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Everything posted by chaseincats

  1. So I got the string on and it's fitting really well. Again, thanks for this idea!! One odd thing I noticed was once I took the inner shifter boot off of the trans (the small circular one that covers the area where you change the shifter bushings) I noticed the inside lightly glistened with transmission fluid. This boot is a fairly new addition - I got it when I began to notice the leak and after putting it on, the leak slowed dramatically, but didn't stop. I noticed there was always a little bit of transmission fluid in the area when I installed the shifter bushings but I though 'that's just how it is'. Is it possible transmission fluid is coming out of there by filling the boot and leaking out of the sides during operation? The attached pic shows the boot with the fluid visible. Super weird
  2. Sounds good, thanks so much for all of this info. Are any of you headed to zcon this year? We should all meet up at some point.
  3. Haha that's awesome. Thanks for all the info, gang! I will do some junkyard donut tire hunting soon!
  4. The original accordion tire has a lot more sidewall when inflated, the car can actually drive with that super tiny wheel/no sidewall? Nothing scrapes?
  5. Gotcha. So are donut wheels permanently inflated or do you inflate them when you take them out of the spare tire well?
  6. That tire is too large to fit into the reduced size spare tire well added on the 77/78 cars unfortunately. I guess that's the price we pay for a marginally bigger gas tank ?
  7. Thanks guys, I'll scour the junkyard for one of these. In all reality, is fix-a-flat seriously good enough that spares are no longer warranted?
  8. It's a bit tough to understand without the pictures. Why didn't he just have the tire from the spare he bought mounted onto the original wheel that had the collapsible tire? Basically I'm asking why he needed the datsun roadster hub.
  9. Hi guys, Is there any place where I can get a replacement space saver tire for my '78 280? I will be driving to zcon and want to make sure I have a spare tire on-board that isn't 40 years old (yes I have AAA too haha). Any ideas? -chase
  10. You don't think that if the kitchen cord is packed in completely without lithium grease it won't fray before it can get enough gear oil to expand?
  11. Gotcha, going to give sealing it from the outside a shot first - hopefully that will work
  12. The o-ring should be easy to find, but the seal is custom molded though, isn't it?
  13. Hi guys, I need to replace a front wheel bearing and everywhere I look, I am seeing that wheel bearings labeled "A-2" & "A-6" fit the car. How do two different types of wheel bearings fit the front hubs? Any ideas? -chase
  14. Where did you get all your seals? I was having difficulty finding some (the shifter seal you mentioned for example since it rarely fails). EDIT: Also, I was planning on greasing the hell out of whatever I put in there so that its wear is minimal which I feel should help. Grannyknot - if I can get some sort of VERY stretch o-ring to get on there, would that be better or is there a reason something absorbent like felt or kitchen cord be better?
  15. That's awesome, I will definitely give this method a shot, thanks!
  16. Would slipping some o-rings around the gearshift and into that channel be doable? Basically I'm thinking that if I get one in there pressed onto the joint, the gear oil is thick enough that it might not seem through. Outside of needing to change it fairly often (even if i grease the area a fair bit) would that hold the leak?
  17. Hi guys, My transmission is leaking from the joint where the shifter cylinder attaches to the transmission. The transmission is on the car and the attached picture I just got off the net to illustrate where the leak is coming from. Is there any way to stop this leak from the outside without removing the transmission and disassembling it? I checked and the transmission is not overfilled. I know this is an odd area for it to leak but somehow it's happening... any ideas? -chase
  18. Good to know it's replaceable and you have the parts. Been considering an 82 or 83 ZX but really like the look over the 79-81. If it ends up happening, I will PM you!
  19. chaseincats posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Question for you guys - is it possible to swap the B-Pillar door trim (is that the right part name?) from the black plastic 1983 ZX to the chrome trim from the 1979 ZX? The attached picture should clarify what I'm curious about. Any ideas? chase
  20. I popped the distributor cap off and tried to pull and push things but nothing moved so we are thinking those pieces are rusted shut. Also, my vacuum pod diaphragm has a hole in it which is why even if my pieces were not frozen shut, I wouldn't be receiving advance.
  21. If I am unable to get the advance to work, should the timing at something above 10 degrees (its sitting at 10 now)?
  22. chaseincats replied to chaseincats's post in a topic in Electrical
    understood - thanks guys

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