worth two milks, a chocolate milk and an apple, or a hall pass-if inflation hasn't hit there too! Will
  6. I had no Idea! I was thinking paint the bumper with bumper black before crossing the gate(both ways) outside they look the same, inside they are different... I have had no experience there, and it obviously shows! Will
  7. Do'Oh! My container got there and back under its own power...no container pulling required, though the last time I moved an uncracked dash, I did so in a Dodge Quadcab container pulling a 24' flatbed trailer with a 240Z container strapped to it...and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express... Will I will say the convertible did ensure a serious fun/mile ratio!
  8. Here is an easier and polite suggestion: Shorten the stud...flush with the installed lug nut. Dremmel, die grinder, hacksaw, etc... Will
  9. Wow, Are the keepers to the gate to the Great White North that observant? What happens if you blow a tire and replace it on the wrong side of the gate? Driving out a wreck and back in a new car-bad, replacing a part and driving back home....hm Will
  10. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    reddat buys most of his stuff at a Nissan Dealer, but he constantly uses the word "Rare" and hides part numbers-meaning that ALL the NOS/OEM actual Datsun/NISSAN parts he is hiding the numbers on are ALL still available from the dealer, and he doesn't want the buyer to easily check. Reddat also uses the Phrase, "This a must for your restoration" to help sell parts that have absolutely no business on a Datsun restoration-BMW parts for instance(a gas cap-that frequently needs some modification to work on a Z). He plays games with abbreviations like "OEM" and "NOS"which he uses to describe the aforementioned BMW gas cap. True it is an NOS, and OEM part, but NOS and OEM to BMW, not OEM or NOS to Nissan. He seems to enjoy spreading confusion, and misinformation. Restoration means only one thing-put back as it once was-not a difficult concept to "get". He also consistently avoids providing shipping charges, so that he can (and usually does) thump the buyers wallet with excessive shipping fees. Speak of an example and here she is... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-260z-280z-Gas-Cap-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ65Q3a12Q7c66Q3a2Q7c39Q3a1Q7c72Q3a1205Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem5632bb1692QQitemZ370218309266QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories A New BMW part with no business on a restored Datsun! Perfectly at home on a modified Datsun, but in the stock class where all restored datsuns belong, it'll lose you points everytime! Absolutely NOT a must for a restoration! Will
  11. I guess you missed the pictures of my container, it's around, around 3500lbs, 169.4 in long, 70.5 inches wide x 49.5" tall, My box is bigger than yours! Will
  12. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Vicky! I am so glad you are back in the Zing of things again! I can't wait to see the pictures of your new ride! Will
  13. I did remove some of the packing to take the pictures, I'll take some more tomorrow when I have a place to put the dash. Will
  14. Today was an interesting day! Several days ago, I contacted a gentleman who was advertising a crack free 240Z dash, and made arrangements to pick it up. He was about two and a half hours from me, so I considered taking the truck and setting up appropriate packing materials to secure and protect the dash while in transport in the bed or back seat of the truck. Several years ago I moved an early Dash on the back seat of the truck, and had packed it up with blankets and secured it with cardboard and the seat belts. That dash survived a 11 hour trip from Mussel Shoals through the course of a covert night trip with no gps and lots of misdirection! This dash was to be moved in the daylight, and with the company of the same rapscallion who helped me drive back from Mussel Shoals with a huge Ryder truck filled with Z parts, My Dodge Quadcab towing a flatbed holding a shell on a buck-all packed to the ceiling with parts! Being that this was to be a morning/afternoon trip, I thought: "I certainly don't need so much stuff with me", so to get proper fitting materials, I pulled a Dash cover and set about finding an appropriate container. I tried several, some were too big, some were too small, some were just too aggravating, then it hit me, I had the perfect package laying in the driveway... I tried the dash cover-good fit, nice support on the sides, needed some packing on the front and back, but hey, this box fits better than anything else I found. I asked my buddies opinion, he was stoked! "That fits the bill pretty damn nicely-add a couple of towels, maybe a moving blanket, and you have it!" I packed up four or five beach towels, and a clean matress pad, and off we went. When we got to the sellers Storage unit, the seller asked how I was going to get the dash home, so I showed him!
  15. Ron, You make life too tough, drive a Z across the border with an old bumper in place, swap to the new one and drive home... Will PS originally, they were going to ship from South Korea, seriously less expensive, but there were country of origin issues, evidently they are shipping to the UK and then out to get around them.
