Everything posted by Chino 240Z
Worried....how do u protect ur z from being stolen
Get a Trunk Monkey. http://www.funny-base.com/videos/70-trunk-monkey.html
What are your favorite Quotes?
Ron, I thought you were going to say... "If you can dodge a Dodge you can dodge a lemon" just kidding you Dodge fans... "Warm yourself twice, Chop your own wood" Henry Ford
What are your favorite Quotes?
oops...not so sure there is much too learn about Zs over there? 66stang gal & Pontiacguy enjoy your learning experience with the rest of us HERE at the right site.
What are your favorite Quotes?
I'm guessing he also owns a Pontiac? My daily driver is a 93 Pontiac Formula... as for learning as much about the Z, don't feel afraid to tell someone to explain (chances are they don't know either) but hang right their with your friend and his Z, you can get more done with 2 people. Mrs. Chino 240Z won't let me work on the Z without her!!! tells me she owns 51% of the car? but it's 50 / 50 behind the wheel at the track. Nothing wrong with keeping the Stang an orig. straight 6, our 68 was too. So as to not hi-jack this thread or change the theme.... lets see...I like to say... "To each his own" "Hito to iro" Japanese for "People & Colors"- "Many people & Many Colors" "Osaru mo ki kara ochiru" Japanese for "Even monkeys fall from trees" - everyone makes mistakes. :cross-eye
What are your favorite Quotes?
Hi 1966FordMustang, Welcome and hope you stay! 20 years ago my girlfriend had a 68-Stang, straight 6, candy-apple red, white top... so fine. I had a 72 Mach I and I had also purchased a Z car. The cars made a good combination! This girl is now my wife and racing partner & best friend for over 18yrs. Still to this day we both wish we had that 68 & 72 Fords... should have never sold them. Anyways enjoy your boyfriends Z, and never sell that 66!!! 20 years later you will still be regretting it! Cheers...Craig & Cindy
lighter flywheel...how much better ???
Maxima flywheel fits right in. 07/78 to 06/84 Datsun 810 Maxima #123100-Y7000 Identify this flywheel by the casting code on the backside "Y70". Used Pick-a-part yards cost about $50 to $75.
Another day @ WSIR So. Calif.
Hi Marduke, You or anyone else are always welcome to stop by, no charge at the gate, just sign in. You can always sit in on the drivers meeting at 8:00 then there is a track-line instruction class following that you can also check out. Most anyone offers brave soles rides in there cars through out the day, just bring a helmet. Lots of bench racing in the pits going on, nice cars, snack-bar, gift shop and all you can eat BBQ lunch is $10 too. Often professional teams use OTR for testing, like once Borris Said showed up with his Trans Am Mustang cars. You are also welcome to join us at Camp-Z and go for a ride too. I am 99% sure the Nov. 16th will go off rain or shine! Hope to Z-ya there.
Track Time For Your Z
Since the last ACRA event was cancelled the next OTR event may sell out early? Here is the info. if anyone has the need for more speed! Gor for it! We'll be there! Craig & Cindy ----------------------- OPEN TRACK RACING Just a quick reminder Racer Buddies... Our next event is scheduled for Nov 16, 2005 on the big track at Willow Springs. This event will be run in the same fashion as all previous events. We will have three run groups, beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each run group will get (5) 30 minute run sessions totaling 2 1/2 hours of track time. For all newbies or people who want to attend, we will have classroom instruction followed by on-track instruction. As always, all paid participants will get an all you can eat BBQ lunch and an OPEN TRACK RACING shirt. The price for this event is $145.00. Please remember that all OTR events are open to all that want to attend, so please tell a friend! Please Please Please Register Early!!! I am fully aware that everyone is very comfortable at registering at the very last minute, but if you could please take the time to register early, it would be very helpful to me. Kailo www.opentrackracing.com
Another day @ WSIR So. Calif.
Sorry to say I just heard this event had been cancelled due to the slow enrollment. BUT! the next available track date will be Nov. 16th with OPENTRACKRACING.COM so go to Nov. 16th for more details!
S. Calif. Open Track Event
OPENTRACKRACING Southern California Willow Springs Internaltional Raceway. It will be held at WSIR on the 2.5 mile road course (A.K.A. The Big Track). The price is $145 per driver and includes: *Classroom Race Instruction *On Track Instruction *5 Thirty Minute Sessions Total of 2 ½ hours of track time Average driver logs 140 miles on the track *3 Run Groups: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced *All You Can Eat BBQ Lunch *Limited Production Shirt The event is open to every type of vehicle, from full race to street stock. Drivers must bring a helmet and convertibles require a roll bar (Factory Installed Pop-up roll bars are acceptable). For additional information please visit our website or give us a call. You may register through the link on the website. www.opentrackracing.com -
Open track 10.16.05 Albq, NM
Hey guys & gals, if you have never tried it, here is your chance to get a feel what your Z-Ride at speed it like! It is such a fun-good-feel-time...it should be illegal! Thank goodness it's not! Have Fun!
