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Everything posted by cclxxxz

  1. my 280z didnt come with a ballast resistor.. and its running the flamethrower 2 ignition coil.. last night 2/18 .. the car ran fine and got me home.. on the way home i put a bottle of HEET yellow bottle.. parked.. and drove fine again this morning 2/19 to the gym.. from the gym to my work the car died again at the same spot yesterday.. i was at a stop light and as soon as it turned green i went to first gear then second gear then the car died.. casually revving the engine .. since my tach is frozen im guessing i wasnt near close to 3k rpm .. pulled over to the side.. started the car again and it started just fine and i just got to work .. help pls..
  2. so it comes off the main harness and the other end is not connected to anything? i was looking at the fsm and it should connect to the positive terminal of the ignition coil?
  3. which ione is this filter? it doesnt look oem.. also this is the condenser correct? where is it supposed to be connected to?
  4. hello Av8ferg, thank you for taking the time guving me advice.. i have drained the fuel twice now off the tank and it was clean .. i did replace the fuel filter .. and i opened up the old filter and it was also clean.. is that a factory filter? between the tank and the pump? i noticed a small filter above the fuel pump.. it might be on the return line.. is that also a filter? i know the dampner is different.. but theres 3 items underneath around the tank.. 1. fuel pump, 2. a black filter looking might be on the return line and 3. the dampner... thanks!
  5. it is about 8 miles from home to the gym.. and it rained last night ...
  6. so after one week of not having any issue .. (i guess a full tank lasted me one week) i had to get gas yesterday at costco.. and it was raining a little bit.. after getting a full tank yesterday .. from costco to home, home to gym, and from gym to work .. it was about 20 miles of driving until the car died..
  7. will do! thank you always Zed!
  8. i saw a thread about the whole GM HEI Module.. ill also try to source another tachometer and replace my frozen tach.. i just want to add .. for almost a week i didnt have this issue until today.. if it was the ignition module wouldnt it be consistent everytime the car or the module heats up?
  9. i was cruising with my foot on the gas pedal and the car died on me..and with my foot on the pedal it wouldnt rev anymore which tells me that the car is complete dead ... thats what i was trying to say.. my tachometer is frozen at 2,500rpm it might be a mechanical issue although i havent been able to troubleshoot this issue.. Zed, when you say “Ignition Module” are you referring to the “Transistor ignition unit” (EE-25 , Fig. EE-57) ? Thank you!
  10. thank you siteunseen! yes i made sure .. cap and rotor are both brand new.. distributor as well..
  11. theres a small condenser by the ignition coil with a single wire .. but its not connected anywhere else? should it be connected to the + of the ignition coil?
  12. ill try a bottle of heet and see.. thanks!
  13. thank you! my car is a 1978 280z last time i check i didnt think it came with an ignition module? is it also referred to as the “match box” besides the distributor? if so mine doesnt have one.. also my coil doesnt have a capacitor (condensers) usually located underneath the coil correct? are there any other external capacitor (condensers) or ignition module located somewhere? thanks
  14. filler cap? where could it be leakin into? thanks brother!
  15. hello, so ive been having some issues with my 1978 280z .. mainly how it would rough idle and die when i apply gas .. cleaned the water temp sensor and that went away.. so every once in a while the car would just die on my while driving.. found out the two wires coming off the distributor was getting chewed up by the ac compressor pulley.. so i ended up replacing that and for 1 week i didnt have any problem until this morning.. (so after cleaning the water temp sensor and replacing the fuel filter, ignition coil, distributor, sparkplugs, cap and rotor and sparkplug wires. i didnt have any problem since february 7th.) this morning drove to the gym about 20minutes of driving then after my workout on my way to work while at 3rd gear cruising the car just died .. and while applying gas the car seems to be choking.. no sputtering or backfire.. pulled over and turned off the car .. started right away and i drove off no problem.. got to work and parked.. i didnt do anything to the car only thing was a full tank of 91 octane gas 2/17.. also i just wanted to add it has been raining on and off here and there..
  16. cclxxxz replied to fixxor's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    so it was the FPR the whole time? im having a very similar problem thats why.. thanks

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