Everything posted by z8987
New Gold Standard
Drivers side Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New Gold Standard
Like new tools. Lug wrench and jack handle were still in the plastic. The plastic was opened but still intact Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New Gold Standard
I worked on the engine compartment yesterday. It’s cleaning up nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New Gold Standard
I worked on the engine compartment yesterday. It’s cleaning up nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New Gold Standard
Engine compartment and wheel well cleaning What it would look like to get a flat in 1970. I’m using simple green to take off the layers of grime. I used a plastic scraper on the thick stuff on the struts. It takes the paint off. I started using a plastic brush, it works but the thick stuff is a problem, any ideas on a better way to remove the thick grime?
Look what I found
I’ll try again. I’ll start a new thread and let this one die. DatsunZguy, I’ll try again, take your time to get to know me and why we are here. Boasting is not my character
how to protect fenders when working in the engine compartment
How do you protect your fenders paint etc when working in the engine compartment ?
Look what I found
Thank you. Hey, If people keep commenting, I don't really have a reason to not comment. I'm the kind of guy that makes noise. When I worked for the government and they were overspending, I would bring it up. They told me it was none of my business. I was a tax payer so I saw it as my business.
Look what I found
If I block somebody does it prevent them from posting on my threads ?
Look what I found
Why would you suggest blocking me? this is because I said no? What about DatsunZguy, that's the source of all of this, not me. lol
Look what I found
Charles was a gentleman. He expressed his disappointment, he didn't take it personally. DatsunZguy was the one to explain to me that posting pictures was boasting. I've never seen myself as one that would boast, so I deleted my photos. Also, I sent a pm to Charles letting him know what I paid. Honestly, I was always taught to never ask people the price of anything. If the buyer want's you to know, they will let you. I've been told at times to quit boasting for providing the price.
Look what I found
I posted them and was attached and told I was boasting for posting photos. That's what I thought this site was for. I know it's just one person, but as long as he's here and harassing people I won't share photos. I like having the opportunity to get to know people in the community. That's part of the fun. Some people take the fun out of it.
I'm pretty sure the HVAC guy wanted to hear my z story and see my car, but I didn't ask. His loss.
Look what I found
He knows them personally. Look at the comment. I’m really not butt hurt. It’s just when I’m enthusiastic about something I’m blinded by it and I go at it 100%. Then when I’m characterized as gloating or whatever was said I no longer care as much about belonging to that group. I’m a loaner. I have two friends and I can hardly manage that. I have two series 1‘s and I’ve shared that here. I could say you guys know more about what I love than my 91 year old mother or my sister. They don’t understand. I come here because I can relate to the enthusiasm. I cleaned my engine compartment today. The battery tray, the valve cover and put the valve cover back on. I remove the battery cables and cleaned them up. I have a sonic cleaner that I put all the bolts in that were removed. It’s a great cleaning device for small parts. I used a gun grease to coat my battery connections. It’s made by cleanse oil. It’s a nice thin coat. Some guy stoped me at the store and I lost track of time and got home late. Yesterday a guy was giving me hand signals going down the road. I stopped and we talked mostly about the squadron we both served in on the USMC. Being a marine I can and have taken a lot of sh!t. I just prefer not to. My wife is trying to come up with a name for the car. I won’t like it and then it will grow on me. I could careless about naming a car. So, I’ll continue to share my journey. When I’m done here somebody will probably get a deal of. Lifetime. I could careless about making money selling cars. I built a couple Jeep’s and almost game them away. I only ended up here because somebody sold me a series 1 for $3500. I decided this is my direction for awhile. This is why I sold my Jeep’s. My passion has been redirected to z’s. Sorry about the long explanation
Look what I found
Unfortunately the person complaining about my behavior revealed the sellers names. Their anonymity was lost because somebody thought it was a good idea to use their stellar name to insult me. I'm fortunate to have met and bought a car from such nice people. It's not everyday that you meat such great people. Amazing, and they owned the car for 52 years. Just amazing. I am blessed.
Look what I found
I understand. I wasn’t being rude. I didn’t want to reveal the price or names of the buyer. I’m extra cautious about things like that. If I was to post any of that I’d check with the seller. My last 70 I bought I paid $3500 for it. The owner died and his son sold it to me. I told him the car was worth more than $3500. He laughed and said take it or leave it. Since the owner was no longer living and the son didn’t care I posted all kinds of info. You can find it on this forum. I’ll probably sell that car Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A little rust
I found a little rust on the batter shelf. What can I do to fix this and make sure it doesn’t spread in the future? There is a plastic container under the battery, but 52 years of use some acid got on the metal. Also, what is the best way to clean up the white acid stuff on the battery and around the engine compartment? Some of it fell off the battery onto the firewall and below? Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look what I found
Datsunzguy, I thought of a way that everybody can get what I paid for it. You obviously know who I bought it from. Why don’t you contact them and ask if they mind if you put their name on the Internet, because that would be proper etiquette, and ask them how much I paid them, and then you can post it here. I didn’t want to put their information out here without their ok, and I really didn’t want to bother them. For now my answer is no, but feel free to get what information you can and post it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look what I found
Honestly that’s the best way to straighten out the one guy. He’s totally responsible for this. I was having a blast here. I’ll come here for help. I’ve got a lot out of the forum, I’ll continue to ask for help and share the results of the help I get. I checked out my oil bar tonight. I had to make a remote ignition switch and then I made a video of the oil bar in action. The oil bar was functioning 100%. Much better than the other car. The first oil bar I removed from my other z came apart in 3 pieces. This one looked like brand new. The cam and retainers look like new. I think this is a result of regular oil changes and the proper care and feeding of the car. My other z looked like the oil was never changed. It was black everywhere in the valve cover. The oil pan told a story. It has 2” of sludge. There was part in the oil pan. It was pretty cool to see that also. It was seriously abused. I’ll stick to technical stuff. That’s what I like most of all.
Look what I found
There you go. I deleted all the photos. I couldn’t figure out how to delete the post. Also, out of respect for the seller I never mentioned names, prices etc. I don’t know how they feel about that, that’s one reason I never brought it up. I won’t boast with pictures of my finds in the future. I’ll leave my old posts for 8987.
Look what I found
How is no rude. It’s simple and to the point. I’m not boasting. I’m sharing the fulfillment of a childhood dream. I come here to share and learn. This is my second amazing find I’ve shared here. I work hard at this. I have another barn find I’ve been working on for close to a year. My first find was 8987. I shared that here including the price. Im choosing not to share what this one cost. Just because. If I said it’s none of your business that would be rude. Or if I said read the rest of the thread and you will see I’m uncomfortable with sharing that information, I guess you’d say that’s rude. Im not sure what works for sensitive people but no is a complete sentence. No attitude here, just no.
- Look what I found
Look what I found
118,000, never driven in the rain. No oil on the floor where it was kept.
Look what I found
Hls30-07951 7/70 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look what I found
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