Everything posted by Chino 240Z
Kicking it at WSIR
Cindy in turn 9
Craig in turn 3
Opentrackracing @ WSIR
Driving poll
I picked alternate.
Driving poll
Can't vote either. X- Every other month, I trailer it to the track and drive it like I stole it!
Bleeing the brakes 1973 240Z (?)
Remember to keep an eye on that resevoir! It dosen't take more than acouple good bleed cycles to drain it down and then suck air. . . been there done that. :surprised
whatZ DidZ You GetZ for CriZtmaZ?
Z related, lets see: 3" long studs for front rotors Porterfield R4 Carbon/Kevlar Front Brake Pads [6] bottles of Motul 600 RBF [10] qts of Redline oil [2] MSA Z hats [2] Simpson neck supports (1 for Mrs. Chino & 1 for me) [1] OMP 3-Layer Nomex suit (for Mrs. Chino) [1] VARA University Racing class Jan 8th & 9th (for Mrs. Chino, I'm the gas man this time) [1] 11 ft. Slide in Camper for truck to pull the Z & for use at the track. All for the Z!
Just to share the Datsun meet pics!
Osu! Hey, glad to have seen you at JGTC. We were on pit road in the car when we saw you hard at work with your camera. Keep up the good work! Gambatte ne! Craig & Cindy
Chino Z
Thanks Guys. Nice to have met you V12horse. We had a fun time looking at all the cars. The wind was terrible but was better than working. We are suffering from only doing 1 stupid fan lap. All and any early Z there that day received alot of attention to bad more couldn't be there.
A note for you Z drivers
Close one, Lucky man! Now go play the Lotto! I was once hit by a van, did a flip and landed on my feet, so I know what you mean spaced out!
Momo Steering Wheels
You might be able to install the Datsun logo inside the Momo center cap? or maybe trim & file a Datsun cap to fit. I liked the feel and size & color of this Momo. We are using a push-button release hub with it to remove the wheel.
miles per gallon?
Exactly, how can you even think about mileage when you have such a fun car to drive as a Z. On the gas, going through the gears, off the gas, back-fire, back-fire, rumble rumble, then on the gas again. Hmm, sounds like music with a repeating chorus to me! And there is no gas mileage in that song...
miles per gallon?
I would guess with your motor build, SUs with SMs, sounds like the ball park-17 to 22. But then again, does your right foot have a mind of it's own and often enjoy the pedal to the metal? drive it like you stole it? or rather like an old lady? :nervous:
The ULTIMATE Rally???
Notice these clowns pictures of themselves acting like they are doing some race thing or something. A phase scrolled by, which is probably their inside motto: "Catch us if you can" !!! :stupid: after they have your money.
Fuel pump problem?
Like Beandip said, some previous owners remove them, I kept mine and look at them once in awhile. But these last-chance filters are in the banjo bolt on the side of the fuel bowl as Bambikiller mentioned. Here is a pic from ZTherapy site.
Japanese Q/A sticker?
Not Telling? What? Okay here's mine if I can remember. I'll have to look up those characters again to be sure. SLAPE SUREIPU SU= Subarashi = Great REI= Spirit or Devine PU= Kazi or Wind The- Great Devine Wind :
Recommendations on newer ignition and plugs
Excellent choices, with the Platinum and also the D6K9 Dist. Several ways to go with about the same results. Just because you spend more money does not mean that others won't get the same results. I thought I needed to replace my distributor or the Pertronix elect. module, but after I had a shop spin the distributor on a machine to measure its performance- there was no need to spend the money, everything was okay up to 8000rpms. So I cleaned up the unit and the wiring, put it back in and found my problem else where. I like Pertronixs setups and no more points to worry about.
Recommendations on newer ignition and plugs
Oh yeah, well here some more info. It will either fasinate you to excitment or bore you to tears. But this is why I have an Iridium tip! I mean tips! Iridium: Relatively recent advances in fabrication techniques have enabled the use of Iridium - an incredibly hard precious metal, for the construction of spark plug electrodes. Laser welding technology is used to weld the Iridium tip to spark plugs manufactured by both Denso and NGK. It's worth noting that spark plugs can't increase the potential power that an engine can generate but a more efficient spark will provide more efficient combustion and associated performance and economy benefits. A poor spark from a worn or low grade spark plug will reduce efficiency. An Iridium plug will produce a more efficient spark. Notable properties of Iridium are its melting point - approximately 2450 degrees C, considerably higher than Platinum, and it's strength - approximately 8 times that of platinum. The table below compares the characteristics of Iridium with those of other precious/semi-precious metals commonly used in the construction of spark plugs. There are currently two main manufacturers of Iridium spark plugs available in the UK. NGK have their Iridium IX brand and Denso have their Iridium Power spark plugs. Both are very high quality products using laser welding technology and manufacturing techniques perfected over a very long history of spark plug design and manufacture. Advantages of Iridium spark plug types: Because of the properties of Iridium, the spark plugs centre electrode can be made with a much smaller diameter than with platinum types (usually 0.8mm for NGK and 0.7mm for Denso), Gold or gold palladium and copper/nickel types. This means that spark plugs potential difference is more concentrated and hence less 'spark jump' voltage is required - this can be as much as 5,000 volts less than with standard plug types. Ignition is improved and less strain is placed on the ignition system. Benefits of improved ignition/combustion include better fuel economy, increased power/acceleration and especially better throttle response. (still trying to figure out how to copy this other chart to post)
Recommendations on newer ignition and plugs
Iridium is stonger than Platinum, but you pay more too. Here is a symbol chart. Hope it can show up clear enough to read.
Japanese Q/A sticker?
Once the changes were made to the parts, it probably didn't matter to remove the identification sticker and more of a hassle, just get it back out into the production line. So Alan, did you get a personalized Hanko stamp for your name? If so what Kanji did you choose?
Yet another tire/wheel question
Hey Brandy, You mention- get the brakes checked out (again, supposedly new, but they squeal like a fatally stuck pig). When you look over your front brakes, check to see if there is a thin metal shim between the pads and the caliper pistons that squeeze your brake pads. Ofter over the years people leave them out or forget to re-install them when they do a brake job. These shims and some brake grease will stop the squeal that Zs are known for. I had the same problem and sure enough once replaced the squeal was gone. Your brakes may be fine and just need a set of shims? The shims are also found at MSA for about $19 to $20.00 for Right & Left set together. I purchased a set last month. There are acouple other items in the kit like the pins that the pads hang from that should be installed too, nice to freshen them up too. Old ones get worn & rusty not letting the pads slide or return after brakes are applied. Good Luck. Craig
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Hey 2zornot2z, "I'll see how long I can drag that out. Maybe my wife will forget about it and I'll get to keep it." -how long you've been married? Women have memories like an elephant, they never forget! :cross-eye
Are '79 5 Spds any good?
Here is more on the gearing for these transmissions. Also some pics of the differences at the bottom of the page. http://www.geocities.com/inlinestroker/ratio.html
Are '79 5 Spds any good?
Hi Marty, We have the early 280ZX 5spd (77-79) and it has done just fine. I didn't know about the A - B thing, but here is a chart that list the different gearing ratio. I do know that when we are going from 4th to 5th flat out, it does keep us pulling away from others for the little bit extra, but the difference from 4th to 5th in the RPMS just drops about 500-600rpms, or so. Not much difference from 4th to 5th. But all in all it's good for us. http://www.gracieland.org/cars/techtalk/gearing2.html