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Chino 240Z

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Everything posted by Chino 240Z

  1. Chino 240Z replied to Pomorza's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    They worked great! Sorry about the nasty barf taste in some of your mouths, babies seem to do that often. Anyways, they were simple to install in fiberglass hood using dremel tool. Probably little more patients cutting in metal but do able. They let the heat out good with the electric fan on even sitting in the pits. They dropped the air pressure way down at 120MPH. And I like the looks too. Not so sure some people would like cutting up a hood, or adding aftermarket parts on vintage cars, but I worked great for us. Cheers.
  2. Chino 240Z posted a gallery image in Aftermarket
  3. Marty, you can always throw that yellow color on the track car too! I had issues with putting the 5 speed throw out collar on a 240 flywheel & clutch set up. Thought I could get away with it, but had to correct it after a couple good hard gear grinds at the track.
  4. I use a 2-port Tender to charge 2 Optima batteries, one for the Z and one for the trailer. I just plug them in for maybe a couple days, once a month till the signal light says fully charged then put the charger back on the shelf. The Tender and 2 batteries purchased in 2002. Never had any problems.... knock on wood!
  5. Chino 240Z replied to geezer's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Something different, 17" panoramic mirror. I use the roll bar mount version, but looks like the basic version can attach to an existing mirror. http://www.ioportracing.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=MIR-R17-M&Category_Code=IOPP
  6. Chino 240Z replied to IdahoKidd's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks EScanlon. "But everyone wants to make their car their "own" and whether it's fuzzy dice off your mirror, or speaker enclosures in the rear of the car, or LED tail-lights, SOME people will find those mods distasteful and others will find them pleasing." or original paint, or aftermarket shift handles, or cut up race cars, some even like their own spit up! It's just all messed up when this is what we see through our eyes.
  7. Chino 240Z replied to Darrel's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Depending on the Track Clubs & Organizations, your car may be required to go through a vehicle inspection and if the inspector or track worker doesn't think something looks safe, or well constructed you might need to remove it before entering the track. The weight of small objects become great from the extreme forces found on track. I would think that most all tracks make sure you remove any loose items like garage door openers, floor mats, music CDs, phones, cups, papers, sun glasses... or what ever might be found inside your car. One thing for sure is you wouldn't want a flying projectile inside your car with you or a paper cup buzzing around your view or having a camera get wedged under your brake peddle while doing 120MPH. I've had to return to pits for not having a safety strap on the camera if it did come loose. I wouldn't want a $3.00 item ruin my or someone elses $150+ track day, so just be careful.
  8. Chino 240Z posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. When you think it's fuel, it's electrical.... when you think it's electrical it's fuel, but I believe it was a good road of learning. I was glad to see that last post!
  10. Chino 240Z replied to Tyrone's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Couple years ago I was chasing an ignition/fuel bug on the dyno. After upgrading and replacing just about every ignition component, MSD box, Plugs, Wires, Coil, Pertronix, wiring and grounding it turned out to be fuel pressure issue. But after installing the KV85 wires I felt the car sounded, felt and ran a touch better on the dyno. The wires seemed little stronger, but they are little bigger. The boots perhaps are little better made, and can take extreme heat. I'm like you and don't want to make the ends up. Use to always make them up but the factory can do a better job than I could, getting lazy too. I like the idea of the standard fit keeping the wires at a shorter length, less wire to go bad. When you lay them side by side, they feel like they hook up tighter and seal better. I kept my Taylors as a back up for the track. I remove plug wires and install new plugs everytime I take the car to the track and we read the plugs right off the track couple times mid day so the wires really get worked. This is where the Taylors showed the wear faster than the Magnecor wires. Actually the Magnecors still feel like new. Just bought set for my Formula Firebird couple weeks ago so the Taylors are coming off that car next weekend. Their sales pitch sold me too. <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=MagnecorWires-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/MagnecorWires-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Magnecor KV85 Wires"></a>
  11. Chino 240Z replied to Tyrone's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Taylors were good for many years and I liked them, but once I found Magnecor KV85 Competition 8.5 Ignition Cables.... I'll never use anything else on any of my cars. http://www.magnecor.com/magnecor1/kv85r100.htm .
  12. Hello DRebello. I sent in an email couple weeks ago (Mar 20th) regarding a request for quote on some head and cam work. It was and email with probably too much info and pictures! Saw your note, thought I'd ask. Regards Craig
  13. Chino 240Z replied to Bruce Palmer's post in a topic in United States
    Hi Bruce, Haven't been there in years. But I hear it has become a really big event! I believe it is still an event that they line up at the gates 3:00am to get good display parking or set up a booth. Looks like the next event is March 8th 2009 http://www.pomonaswapmeet.com/future_events.php Check them out at www.pomonaswapmeet.com Good luck. Craig