Another day @ WSIR So. Calif.
Just spreading the word: Another up coming track date at So. Calif. Willow Springs International Raceway. Can't beat the price for seat time in your Z on the track. We'll be there... 10/25/05 Craig & Cindy --------------------------- ACRA American Car Racing The next event will be on October 25th. It will be held at Willow Springs Insternational Raceway on the 2.5 mile road course (A.K.A. The Big Track). The price is $145 per driver and includes: *Classroom Race Instruction *On Track Instruction *5 Thirty Minute Sessions Total of 2 ½ hours of track time Average driver logs 140 miles on the track *3 Run Groups: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced *All You Can Eat BBQ Lunch *Limited Production Shirt The event is open to every type of vehicle, from full race to street stock. Drivers must bring a helmet and convertibles require a roll bar (Factory Installed Pop-up roll bars are acceptable). For additional information please visit our website or give us a call. You may register through the link on the website or call the number below and we will fax you the forms. www.americancarracing.com 18543 Devonshire, #310 Northridge, Ca 91324 (818) 360-3906 ---------------------------- ...hope to Z-ya there!
So. Calif. Willow Springs A.K.A. "The Big Track"
Sorry to say I just heard this event had been cancelled due to the slow enrollment. BUT! the next available track date will be Nov. 16th with OPENTRACKRACING.COM so go to Nov. 16th for more details! -------------------------- Just spreading the word: Up coming track date at So. Calif. Willow Springs International Raceway. Can't beat the price for seat time in your Z on the track. We'll be there... Craig & Cindy --------------------------- ACRA American Car Racing The next event will be on October 25th. It will be held at Willow Springs Insternational Raceway on the 2.5 mile road course (A.K.A. The Big Track). The price is $145 per driver and includes: *Classroom Race Instruction *On Track Instruction *5 Thirty Minute Sessions Total of 2 ½ hours of track time Average driver logs 140 miles on the track *3 Run Groups: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced *All You Can Eat BBQ Lunch *Limited Production Shirt The event is open to every type of vehicle, from full race to street stock. Drivers must bring a helmet and convertibles require a roll bar (Factory Installed Pop-up roll bars are acceptable). For additional information please visit our website or give us a call. You may register through the link on the website or call the number below and we will fax you the forms. www.americancarracing.com 18543 Devonshire, #310 Northridge, Ca 91324 (818) 360-3906 ---------------------------- ...you can also contact Chino240Z regarding this event, hope to Zya there! -
This is why I speed!
350Z in a straight line crash... http://www.fungod.com/coppermine/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=32
Sorta new member...
:classic: Thumbs up!
JC Whitney door seals
I got the free sample and I like it. Don't know if you "factory-original" guys will think it is a good match to the original... but I like the stuff and will pull it around both doors and inside the rear hatch... just for a better seal and to keep the doors from rattling at 130pmh! I just ordered 45ft. of the stuff. Thanks for the tip Ed!
OTR 9/21/05 Balcony
I should post a pic of what it looks like by the end of the day! Bug guts, Tire rubber, & Dust. It's waiting in the garage now to get cleaned. I think we call the color "School Bus Yellow".
OTR Chino 240Z Family
Thanks all! Hard to get everyone together for a family photo. I think this one will make it in this years Christmas cards.
Dyno 9/19/05
It's was worth about 7ponies! I might try in at the track too. Also made it easier to turn on the in car video mounted on the roll bar, watching the gauges.
- OTR 9/21/05 Balcony
- OTR Chino 240Z Family
- OTR 9/21/05 Camp Z
- Dyno 9/19/05
Removing Over-spray on dash
Marty, if you use any solvent try it on the edge or somewhere it won't show incase it attacks to old plastics? "Goof-off" is mild & pretty safe. I also like using "Oops" I get it at Wal-Fart. So far oops has worked a little bit better than goof-off for me and never messed up anything I've painted with plastic model building. It smells gooood too.. :stupid: Older overspray may be little more difficult to remove than newer. Hope it is more recent from a sloppy painter?
Fuel Starvation Problem
Cool deal Marty! Glad to hear problem gone and had a perfect track day. We got back last night from our track day and was also awsome. Was worried about the rain we had the day before, but it cleaned up our track with 85 to 90 degree sun and puff white clouds in a blue sky. I'll put up a couple pics tomorrow. Everything worked great, cut 2 more seconds on my best lap times and still feeding off the high! An insullation gasket will do it I guess. You might be able to spray some starting fluid around intake gaskets, caps, hoses and such (caution flameable) to help find leaks. The motor will change in it's idle as the ether is taken in. But you might already know that... anyways... Thumbs up for a great track day! Cheers Craig