  16. More news here: I heard back from my contact, and he sent me the following delivery pricing. This pricing does not include import taxes, which all items purchased in quantity and coming through the port will have. It looks like they are playing with the country of origin. Maybe the thing to do here is a a group buy, not a purchase for resale. I'll get some tax and delivery info over the next few days. Will bumper$.bmp
  17. My simple take. Nissan made Datsun, and inadvertantly made more of it that itself-in America. Nissan desides Datsun is Bad, and has to pay a big for letting it go after developing it so well. As an informed consumer, I do see Datsun as Nissan, but, as if to prove the opposite point, I readily admit that it still irks me every time I find "Nissan/Datsun" in the parts interchanges...meaning as a base emotion of pride, I see Datsun as better than Nissan-and what that tells me is that all of the money and energy Nissan spent on promoting Datsun, worked, and the lack of money and energy spent promoting Nissan the same time had its desired out come as well. Nissan chose to make and promote the distinction. As to the interview, I see lazy journalism as the real issue here. Fred made a mistake not correcting the issue, and perhaps he could have been better prepared, but the Production company is the one with the journalistic responsibility. Several of us members have pointed out issues with 240Z "facts" reported by various media outlets, most do absolutely nothing to correct their misinformation, taking the attitude that "we spent money to get the word out, no more value will come to us by either correcting it, or by being correct in the first place." Personally, I simply spend no money on meida that does not correct itself. As to the Modified fairlady being in the museum. My sister is always welcome by my side, even if she has "work done". Will
  18. You are a lucky man. Sunday before last, an extremely close family friend and her 27 year old son and his Girlfriend were not so lucky. All three died in an as yet unexplained three car accident, that left three others hurt, as well as decimated her family, leaving a husband, a younger son, and a even younger daughter, and church and soccer communitys reeling. The 27 year old son was driving and somehow his jeep crossed three lanes of five or so lanes of traffic, a large curbed median, and slammed into a car and an SUV, Closing highway 80 for the better part of a day. Mom and son were thrown from the Jeep, and declared dead on the sceene, the girlfriend died in flight to the hospital, three others were hurt in the accident, one treated and released, and two more spent some time on the hospital. This happend around 1pm on a beautiful sunday afternoon on the way to the beach. Having an idiot cause an accident because he is too damn stupid to be in the exit lane and to damn lazy to take responsibility for his actions, and take the time hit for using the next exit is inexcusable. Having an unexplained accident is tragic. Living through either is by the grace of God, and reminds us how fragile life is and not to take a single breath for granted. Will
  19. Arne, That is the first time I have ever heard someone advertise swinging both ways in an open forum;)! Thanks for coming out, not every series 1 owner is so brave! Will
  20. hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    The Z therapy kits give you all that you could need , The kit from MSA is just an off the shelf kit for both carbs from an autoparts supplier. $30 or so GP Sorenson or similar when ordered at the National chains... Will
  21. The rear side panels are not interchangeable between the 280Z and 240Z, some 260z part fit one or the other, but not both, The height of the rear strut towers are different, and whil the later cars will fit, they will not cover what they should. Here in the states, the 260Z was a transition car, starting out as a '73 240Z and ending up as a '75 280Z, along that transition, almost all of the palstic changed. If the rear 260 parts are from a manufacture date before around april of '74, they should fit your '71. Will
  22. New

    hls30.com posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Kendal, Welcome to this site! One thing, this site is more aimed at those that do very few if any modifications to their cars, that isn't to say modifications aren't done, just that it is more of a rarity here than at HybridZ.org-they would be your best bet for takes on performance modifications, several members here are also members there-myself included. While this site can help you with longevity and a few performance upgrades, HybridZ.org is really where your performance question should be researched. Along that vein-they have serious archives just like we do, and they are there for you to explore, and refer to. All of the members before you that posted their experiences did so to help you. Hunting the answers does take more work than simply asking a question, but so did posting the information for you to find in the first place! Don't be afraid to use the search functions before asking questions about upgrades that have been available for years-the odds are someone-more than likely several "somones"-has already posted answers for you! Again, Welcome to Z ownership and to the club! Will
  23. Distinctive is where LES, Mike and others get theirs. I contacted them over a year ago about getting the materials to cover BMW seats with "original" materials, they would not sell to end users. PM me for the details. Will
  24. One other note-they do not say whether these are early or late 240Z bumpers...I guess my notes were not read completely... Will
  25. Ron, I have just contacted them again, as I am in a Port city they already deliver containerloads of other parts to(I checked references before I started negotiations), hope to set up port pickup. While in negotiations, I sent them several photos, and drawings for evaluating production costs, and ultimately I was told the shop was simply too busy to consider making them at that point. Our one major stumbling block you already know, and it appears now I see why. I am hopeful that now that they actually are in production of some of the parts, we can work out something that will translate into a less expensive option for us. Will PS Having established an account with them, and set up for containerized delivery, I know all of that manufacturing and what was to happen to accommodate customs requirements.

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