  14. Four years here too and look perfect. They will work great for you. Just inspected them for sharp bends, broken wire braids as you normally would when you service your brakes. Also like the seat harness vs. lap belts on some previous mentioned threads.... they also are not DOT approved "For Off Road Use Only". Liability issues. Many upgrades I would feel safer using over stock but the manufactures haven't done the DOT approval testing and may never.
  15. Chino 240Z replied to austex's post in a topic in Electrical
    Austex, I have run Holley red & blue pumps on the track Z car. Terrible loud! I also have a bucket of about 5 or 6 Holley pumps all "NFG" going to the scrap yard. I currently have the Carter Electric Fuel Pump # 4600HP, and it was only about 1/4 the loudness as the Holleys. About 2 years old and working great. I do have a sub-assembly bracket that the external Carter and the Fram High Volume Fuel Filter # HPG1 is mounted on. Then there is also 1/8" or 1/4" thick rubber insulation pads between the car frame and the fuel pump / filter bracket. I can just hear the pump over the exhaust when low RPM. I always thought Carter pumps were rather quiet, but then again I don't have a street car either.... it could be loud at first while purging the air from the system too.
  16. Thanks Hanns. Get this..... the car has no reg., title, or insurance... it's now listed as JUNK!
  17. Hi Marty. I need to find my old Kanji & Katakana dictionary out this weekend and spend some hours trying to pick apart some of the text. The diplay case is Mrs. Chino's. I was explaining in broken Japanese/English why the #44 on the car.... 2 time Nascar champion Terry LaBonte's old car number. 1st case is hers, and the other two are the families. <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=DisplayCase2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/DisplayCase2.jpg" border="0" alt="Display Case 2"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=DiplayCase1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/DiplayCase1.jpg" border="0" alt="Display Case 1"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=DisplayCase3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/DisplayCase3.jpg" border="0" alt="Dispplay Case 3"></a> sad thing is we only have a couple Z diecast models so far and one big one in the garage.
  18. yea, I was just kidding cause the magazine forgot to change the owners name on their page layout... it shows Hanns Ruth is also owner of our Z too. ha ha ha I have always admired Hanns Z, and would love to trade him too! Thanks again.
  19. Okay, I received the magazines from gogriz91 in the mail today. Thanks Pete for your efforts and mentioning this here in the forum. I owe you one dude! So here is my 15 minutes of fame and I'm just glad it was for a Japanese car in a Japanese magazine. Honto ni tsugoi desu yo! There were lots of good pictures from US Z car owners and even had the MSA show covered in it too. Hope these pictures post good enough to see. Cheers <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5567.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5567.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -1"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5568.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5568.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -2"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5569.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5569.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -3"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5570.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5570.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -4"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5571.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5571.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -5"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5572.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5572.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -6"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5573.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5573.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -7"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5574.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5574.jpg" border="0" alt="Vintage Auto Mag. -8"></a> yes, I know I look like a goof ball, so you don't have to bring that part up. :stupid: oh, and I don't know who "owner Hanns Ruth" is....
  20. One hell of a ride Bob! I loved the pictures I've seen so far. This car can be in my dreams any night. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hey Tomo, I dare you to go up and try to pet this thing. This 240Z might bite your arm off! J.K.
  21. Picked this smaller one to fit better in a gloved hand.
  22. Chino 240Z replied to 240Z415's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Each turn is awesome in its own way. You learn the word respect real quick when at speed. Like 2ManyZ's keeps telling me, "the place looks like the lunar landscape"... not so pretty 10 months of the year, but it's hers and my favorite close by track. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! oh yea, like your car!
  23. Sent you pm, didn't notice paypal until after I PMed you, so that will work fine too. PM me your details. Thank you so very much! Craig
  24. See what we can do if we can find the magazine and scan some pictures. Mean while this was tonights project.... installed the CSA electric water pump that MSA sells. Lighting Vintage Auto mag. won't have these latest photos. . Thanks for the comments. <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=100_5544.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/100_5544.jpg" border="0" alt="CSA Water Pump Adapter Plate"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=CSRWaterPump.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/CSRWaterPump.jpg" border="0" alt="CSA Water Pump"></a> <a href="http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/?action=view&current=MSA-3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/Chino240Z/MSA-3.jpg" border="0" alt="MSA 08"></a>

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