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Chino 240Z

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Everything posted by Chino 240Z

  1. I used a set of full radius air-horns and a pair of K&N filters. I still need to dial them in and sync. them better with each other. One thing I was amazed about with this change, was the tone of the carbs as they take a deep breath with the mash of the peddle. The exhaust tone probably drop down about 2 octaves too. I thought there was another problem when I first fired it up! Guess now it's flowing better than ever. Time to clean up and this week-end we'll sneak her out onto the road. :pirate:
  2. I think my back is broken from leaning over this thing all day long. Just finshed installing a pair of modified Z-Therapy SUs tonight. I also cut a larger heat shield from some stainless and installed it to help keep the heat off the carbs from the headers.
  3. A while ago I made a purchase and was hoping to get a give away item with the purchase but missed the final date of the promotion. When I got my parts I was bummed. Later they emailed me a note letting me know that it was past the final date, too late, but they would be happy to still honor their promotion, so what size of Shirt did I want? the next day I was sportin their colors! I would say they are okay by me and took time to make me happy too. Sorry about your mis-shippment, maybe the shipping guy had an extra beer at lunch and messed up the address. I know how important it is getting parts ontime! I count the minutes when UPS or Fed-X drives by!:paranoid:
  4. Hi Carl, This weekend I just got done taking off the rubber 5/16" fuel lines to the SUs that came with the car and changed it to 5/16" braided stainless lines. It fit just fine. Now with the air vent fittings on top of the SUs, they're a little bigger. With the extra 5/16" stainless line I had left over I did these vent lines in stainless too, but it was a tighter fit...but did em too. later.
  5. Funny thing, yesterday I got a sport compact catalog from Summit Racing and that book was in there for $15.95 so now it's a little cheaper!
  6. Chino 240Z replied to 1GENZED's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That's too bad, hope his hand heals fast. 2 Things I always say when moving heavy things... "If it decides to go? No heros!
  7. At least you didn't pay extra for it! I found the previous owners traffic tickets in the tool compartment, and looks like the officer inspected the car for everything, and wrote him for just about everthing, non street legal that is.:nervous:
  8. Chino 240Z replied to malder's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hmmmm interesting. Where's the Beef? :lick:
  9. Very Clean! Hey is that a polished valve cover or chromed? Getting ready to do one and I think chromed is gona be the way to go, not much to keep it looking nice.
  10. Chino 240Z replied to 240ZMan's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Ya know, if you want a little more of a hot-rod needle for some more performance and you don't have to worry about smog. . . then talk to Steve at Z Therapy. Tell him your set up and he might have a suggestion to step it up a little. I know they are available. The set of SU carbs that are in UPS to me now have enlarged nozzles and needles to match among a few other mods. Otherwise just order some replacement needles, so you know they are true. J.M. 2 cents. good luck
  11. Chino 240Z replied to nutxo's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You can turn your wheel Right or Left so you can get your arm up into the fender-well better to fight the screws, but it is easier to remove the wheel and have more room. Rust penitrating spray, WD-40 will help but there are better oils. I spray to screws several times while I am getting ready and doing other things. Letting the rust penitrating oils set a little so it can do its job so yours will be easier. I find that a pair of med. size Vise-Grip pliers will grab the best to loosen the screw. Yea, you may bust a few of them but once you have the assembly out you can remove the broken piece. Get some new screws and the anti-sieze grease makes it nice the next time you have to get in there. Anyways what a pain, but we all deal with it one way or another. Good Luck
  12. Hey Jason, J.F.Y.I., I was thumbing thru the MSA mini parts catalog and noticed on the inside cover there are books listed there. One of the books was "Sport Compact Nitrous Injection" $19.95, it may have good insite for the Z since a Z parts house in selling this nitrous book? Oh well, just passing it on to ya, later. Craig
  13. Nitrous Works, Edelbrock, TNT, and a few others offer wet systems, Fuel/NOS, with 50,75,100+ shot kits and nozzles that seem safer. There are other things to help too, like low fuel pressure cutoff switches, detination sensors, exhaust temp. sensors, timing retard switches, progressive switches. . . Get your self some NOS Do & Don't books, call some NOS shops then filter out all the BS and probably get a proven system that has been used by others,and not design one on your own. Your ride looks like you have some nice power under the hood now. Are you wanting to go pick on some V8s or planning to rebuild soon? Lots of people learn how much squeeze their motor can take then they rebuild it again with some nitrous happy parts inside that can survive. Good luck, I too enjoy the thought of my other car, a Formula Firebird, having that little more RWHP!
