Everything posted by Chino 240Z
240Z with 502 big block
Thanks for the site. I've seen this before, but it is fun to watch again. Looks like another Z Phreak Gone Wild. Let's just hope this guy enjoys his Z as much as we do ours.
What are you paying for gas?
Twice a week I consider Hi-Jacking a Gas tanker truck! :pirate:
What are you paying for gas?
I guess? if you wanted to drive to Austin for gas...
Supercharged 280Z :) hmm what a sound
Hi Vicky, That was John, here is a note regarding the video he had posted when someone asked if that was John. "That was me. They caught the end of my last lap during a brake test. After I crossed the finish line the first time in the video I started a cool down lap. The blower setup is pretty cool. Engine made good, usable power from about 2,500 to 7,000 and just kept pulling. I lugged it down to 1,500 and floored it a few times and it pulled well even from that low an rpm. It will be a good alternative to a turbo if someone is looking for that." ----- John Coffey Yep, looks like fun! Craig
Racing $$$
Yes, the money and attitude is in everything. I feel we are lucky and work hard for every dollar we spend on this racing habit. But what I enjoy is just being able to be on the track doing what you like. And even more fun is pitting next to the Vipers, Vetts, and P-guys watching their money flow all over the place, and then giving them a rear view mirror full of our little 34 year old Datusn. I see friends putting lots of money into big fast racecars, but I don't see the big show for the money? Something funny (because no cars got hurt) but last month, I had a P-guy spin in front of me and Cindy had another spin in front of her while we drove on around them and they had a funniest scared look- eyes all big- :eek: We just do what we can and are happy doing it in a Z.
Which Ignition System do you use?
MSD 6AL Ignition System (7000rpm Rev. limit pill installed) ProForm Adjustable RPM Shift Light (Set @ 6300rpm) Pertronix Ignitor-II Electronic Ignition (inside distributor) MSD High Vibration Blaster Coil NGK Iridium Spark Plugs Taylor 8mm Spiro Pro Plug Wires Optima Jell Cell Battery Fires 1st time Everytime! (geez, I hope I don't jinx myself :surprised )
carb leaking gasoline
Cracked hoses shouldn't cause fuel to overflow out of the carbs, maybe from under or around, but a stuck needle jet in the top of the fuel bowl cover can let too much fuel in to the bowl, and also a float inside the fuel bowl may be hung-up or out of whack and not closing the needle jet when the fuel is at it's proper level inside the bowl. Another thing that can cause fuel to come out of the carb is a plug fuel bowl vent hose that vents out the top of the fuel bowl cover. The hose vents to the aircleaner or an outside overflow canister. It you restrict the free airflow within this hose, fuel will overflow out of the carbs. Search SU carb fuel related problems, there are alot here, the reading will educate you with some ideas to look at. Then there is always the ZTherapy SU carb videos that will get you straight with these wonderful carbs. Good Luck. Sounds like debris or adjustments.
Fuel Cell Frame Design
Quick enough to wizz off the guys spending big bucks, good looking enough to be proud of, but affordable enough to keep the hobby a fun thing to do! Gosh, I would just die if Rons car was ever injured! Don't know if I could take a car like that on the track? I would worry too much about the marbles bouncing of his hood! Thumbs up Super Dave. Hey, Ron where & when is your next event?
Is this the same car I just said I liked from the MSA show? Looks more orange? Wish it was mine! Craig
Very red
Ed, this car is so sweet to look at! All the pictures tell a story of alot of work, and by the looks of it, it paid off in the end with a perfect ride! I enjoyed the view, thanks. Craig
Strange how both mounts are broken at the same time. And for the motor to slide foward far enough to catch the radiator? what happened to your throttle linkage, wires, hoses and what ever else. . ? motors usually lift and not go foward? I'd say- In addition to bad motor mounts being a cause, it could be caused by the fan clutch failing, or radiator not mounted securely. A bad bumpy road could have worked something loose? Hell, it work your electrical system loose!
Stoopid question
Bill, a search on the subject of SU oil will show how many opionions there really are on the matter. Everyone seems to find one that works for them. I use to run mine dry but again I was not city driving only wide open on the track. As mentioned the viscocity of the oil will govern how fast the piston raises and lowers the needle in and out of the gas jet in the carb. Makes for smoother acceleration and deceleration especially in moments of hard on and off the throttle. I found what works for me best is Marv. Mystry Oil! If you do add some it only takes acouple of CC's to fill it, not much at all. You mention that you are noticing this at idle and what about driving? anything then? You will probably find your problem in the mixture and the syncronization of the 2 carbs with each other. Timing adjustment. Also a small vacuum leak around the intakes or a cracked hose can give you the run around too, especially if the leak changes as the car changes temprature too. I thought you had done a plug, wire, and cap change? So if you did? the next thing I would tend to is carb adjustments. There is alot posted here about setting up SU carbs. Good luck.
Help On Taking Off Head
Spraying that broken bolt and or any other with penitrating oil and letting it sit for a bit may help in the tear down procedure. Also masking tape, a sharpie marker and ziploc baggies make organizing hardware easier when you disassemble, also makes things go back together quicker. If you take your stuff to a shop, they will like you for labeling everything and not just dropping off a bunch of parts in a box. That welding a nut on a broken bolt worked for me in getting a broken V8 header bolt out once!
