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Chino 240Z

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Everything posted by Chino 240Z

  1. Chino 240Z replied to MrMarcDude's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Zrush, you speak the truth! Only, you need to use a Spin Tech instead of a Blowmaster. Here is the Moroso Spiral Flow muffler we have on the Z, and it sounds Zweet! Header, 3" all the way back, then Spiral Flow out the tail! http://www.moroso.com/catalog/categorydisplay.asp?catcode=35001
  2. Chino 240Z replied to MrMarcDude's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey MarcDude, I have an electric cutout on my Firebird. At a touch of switch I can open an elect. solenoid valve that opens the exhaust cutout after the collector, then close it with the switch too. It is a fun toy to play with, scare the bajiggers out of old ladies and Mustang drivers. :eek:
  3. Chino 240Z replied to Marty Rogan's post in a topic in RACING
    Are you running SUs, Webers or other? Lack of fuel in long turns is also a carb-fuel bowl problem too. I never had the problem with the SUs, their round fuel bowl & bottom feed design is a benifit. But others have found this problem with the Webers having the fuel to one side of the bowl during long hard turns, opposite of fuel pickup side. Yours seems to be tank issues though.
  4. Chino 240Z replied to Marty Rogan's post in a topic in RACING
    Sounds like a blast, Marty! Long sweeper turns can do that to some cars too. Its amazing the amount of fuel you can suck down when your foot is in the carb for 30 minutes. I have a 12gal. cell and it is empty in 2- 20 minute sessions. We have a Nov. 9th opentrack day coming up soon, I get dry mouth just thinking about it! :lick:
  5. Smart buy from a good guy. Also good attitude too, nothing is perfect these days. We just drive the Z cars, we work on the Z cars, we care for the Z car, and some of us even have enough talent to raise Z cars from the dead. In return the Z car puts a big smile on our face. Enjoy the ride and the life of your 71 Z! :classic:
  6. Being moved, or bent over time and again, check the wire that it has continuity through it, that it's not broken inside and also that the slide on terminals are clean and tight.
  7. Chino 240Z replied to Ed's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Hey Ed, Do you see it in the picture? I found this pic on the ZTherapy site under Products, under Zcar, and there are several SU carb pictures. I would check with Steve there. You sure got your SUs looking nice! If you sent all those parts out for cleaning and plating and you only lost 1 spring? They did good. Anyways call ZTherapy. Craig
  8. I had a guy in a College motor rebuilding class that had a wire attached to his throttle linkage and pushed through the radio cut-out openning in his truck. He gave it gas by pulling on the wire by hand. We asked him why not buy a new cable and we would help him install it? and he replied what is wrong with the one I got!?!? :stupid: sorry not related- BUT FUNNY HUH!
  9. until

    Japan GT Championship Racing California Speedway in Fontana, California on Dec. 18 & 19. Couple of Z clubs will be in a VIP car show with autocross, noon time track drive, tons of stuff to see from Japan and Japans top GT race teams to race. For more info. visit- http://www.jgtcusa.net/ We'll be there! Chino 240Z
  10. until

    Japan GT Championship Racing California Speedway in Fontana, California on Dec. 18 & 19. Couple of Z clubs will be in a VIP car show with autocross, noon time track drive, tons of stuff to see from Japan and Japans top GT race teams to race. For more info. visit- http://www.jgtcusa.net/ We'll be there! Chino 240Z
  11. until