  14. If you go getting product ideas together again? I would be interested in a 1/2 dozen "Classic Zcar Club" patches to put on some racing suits and jackets. Also a couple decals for the sides of the racecar! Wanted one of those mugs for our mug collection too. Thanks Craig & Cindy
  15. Well PFFFFIT, that's just great! :mad:
  16. Chino 240Z posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    What happen to the Classic Zcar Club Store? I can't seem to find it? I was interested in some of the cool mugs, shirts, and Z logo stuff. Is it here and I just don't see it? Thanks, Craig :classic:
  17. Chino 240Z replied to Brett240's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    That's on my to do list too! I have a steel braided hose hooked up for my Oil pressure gauge but my oil temp. sending unit is tied off to the side. I would like to add a "T" fitting so I can install both Press. & Temp. together. Is there a fitting that will fit both? I'm gona have to run it by my hose guy, (Bonaco in Upland, Ca.)he's probably got it on the shelf?
  18. Well, I found "The Z Store" had the same air horns for a few dollars cheaper, and then they had the ITG Air cleaners and also the K&N Air Cleaners for SUs. In the past the ITG filter material fell apart on me. I have used K&N type units on a sandrail and it they did great. For now I'm leaning towards the K&N style, prices not bad and performed well on my other vehicles. Comments for a few more days before I buy? . . Thanks Craig.
  19. While Z Therapy is building up some of his race modified SUs, I am looking for some new air horns and an air box to fit them. I found the TWM products (twminduction.com) and they look pretty good. But before I spend the money they want for them, are their others to compare? Don't need a filter system, just the the tubes & box. Thanks, Craig :classic:
  20. Chino 240Z replied to webzlinger's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I would agree with Rick about the cooler air. Getting cooler air from up front of the grill would be your best option and easily done too. If it's dryer vent hose it may easily be damaged or fall apart which the hose from Race Parts Wholesale works great. Here is an older picture of that idea I used in the past, since then I have changed it and added an HKS filter infront of it, but same idea of getting fresh cooler air from up front. Craig
  21. Chino 240Z replied to vercingetorix's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    We just ordered up a set of SUs from Z Therapy and they are back to using the needle & seat type of jets, which work just fine. heck they have been around for years and are still in use today. Anyways the supplier just couldn't get them to Z therapy for some time now, and hey, the show must go on with or with out. Oh well just have to keep a lookout for a set of grose jets to make the up grade in the future.
  22. Chino 240Z posted a gallery image in Miscellaneous
  23. Chino 240Z replied to nutxo's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You guys are lucky it could have been more! A person I know caught someone getting into his car and so he beat the living day lights out of the bad guy and now he is the one in trouble with the law. Go-figure! Hey, grab your coil wire and pop it out when you go in at night and at least it won't start. Get a motion light for on top you house, garage, or parkway. Kill switches are cheap too. Good luck, and be careful. :ninja:
  24. Did you say the engine was new to you and you just installed it? I have seen new headers get cherry red hot when they are first fired up. After they go through a couple heat cycles they don't seen to glow like that any more. Breaking in new headers seem scarey. I was standing next to a guys car while he broke in the headers and the heat burned the plastic clutch line and release the clutch and the car jumped foward with the throttle about 2500rpms and stalled at 15 ft. out! Lucky no one was infront of the car. That's on of my rules when someone has a hood up and firing it up, I always stand to the side, and also out of line of the fan, just incase the fan decides to let go and the blades take flight! Well hope the headers are cooled down some. You can have your headers coated at Jet Hot Coatings. They will coat them for a couple hundred, and they look nice too, rust and all! Headers in my Formula Firebird have been coated and you won't believe hot much cooler they run and how fast they cool off sooner so you can work near them faster. The stuff really works! Next time the Z headers are off they are goin in too!

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