78 280z Rear ended...need parts
grannyknot, thanks for the heads up on the brackets. Maybe I can work around them or figure how to get them out somehow. Patcon, I think we will look into a fuel cell that can go roughly in the same location as the original tank. Starting from ground zero on that. The other person's insurance came through today and cut us a check to fix the car. Their body shop didn't feel comfortable working on the car so I may do a combination of some work ourselves (gas tank) as well as searching out a reputable body shop to do the body work and painting. We will be ordering a 240Z panel from the Z Store as it seems to be a good quality piece (16 guage steel). Like that look (like gwri8's car) vs the smooth look with this car! Thanks for all your help!
78 280z Rear ended...need parts
AlbatrossCafe: Maybe, maybe not. They were rusted out pretty bad. Plus, I like that booty without the park bench ? . Mark/Patcon, I was thinking of slightly relocating the current brackets that are currently bolted to the original valence and are attached to the frame on either side (or making new ones) and bolting a piece of thick flat steel just behind the valence, in front of the gas tank straps. That way, I could unbolt them if I needed to get to the tank in the future.
78 280z Rear ended...need parts
Thanks to both for your responses! I did reach out to Bonzai Motorworks yesterday afternoon and he said he did not have these parts. I do like the car-part.com reference. I didn't know about that site before. Nobody seems to have the 280Z panel at all. gwri8, thanks so much for the info on the bumper bracket locations and the need to curve the piece as well as the picture! Great looking car! I did come across a place that has the option to give me one identical to your piece in the picture or to get one that is the same overall shaped piece but is a totally blank piece (nothing stamped into it). With the blank piece, I'd have to cut out for the exhaust pipe. With either piece, I'd have to close up the bumper shock holes that are partially cut into the quarter panels on either side. I imagine it would look similar to the attached image when completed with the blank piece. gwri8, could you tell me where you got those tail light panels? Love that look! Ultimately, I won't be going with the bumper either, so no big deal going with the 240 style valence. I'd just like to protect the gas tank more. Maybe with a steel plate between the tank and valence and/or a tank that wouldn't rupture if crunched in an accident but still be able to mount in the same location. But that's another topic, I guess.
Bill McPherson started following 78 280z Rear ended...need parts
78 280z Rear ended...need parts
Due to recent accident where I was rear ended, I'm looking for a 280z rear valence and passenger side bracket that attaches to valence and frame. Possibly the passenger side rear taillight panel if I can't smooth out the one I have. Right now, I'm only finding 240z valences out there, which could work, if that's my only option. Also any good body shop recommendations in central Maryland (West of Baltimore). Need to straighten out and square off the body panel just under the tail lights that the valence is welded to. From the pictures, you can see how it has been pulled down as you move from the drivers to the passenger side. See attached pictures. Thanks.