    Willow Spring International Raceway @ Rosamond, California A day of hot lapping your Z on the big track at WSIR for $145.00. For more detail visit www.opentrackracing.com or pm me-Chino 240Z. :pirate:
  12. Chino 240Z replied to broken74's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Another thing I do is, after the spray soap has loosened the dirt up I use the water hose or faucet to rinse from the inside-out of the filter. Hoping it pushes the dirt out the way it came, instead of from the outside pushing the dirt deeper into the filter media. Then lastly, wash the outside. Should be good as new.
  13. Welcome Danny, We all have the same type of questions at one time or another. I often ask myself before each modification, change, tune-up or purchase if it is the best move. Ya know you can only answer this for yourself and only after you have done some homework. The answers and a Z education are in every post. Lots of good pictures of Zs and "how-to"s in the gallery. $3500 sounds like a fair price but one can never tell without a look and a drive. But I don't think I would jump at the 1st Z just to get on the band-wagon. No car is carefree, new or 30 some years old. The driving experience of a classic Z is worth the work one my have to do once in awhile to keep her in top shape. But with the know-how you already have most repairs and tuneups are possible and fun when you get to do it yourself. If you prepare for your Z before you get one, your experience will only be better from the get go! But watch out cause once that Z bug bites you- Your History Dude :knockedou Good Luck with you choice of Zs. Craig
  14. Chino 240Z commented on gundee's comment on a gallery image in Racing
  15. Chino 240Z replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I told you that you wouldn't like the earthquakes! :nervous: No More STRIKE-SLIP! :eek:
  16. Chino 240Z commented on Chino 240Z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. Chino 240Z replied to broken74's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    The soap spray in the recharging kits works great, but often I have run out and had to use liquid dish-washing soap in hot water in the kitchen sink. Soap em up real good and let them soak for a while then rinse real good, let dry, re-oil and re-install. I have K&Ns on all my vehicles and do the same for all.
  18. Chino 240Z posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  19. Chino 240Z replied to broken74's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Places that sell the K&N filters also sell the recharging kits. Comes with 1- container of soap that you spray on the filter and let it soak awhile before rinsing clean. Then it also has 1-container of oil (red tint in color), that is specially made to lightly spray and coat to catch the dirt particles. I get about 3 or 4 rechargings out of a kit. I also soak the filter in a sink of warm/hot water after the soap has had time to loosen the dirt. The hot water makes the oil & dirt come out easy as I rinse. Let it dry before oiling again, and then re-install, good as new! Oh and yes, compressed air can tear up your filter or only push the dirt deeper into the inside of the filter, then possibly into your intake!
  20. Chino 240Z replied to ezzzzzzz's post in a topic in Introductions
    Count your blessing dude! 1.) You own an awesome Z! 2.) You get to drive a bitchen Z! 3.) ? ? ? well nothing else matters now! Looking fine! :classic:
  21. Well, see there was your problem! Don't you just hate having to finish someone elses work? It's good to take inventory and a closer look once in a while huh, Cool deal!
  22. Jingle sound? Loose change $! Need to do a bumper to bumper check on all the nuts & bolts, inside and out. Loose seat belts, straps, buckles, tools, jack, exhaust hangers, lic.plate frames, just about anything you can wiggle or rattle check it out. You may find other things that need attention while looking for you Jingle. Get the car up on jacks (be careful) and look under her too. :paranoid:
  23. Chino 240Z replied to Tommo560's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Yes it can be done. I had to kinda twist and turn the filter around the airhorns to get them by the airhorns. I thought it was impossible, but like a puzzle I kept trying from different directions to get the most room and get them on. They will twist pretty good and not hurt them. Don't smash or pinch them. But slowly bend, stretch and turn them. I have a strut brace bracket on the fender well and one of the filter scrapes the bolt as I carefully squeeze it around the airhorn trying not to bend up the thin wire mess on the filter. I think filters that have the wire mess all broken or bent up look like crap! Anyways if mine go on with alittle extra "fingering it out" you should be able to do it. I have had them off & on many times while tuning. I dread it, but I get through it. Good Luck
  24. Chino 240Z replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    All are good to do for short term, even here in California. Longer is different, I put a car away for 2 yrs. up on blocks, had someone run it once a month, till battery went dead, then came back pulled her out and so many things went to crap after that, sold it, end of story. Short term is the key word, you should be ok. PS California is getting crowded, smogy, traffic jamed, and you wouldn't like the earthquakes . . .but if you own a Zed, come on over it's great.

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