Hello so just a little update .. I was able to pull the 35pin ecu connector during lunch time and run some numbers..
so to begin with I would say its about 55-62 degrees F outside.. give or take i just looked at my phone for current outside temp and it says 60 degrees... mid day 12:30pm...
so I tested the following..
Air Temp Sensor: results 2.83 - 2.85 (Terminal #6 & #27)
Water Temp Sensor: results - 2.36 (terminal #13 & body ground)
Thermotime Switch: results continuity exist 58.8 ohms , CSV disconnected, terminal #27 & body ground.
Throttle Valve Switch - still fails at “idle switch check” will try to clean later today.. but passes the full throttle switch check anything greater than 34 degrees .. the ohm reading was greater than 34 degrees..
and heres a picture of the pipe under the egr valve and some of my exhaust manifold and downpipe..
so i guess i can cross out ..
AFM/Air Temp sensor
Water Temp Sensor
Thermotime switch
Known items/issues that has a problem..
TVS at idle ..
loose bullet connectors for water temp sensor
taped up throttle body boot
lean air fuel ratio mixture
I also disconnected the vac hose off the FPR and its not wet .. its actually pretty dry and i had a hard time hooking it back up..
thanks always!