3/17/05 Nissan Day @ WSIR
HI Marty, How's it going! I know what you mean, if you we closer I'd drag you over! The thing here is you don't need a race car if you just want to bring a Z out and enjoy the track feel at speed. 1st timer drivers, or those not into pedal to the metal can run at speeds comfortable to them. I sure you've been to these type of fun events. Not exactly sure the amount of track time. But it will most likely be like the OTR events that we often attend. They arrange into 3 groups of experience and each group has 30 minute sessions each one after another. They break for lunch and then the track goes hot again. We get in about 5 sessions each. Cindy signs into one group and I into another. Our car gets double duty and so do we if we each ride as passenger with the other. So if we count all that time we each are at speed on the track, it's for 5 hours. Talk about tired at the end of the day! I often sit a session out and relax. Sometimes by the end of the day alot of drivers leave and they let anyone go out and have at it the last hour. If we plan things right we are going to try and do 2 days in a row. Currently we're adding a few more mods to the car now and getting things together. Crossin fingers all goes well. Talk to ya later, Craig.
3/17/05 Nissan Day @ WSIR
Just passing on a note that 1st timers are welcome to this track event if you have a Datsun/Nissan and want to take it to WSIR and feel your seat pucker in some of the turns! I changed my last note to include 1st time track people. Anyways, here is an updated message. See ya there if you make it- Craig & Cindy --------------------------------- Hey all, As I already told Mike Kojima at Nissan, we're may be in trouble if we don't get some interest going for the 3/17 event. As in a possible cancellation & since this is our 1st time renting Big W., that wouldn't bode well for being welcomed back on that track. So if you could please let everyone know on the various lists/BB's/forums/etc. that we will welcome 1st timers, & we'll provide some extra instruction throughout the day to make them as comfortable as possible. This will be a hell of an event if we can pull it off! Once again, the online reg. is at: http://www.gfos.net/serca/2005/bigwillow/reg.php Thanks in advance to everyone for your help promoting this! CAG
Carbon fiber rip off
Betcha dollars to donuts his car kicks A$$ on the track. Looks like he's having fun playing with the car too. Gotta support that racing addiction some way.
Finally - My Z Arrives
How funny, that was the next item my eye caught after looking at the white corrosion on the cap, the coolant picked up the flash. Probably evaporated by now, so warm up the car to see how fast of a leak you have.
SERCA Club at Willowsprings
Any other CZCC people are welcome to the WSIR track in California. We will be there for the fun! Craig & Cindy Hello fellow Datsun/Nissan track nuts! Online registration for Big Willow on St. Patty's Day is now up at: http://www.gfos.net/serca/2005/bigwillow/reg.php Please note that we CAN accept "very 1st timers" at this event, however there will be additional instruction given to those who need help. Run at speeds you are comfortable with. Feel free to forward this information to other "hot-lappers" and direct questions to me at my club email below. Thanks for your support of the SE-R Club of America (SERCA)! Sincerely, Carlos Gutierrez SERCA Southwest Region Exec. southwest@serca.org -
www.opentrackracing.com Will be Wed. the 16th @ the Big track of Willowsprings, California. 5- half hour track sessions with BBQ lunch for $145.00 There will a couple Z cars there with us if you are interested. -
3/17/05 Nissan Day @ WSIR
For those who take their Zs to the track in California, March 17th is a Nissan/Datsun day put on by the SERCA Club if you are interested. $140 for the day with a lunch is a good price. You won't be wiping that smile off your face for days after! We will be there for an Opentrackracing event the day before and then the SERCA event on the 17th. Let us know if you have questions or email Carlos. Thanks Craig & Cindy Here is the message from Carlos: Hello fellow Datsun/Nissan track nuts! Online registration for Big Willow on St. Patty's Day is now up at: http://www.gfos.net/serca/2005/bigwillow/reg.php Please note that we CAN accept "very 1st timers" at this event, There will be some additional help on and around the track for those who need it. 1st timers are welcome too! Feel free to forward this information to other "hot-lappers" and direct questions to me at my club email below. Thanks for your support of the SE-R Club of America (SERCA)! Sincerely, Carlos Gutierrez SERCA Southwest Region Exec. southwest@serca.org
Video: what my Z would dream about
That was Way Cool! I had that same dream too!!! Matter of fact we're planning the next visit to track dreamland now. by the way where are your gloves?
Turn 5-6
Besides the Fontana track being about 15 minutes away, Willowsprings International Raceway is about 1.5 hrs away. It is the fastest road coarse west of the Mississippi. This track takes 1-day to learn but a life time to master! Each turn is different and the 2.5 mile track has alot of elevation changes to it. http://www.willowspringsraceway.com/home/home.asp Most street cars stay back a bit, to avoid the debris from chipping up their paint. Cindy is the type of driver who really looks for the best line and focuses alot on hitting the marks and each apex just right, much better than I do. I am currently faster than she, but she is a cleaner driver than I. She is now asking me to step up the car for greater speeds. I guess it's time to swap the 4.63s for the 4.11 gears. She got her first feel of some high speed drift in the turns and liked it. She is approaching the grip limits soon! Her goal is to kick my a$$ on the track. Guys, I'm having the best time of my life right now! NOTHING BUT TAIL LIGHTS!
Opentrackracing @ WSIR
Thanks guys! We have a hard time leaving the kids behind, and they can get bored at the track so I found this 2003 Elkhorn 11X for a great price. With a camper set up I still have my truck to use without the camper too. The truck is a 1999 Chevy 3500, 4x4, dually with a stock 454. I hum down the road @ 55-65mph no problem. I have the Firestone air-springs to help the load, had to jump to a 2.5" Titan class-V hitch with a 48" extension due to the camper overhang on the back. The trailer has elect. brakes and so far everythinng is just fine. I did all the work myself in Dec. and last week was it's maiden voyage. It got down below 30* and the gas heater ran all most all night. Had 1/8" of ice on the Z to remove before first session on the track but warmed up nice by 10:00am. Planning a 2 day track event in March next. It was tight for the 5 of us and a dog, but it just made the family alittle closer now!
Turn 5-6
- In for some more fuel.